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Folders and files

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This is an experimental build tool based on the golang text/template library. As a way to learn more about Go programming language.

zanzibar extends the text/template libary to include a new *FileNode, which makes it easy to deal with file manipulations.

Example the following template code, iterates on the files of the testdata directory and prints its name.

{{file "testdata"}}

Example the following template code saves the content of file testdata/save.tmpl to testdata/halloween.tmpl

{{file "testdata/save.tmpl"}}
	{{save . "halloween.tmpl"| .Name}}


go get


You will need to create a file ZANZIBAR on the root of your project. The file is just a normal golang template.

This is a sample ZANZIBAR file I use on another of my project aurora

{{/* builds aurora */}}

{{/* configurations */}}
    {{$name       := "aurora"}}
    {{$version    := "0.0.1"}}
    {{$public     := "public"}}
    {{$templates  := "templates"}}
    {{$destination:= "builds"}}
    {{$config     := "config"}}
    {{$database   := "db"}}
    {{$cmd        :="cmd/aurora/aurora.go"}}
    {{$buildPath  := printf "%s/%s" $destination $version}}
{{/* end  configuration */}}

{{printf "building %s it might take a while please wait .." $name}}
{{/* setup */}}
    {{/* get all dependencies */}}
    {{run "go" "get" "-t"}}

    {{/* remove any previous builds */}}
    {{clean $destination}}
    {{mkdir $buildPath 0700}}
{{/* end setup */}}

{{/* test */}}
    {{run "go" "test"}}
{{/* end test */}}

{{/* create binary */}}
    {{$bin:=printf "%s/%s" $buildPath $name}}

    {{run "go" "build" "-o" $bin $cmd}}
{{/* end binary*/}}

{{/* assemble */}}
    {{/* prepare database */}}
    {{$dbDir:=printf "%s/%s" $buildPath $database}}
    {{mkdir $dbDir 0700}}

    {{/* copy configurations */}}
    {{$cfg:=printf "%s/%s" $buildPath $config}}
    {{file $config}}
        {{copy . $cfg|ignore}}

    {{/* copy public files */}}
    {{$pub:=printf "%s/%s" $buildPath $public}}
    {{file $public}}
        {{copy . $pub}}

    {{/* copy templates */}}
    {{$tmpl:=printf "%s/%s" $buildPath $templates}}
    {{file $templates}}
        {{copy . $tmpl}}
{{/* end assemble */}}
{{printf "[SUCCESS] built %s version %s" $name $version}}


After you have created the ZANZIBAR file. run zanzibar in the project root


Apart from the standard builtin template functions, I added the following.

  • concat: concat files.

  • copy: copies files or directories.

  • run: runs commands.

  • mkdir: creates directories.

  • list: convert a space separated strings to a slice.

  • dest: sets destination for a file.

  • save: saves a file to disc.

  • clean: deletes directories or files.

  • ignore: silence output of the given pipeline.

Working with files.

The cool part about this effort is the file keyword. This behaves just like with but instead the context is a file like object of type FilePipe.

When the argument to file is a file, it will only pass the FilePipe of that file to the children of the node.

{{file "foo.tmpl"}}
	{{/* here the dot context will refer to FilePipe of file foo.tmpl}}

When the argument is a directory, It will iterate over the child nodes for all files in the directory each time passing the current FilePipe.

This is how the file works.

func (s *state) walkFile(dot reflect.Value, node *parse.FileNode) {
	defer s.pop(s.mark())
	val, _ := indirect(s.evalPipeline(dot, node.Pipe))
	mark := s.mark()
	oneIteration := func(elem reflect.Value) {
		// Set top var (lexically the second if there are two) to the element.
		if len(node.Pipe.Decl) > 0 {
			s.setVar(1, elem)
		s.walk(elem, node.List)
	switch val.Kind() {
	case reflect.String:
		fileName := val.String()
		fp := newFilePipe(fileName)
		err := fp.init()
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("reading file %v", err)
		if {
			for _, v := range fp.files {
				nfp := newFilePipe(v)
				err := nfp.init()
				err = nfp.init()
				if err != nil {
					log.Fatalf("reading file %v", err)
				nfp.Root = fp.Root

		} else {
			s.walk(reflect.ValueOf(fp), node.List)




  • The text/template is huge, I had no guts to also read the whole test suite, so sorry no tests yet(I made changes to the parser test though, to test the *FileNode).

  • The modified test/template is included in this project.

  • The golang standard library is like a college to people like me. Its wonderful


contributions are welcome


This project is under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.


An experimental build tool based oon Go templates.







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