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C Deque Library, for any data type, also already specialized for common types

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C Deque Library

The implementation

A Deque unites the functionality of a Stack and a Queue. That means a Deque holds the pointer to the first element head and a pointer to the last element tail of a container for the values to save. Additionally this implementation maintains the number of saved values size and an error indicator err. Only a pointer of type ud_t is needed as interface referencing the Deque.
Schema: deque

The container for the values is a doubly-linked list. Besides of the pointer to the previous element and the next element it holds a pointer data to the actual value. This value can be of any type but should be the same for each element in a Deque because there will be no information about the memory size saved that data points to.
Schema of the linked list: list detail

Even if a Deque performs best only if the begin or the end of the list is accessed, this library also allows to insert and access values at any position in the list, to enumerate a range of the list, to reverse the list, to sort the list, to insert sorted, to search for values, ...

In addition to the general functions which can be used for any kind of data, the library contains functions that are already specialized for basic types (characters, integers, floating points) and null-terminated strings (char* and wchar_t*).

Function names for data processing consist of key words that explain their purpose:

Key Word Meaning
Push add a new element at the beginning or end of the list
Insert insert a new element at a certain position in the list
Pop delete an element at the beginning or end of the list
Erase delete an element at a certain position in the list
Remove delete an element that contains a certain value
Front access the begin of the list
Back access the end of the list
At access an element at a certain position in the list
Sort sort the list
Asc ascending order
Desc descending order
Find search the index of an element that contains a certain value

Specialized functions have an appendix that indicates the type that the function was made for.
List of appendixes:

Appendix Represented Type
C char
SC signed char
UC unsigned char
S short
US unsigned short
I int
UI unsigned int
L long
UL unsigned long
LL long long
ULL unsigned long long
F float
D double
LD long double
Str null-terminated string of char
WStr null-terminated string of wchar_t

The name of the function to add an int at the beginning of a Deque of int is
The name of the function to insert a double into an ascending-sorted Deque of double is

The comments in the first 250 lines of "uni_deque.h" should give all the information needed to work with the library. The "main.c" file contains two examples of how to use the library. One for long int values and one for null-terminated strings.

uni_deque Quick Reference

Frame Functions

Function Brief
UDOpen Open a new deque.
UDSize Returns the number of elements.
UDEmpty Test whether the deque is empty.
UDFailed Test whether the previous operation failed.
UDDeleteData Deallocate memory used for a value.
UDClose Recursively deallocate memory used in the deque.

Generalized Functions

Function Brief
UDPushFront Add element at the beginning.
UDPushBack Add element at the end.
UDInsert Insert element.
UDFront Access first element.
UDBack Access last element.
UDAt Access element at the specified index.
UDPopFront Delete first element.
UDPopBack Delete last element.
UDErase Delete element at the specified index.
UDRemove Delete element with the specified value.
UDReverse Reverse the order of elements.
UDForEach Apply function to a range of elements.
UDSort Sort elements.
UDInsertSorted Insert into a sorted deque.
UDFind Search a specified value.

Specialized Functions

Function Brief
UDPushFront... Add element at the beginning.
UDPushBack... Add element at the end.
UDInsert... Insert element.
UDFront... Access first element.
UDBack... Access last element.
UDAt... Access element at the specified index.
UDPopFront... Delete first element.
UDPopBack... Delete last element.
UDErase... Delete element at the specified index.
UDRemove... Delete element with the specified value.
UDSortAsc... Sort elements in ascending order.
UDSortDesc... Sort elements in descending order.
UDInsertAsc... Insert into an ascending-sorted deque.
UDInsertDesc... Insert into a descending-sorted deque.
UDFind... Search a specified value.

The ellipsis is a placeholder for C to WStr as described in the list of appendixes for specialized functions.


Type Brief
ud_t Type of a pointer to an object containig information to control the deque.
ud_ssize_t Signed integral type.
ud_size_t Unsigned integral type
ud_for_each_proc_t *) Type of a callback function passed to UDForEach().
ud_cmp_t **) Type of a callback function passed to UDSort(), UDInsertSorted(), UDFind(), and UDRemove().

*) Declaration of a callback function:
int ForEachCallback(void *p_data, void *user_parameter);
ForEachCallback is a placeholder for the application-defined function name.
The first parameter is the pointer to the data saved in the deque element.
The second parameter gets the pointer passed to the last parameter of UDForEach().
Return a non-zero value to continue the enumeration or zero otherwise.
NOTE The behavior is undefined if the callback function alters the number of elements or their order in the deque.

**) Declaration of a callback function:
int CmpCallback(const void *p_data_1, const void *p_data_2);
CmpCallback is a placeholder for the name of an application-defined function that compares two values.
Return a value less than zero if the first value comes before the second.
Return a zero value if both values are equal.
Return a value greater than zero if the first value comes after the second.


Macro Brief
PRI_UD_SIZE(spec) *) fprintf macro for format conversion of library-specific integer types.
SCN_UD_SIZE(spec) **) fscanf macro for format conversion of library-specific integer types.
UD_TYPE ***) To use wrapper macros, define UD_TYPE to either of appendixes of the specialized functions. Default is I.
UD_NO_WRAPPER_MACROS If this macro was defined before including "uni_deque.h" then the definition of wrapper macros will be omitted.
UD_INVALID_IDX Return value of UDFind() if the function failed.

*) Valid specifiers are i, d, u, x, and X to be passed to the macro.
**) Valid specifiers are i, d, u, and x to be passed to the macro.
***) Valid values are C to WStr as described in the list of appendixes for specialized functions. Define this macro before including "uni_deque.h" in order to use these as a replacement for the functions of this library.

Wrapper Macros

Macro Brief
OPEN replacement for UDOpen
SIZE replacement for UDSize
EMPTY replacement for UDEmpty
FAILED replacement for UDFailed
DELETE_DATA replacement for UDDeleteData
CLOSE replacement for UDClose
PUSH_FRONT replacement for UDPushFront...
PUSH_BACK replacement for UDPushBack...
INSERT replacement for UDInsert...
FRONT replacement for UDFront...
BACK replacement for UDBack...
AT replacement for UDAt...
POP_FRONT replacement for UDPopFront...
POP_BACK replacement for UDPopBack...
ERASE replacement for UDErase...
REMOVE replacement for UDRemove...
REVERSE replacement for UDReverse
FOR_EACH replacement for UDForEach
SORT_ASC replacement for UDSortAsc...
SORT_DESC replacement for UDSortDesc...
INSERT_ASC replacement for UDInsertAsc...
INSERT_DESC replacement for UDInsertDesc...
FIND replacement for UDFind...

The ellipsis is a placeholder for C to WStr as described in the list of appendixes for specialized functions. Macro UD_TYPE defines which appendix is used. Default is I.


C Deque Library, for any data type, also already specialized for common types







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