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Merge pull request #294 from gerardog/fix/console-title
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Preserve console title after gsudo exit (#266)
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gerardog committed Aug 27, 2023
2 parents d0cc926 + db7bf90 commit 5cb9968
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Showing 2 changed files with 241 additions and 46 deletions.
182 changes: 182 additions & 0 deletions src/gsudo.Wrappers/Invoke-ElevatedCommand.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
Executes a ScriptBlock or script file in a new elevated instance of PowerShell using gsudo.
The Invoke-ElevatedCommand cmdlet serializes a ScriptBlock or script file and executes it in an elevated PowerShell instance using gsudo. The elevated command runs in a separate process, which means it cannot directly access or modify variables from the invoking scope.
The cmdlet supports passing arguments to the ScriptBlock or script file using the -ArgumentList parameter, which can be accessed with the $args automatic variable within the ScriptBlock or script file. Additionally, you can provide input from the pipeline using $Input, which will be serialized and made available within the elevated execution context.
The result of the elevated command is serialized, sent back to the non-elevated instance, deserialized, and returned. This means object graphs are recreated as PSObjects.
Optionally, you can check for "$LastExitCode -eq 999" to determine if gsudo failed to elevate, such as when the UAC popup is cancelled.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
Specifies a ScriptBlock to be executed in an elevated PowerShell instance. For example: { Get-Process Notepad }
Specifies the path to a script file to be executed in an elevated PowerShell instance.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
Provides a list of elements that will be accessible inside the ScriptBlock or script as $args[0], $args[1], and so on.
.PARAMETER LoadProfile
Loads the user profile in the elevated PowerShell instance, regardless of the gsudo configuration setting PowerShellLoadProfile.
Does not load the user profile in the elevated PowerShell instance.
.PARAMETER RunAsTrustedInstaller
Runs the command as the TrustedInstaller user.
Runs the command as the SYSTEM user.
Clears the gsudo cache before executing the command.
Opens a new window for the elevated command.
.PARAMETER KeepNewWindowOpen
Keeps the new window open after the elevated command finishes execution.
Keeps the shell open after the elevated command finishes execution.
Closes the shell after the elevated command finishes execution.
.PARAMETER InputObject
You can pipe any object to this function. The object will be serialized and available as $Input within the ScriptBlock or script.
The output of the ScriptBlock or script executed in the elevated context.
Invoke-ElevatedCommand { return Get-Content 'C:\My Secret Folder\My Secret.txt' }
Get-Process notepad | Invoke-ElevatedCommand { $input | Stop-Process }
$a = 1; $b = Invoke-ElevatedCommand { $args[0] + 10 } -ArgumentList $a; Write-Host "Sum returned: $b"
Sum returned: 11
Invoke-ElevatedCommand { Get-Process explorer } | ForEach-Object { $_.Id }
# The script block to execute in an elevated context.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName='ScriptBlock')] [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]
[ArgumentCompleter( { param ()
# Auto complete with last 5 ran commands.
$lastCommands = Get-History | Select-Object -last 5 | % { "{ $($_.CommandLine) }" }

if ($lastCommands -is [System.Array]) {
# Last one first.
$lastCommands[($lastCommands.Length - 1)..0] | % { $_ };
elseif ($lastCommands) {
# Only one command.
} )]


# Alternarive file to be executed in an elevated PowerShell instance.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName='ScriptFile')] [String] $FilePath,

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.Object[]] $ArgumentList,

[Parameter(ParameterSetName='ScriptBlock')] [switch] $LoadProfile,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='ScriptBlock')] [switch] $NoProfile,

[Parameter()] [switch] $RunAsTrustedInstaller,
[Parameter()] [switch] $RunAsSystem,
[Parameter()] [switch] $ClearCache,

[Parameter()] [switch] $NewWindow,
[Parameter()] [switch] $KeepNewWindowOpen,
[Parameter()] [switch] $KeepShell,
[Parameter()] [switch] $NoKeep,

[ValidateSet('Low', 'Medium', 'MediumPlus', 'High', 'System')]

[Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [pscustomobject] $InputObject
Begin {
$inputArray = @()
Process {
foreach ($item in $InputObject) {
# Add the modified item to the output array
$inputArray += $item
End {
$gsudoArgs = @()

if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"].IsPresent) { $gsudoArgs += '--debug' }

if ($LoadProfile) { $gsudoArgs += '--LoadProfile' }
if ($RunAsTrustedInstaller) { $gsudoArgs += '--ti' }
if ($RunAsSystem) { $gsudoArgs += '-s' }
if ($ClearCache) { $gsudoArgs += '-k' }
if ($NewWindow) { $gsudoArgs += '-n' }
if ($KeepNewWindowOpen) { $gsudoArgs += '--KeepWindow' }
if ($NoKeep) { $gsudoArgs += '--close' }
if ($Integrity) { $gsudoArgs += '--integrity'; $gsudoArgs += $Integrity}

if ($Credential) {
$CurrentSid = ([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).User.Value;
$gsudoArgs += "-u", $credential.UserName

