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  • Learn ** Java
  • .NET Core ** Authorization *** Definitions GetPolicyAsync This method returns authorization police for a provided name

GetDefaultPolicyAsync This method returns the default authorization policy that used by "Authorize" attribute without specifying any policy.

*** Extend from AuthorizeAttribute

Set Policy name and value in setter

*** Create a Authorization Requirement

This is a collection of data that can be used to evaluate the user principal. One requirement may be associated with different handlers.

Extends from IAuthorizationRequirement

*** Create Authorization Handler

This is the mechanism by to handle properties of the requirement.

Extends from AuthorizationHanddler, where T is an implementation of IAuthorizationRequirement

Has to implement method: protected override Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, MinimumTimeSpendRequirement requirement)

If it meets the requirement then line context.Succeed(requirement) is executed.

At the end, regardless of the outcome we return an Task.FromResult(0).

*** Custom Policy Provider

** Middleware *** Creating middleware

public class MyMiddleWare {
  private readonly RequestDelegate _next;

  public MyMiddleware(RequestDelegate next){
    _next = next ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(next));

  public Task Invoke(HttpContext context){
    //Do stuff
    return _next(context);


On Startup.cs in Configure method add line:

app.Add(new MyMiddleware());

*** Creating Extension method for options public static class MyMiddlewareExtension{ public static IApplicationBuilder UseThis(this IApplicationBuilder app){ if(app == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(app)); }

return app.UseMiddleware<MyMiddleWare>();


public static IApplicationBuilder UseThis(this IApplicationBuilder app, MyMiddlewareOptions options) { if(app == null) { new ArgumentNullException(nameof(app)); }

if(options == null)
   throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options));

return app.UseMiddleware<MyMiddleware>(Options.Create(options));

} }

** Notes

*** Definitions GetPolicyAsync This method returns authorization police for a provided name

GetDefaultPolicyAsync This method returns the default authorization policy that used by "Authorize" attribute without specifying any policy.

*** Extend from AuthorizeAttribute

Set Policy name and value in setter

*** Create a Authorization Requirement

This is a collection of data that can be used to evaluate the user principal. One requirement may be associated with different handlers.

Extends from IAuthorizationRequirement

*** Create Authorization Handler

This is the mechanism by to handle properties of the requirement.

Extends from AuthorizationHanddler, where T is an implementation of IAuthorizationRequirement

Has to implement method: protected override Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, MinimumTimeSpendRequirement requirement)

If it meets the requirement then line context.Succeed(requirement) is executed.

At the end, regardless of the outcome we return an Task.FromResult(0).