# At the time of writing this, there is no way (considered secure) to send the password to gsudo. So instead of sending the password, lets start a credentials cache instance.
$p = Start-Process "gsudo.exe" -Args "-u $($credential.UserName) gsudoservice $PID $CurrentSid All 00:05:00" -credential $Credential -LoadUserProfile -WorkingDirectory "$env:windir" -WindowStyle Hidden -PassThru
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5) {
$pwsh = "powershell.exe"
} else {
$pwsh = "pwsh.exe"

if ($ScriptBlock) {
if ($NoProfile) {
$gsudoArgs += '-d';
$gsudoArgs += $pwsh;
$gsudoArgs += '-NoProfile';
$gsudoArgs += '-NoLogo';

if ($KeepShell) { $gsudoArgs += '--NoExit' }
} else {
if ($KeepShell) { $gsudoArgs += '--KeepShell' }

if ($myInvocation.expectingInput) {
$inputArray | gsudo.exe @gsudoArgs $ScriptBlock -args $ArgumentList
} else {
gsudo.exe @gsudoArgs $ScriptBlock -args $ArgumentList
} else {
if ($myInvocation.expectingInput) {
$inputArray | gsudo.exe @gsudoArgs -args $ArgumentList
} else {
gsudo.exe @gsudoArgs -d $pwsh -File $FilePath -args $ArgumentList
105 changes: 59 additions & 46 deletions src/gsudo/Commands/RunCommand.cs
Expand Up @@ -31,54 +31,67 @@ public async Task<int> Execute()
InputArguments.RunAsSystem = true;

bool isRunningAsDesiredUser = IsRunningAsDesiredUser();
bool isElevationRequired = IsElevationRequired();
bool isShellElevation = !UserCommand.Any(); // are we auto elevating the current shell?

if (isElevationRequired & SecurityHelper.GetCurrentIntegrityLevel() < (int)IntegrityLevel.Medium)
throw new ApplicationException("Sorry, gsudo doesn't allow to elevate from low integrity level."); // This message is not a security feature, but a nicer error message. It would have failed anyway since the named pipe's ACL restricts it.

if (isRunningAsDesiredUser && isShellElevation && !InputArguments.NewWindow)
throw new ApplicationException("Already running as the specified user/permission-level (and no command specified). Exiting...");

var elevationMode = GetElevationMode();

if (!isRunningAsDesiredUser)


int consoleHeight, consoleWidth;
ConsoleHelper.GetConsoleInfo(out consoleWidth, out consoleHeight, out _, out _);

var elevationRequest = new ElevationRequest()
FileName = commandBuilder.GetExeName(),
Arguments = commandBuilder.GetArgumentsAsString(),
StartFolder = Environment.CurrentDirectory,
NewWindow = InputArguments.NewWindow,
Wait = (!commandBuilder.IsWindowsApp && !InputArguments.NewWindow) || InputArguments.Wait,
Mode = elevationMode,
ConsoleProcessId = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id,
IntegrityLevel = InputArguments.GetIntegrityLevel(),
ConsoleWidth = consoleWidth,
ConsoleHeight = consoleHeight,
IsInputRedirected = Console.IsInputRedirected

if (isElevationRequired && Settings.SecurityEnforceUacIsolation)
AdjustUacIsolationRequest(elevationRequest, isShellElevation);


Logger.Instance.Log($"Command to run: {elevationRequest.FileName} {elevationRequest.Arguments}", LogLevel.Debug);
string originalWindowTitle = Console.Title;
bool isRunningAsDesiredUser = IsRunningAsDesiredUser();
bool isElevationRequired = IsElevationRequired();
bool isShellElevation = !UserCommand.Any(); // are we auto elevating the current shell?

if (isRunningAsDesiredUser || !isElevationRequired) // already elevated or running as correct user. No service needed.
return RunWithoutService(elevationRequest);
if (isElevationRequired & SecurityHelper.GetCurrentIntegrityLevel() < (int)IntegrityLevel.Medium)
throw new ApplicationException("Sorry, gsudo doesn't allow to elevate from low integrity level."); // This message is not a security feature, but a nicer error message. It would have failed anyway since the named pipe's ACL restricts it.

if (isRunningAsDesiredUser && isShellElevation && !InputArguments.NewWindow)
throw new ApplicationException("Already running as the specified user/permission-level (and no command specified). Exiting...");

var elevationMode = GetElevationMode();

if (!isRunningAsDesiredUser)


int consoleHeight, consoleWidth;
ConsoleHelper.GetConsoleInfo(out consoleWidth, out consoleHeight, out _, out _);

var elevationRequest = new ElevationRequest()
FileName = commandBuilder.GetExeName(),
Arguments = commandBuilder.GetArgumentsAsString(),
StartFolder = Environment.CurrentDirectory,
NewWindow = InputArguments.NewWindow,
Wait = (!commandBuilder.IsWindowsApp && !InputArguments.NewWindow) || InputArguments.Wait,
Mode = elevationMode,
ConsoleProcessId = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id,
IntegrityLevel = InputArguments.GetIntegrityLevel(),
ConsoleWidth = consoleWidth,
ConsoleHeight = consoleHeight,
IsInputRedirected = Console.IsInputRedirected

if (isElevationRequired && Settings.SecurityEnforceUacIsolation)
AdjustUacIsolationRequest(elevationRequest, isShellElevation);


Logger.Instance.Log($"Command to run: {elevationRequest.FileName} {elevationRequest.Arguments}", LogLevel.Debug);

if (isRunningAsDesiredUser || !isElevationRequired) // already elevated or running as correct user. No service needed.
return RunWithoutService(elevationRequest);

return await RunUsingService(elevationRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);
Console.Title = originalWindowTitle;
{ }

return await RunUsingService(elevationRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);

private static void SetRequestPrompt(ElevationRequest elevationRequest)
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