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Wie Man Einem Siebenten Tages Adventisten Und Einem Hebräischen Wurzeln Kult Mitglied bezeugt

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Wie Man Einem Siebenten Tages Adventisten Und Einem Hebräischen Wurzeln Kult Mitglied bezeugt

Von Jim Gilles

12 September 2014 at 18:23

Sektenmitglied: keeping the 4th Command / Leviticus 23 Sabbath Days of YHVH is the easiest of ALL Commands... yet rejected by most who say they are in Covenant with the Giver.

Jim Gilles: I keep Sabbath each and every day per Hebrews.

Sektenmitglied: do you wear your best clothes when you do common jobs such as yardwork or working on your car? If you keep Sabbath everyday, then you don't work but spend every single day and every single moment reading your Bible and worshiping Heavenly Father. Correct?

Jim Gilles: Christ is my Sabbath. I rest in Him!

Sektenmitglied: I keep my Heavenly Father's 4th Command.

Jim Gilles: So tue auch ich.

Sektenmitglied: Dein Götze muss jener sein, der von der heidnischen römisch katholischen Kirche erschaffen wurde. Du sprichst dieselben Lügenworte wie jener tut. ;)

Jim Gilles: Von welchen Worten sprichst du? Das Buch der Hebräer wurde lange vor der Erschaffung der RKK geschrieben.

Sektenmitglied: "I keep Sabbath each and every day" Now where is that Instruction of YHVH found in Leviticus 23?

Jim Gilles: It is found in the book of Hebrews.

Sektenmitglied: Das Hebräerbuch ist also ein ERSATZ Buch?

Jim Gilles: No, "not a replacement book" but an explanation book for some of the OTs types and shadows. Is the book of Hebrews of equal validity to you as the book of Leviticus? It is to me. Hebrews gives some of the antitypes to the OT types and shadows.

Sektenmitglied: Types and shadows of what is to come....Future events..... YES or NO.

Jim Gilles: You must be specific as to what you are talking about. I have no clue what you mean. The OT gives types and shadows. The NT reveals and explains the OT types and shadows.

Sektenmitglied: Zum Beispiel?

Jim Gilles: The 4th commandment of the Sabbath Day rest is explained in the book of Hebrews as a type and shadow of the believer's rest in Christ.

Sektenmitglied: Leviticus 23 is all about YHVH's 4th Command Sabbaths and fully explained in Leviticus 23. Those Sabbaths are still for today. Yes or No.

Jim Gilles: Yes, God's Sabbath is still for today. God's Sabbath is now found, experienced and practiced by believing in Christ...the Lord of Sabbaoth.

Sektenmitglied: So you will be keeping YHVH's Sabbath tonight at sundown.... Correct?

Jim Gilles: Ich halte Gottes Sabbat gerade jetzt und werde ihn auch heute Nacht und morgen halten.

Sektenmitglied: GEENAAU.... :P Torah tells me not to have any relationship with those who reject the Perfect TRUTH of YHVH's Words.

Dusting off my sandals to speak to those who actually desire to have a relationship with my Heavenly Father. I will pray for you.....

Jim Gilles: Hältst du das Hebräerbuch von gleicher Gültigkeit wie die Torah?

Sektenmitglied: Die ersten 5 Bücher sind die Worte von Yeshua die zu und durch Moses gesprochen wurden. Sie sind das foundation Wort welches LEBEN gibt.

Jim Gilles: Opferst du rote junge Kühe, Ziegen, Turteltauben und Lämmer als Blutopfer?

Sektenmitglied: Deuteronomy 8:3 CJB He humbled you, allowing you to become hungry, and then fed you with man, which neither you nor your ancestors had ever known, to make you understand that a person does not live on food alone but on everything that comes from the Mouth of YHVH.

Jim Gilles: Wer ist dein Hohepriester? Wie ist sein Name?

Sektenmitglied: Matthew 4:4 CJB Yeshua answered, "The Tanakh says, `Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the Mouth of YHVH" Yeshua is my High Priest.... The Perfect Order of Melchizedek.

Jim Gilles: Oh, nun gibst du also zu, dass es ein NT gibt. Gut, wir kommen voran. Ist das Buch an die Hebräer auch in deinem Kanon der Schrift?`

Sektenmitglied: Melchisedek ist im 1. Buch Mose. Yeshua ist es, der Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, begegnet etc.

Jim Gilles: If you acknowledge that Jesus is the antitype to the types and shadows of the high priestly ministry of the OT then why do you not accept that Jesus is also our Sabbath rest per Hebrews? Wenn Jesus dein Hohepriester ist, warum ist dann Jesus nicht dein Sabbat?

Sektenmitglied: Your god is the one created by the pagan Roman Catholic Church 1700 years ago. You even use his pagan name.

Jim Gilles: Jesus is the perfect order of Melchizedek per Hebrews. Hebrews also tells us that Jesus is our Sabbath. You can not have one without the other if you are using Hebrews as your source for Jesus being the high priest.

Sektenmitglied: Does a type and shadow pass away? Did Leviticus 23 pass away?

Jim Gilles: We already heard your RCC prerecorded message.

Sektenmitglied: Hörte das 4te Gebot auf zu existieren?

Jim Gilles: Hörte der AT Hohepriester auf zu existieren? Du sagtest gerade vorhin, dass solches in Jesus geschah.

Sektenmitglied: Deine Worte sind dieselben wie die heidnische Römisch Katholische Kirche. Lawless is as lawless does......

Jim Gilles: We all see how that when you get backed into a corner that you duck, dodge and run to your memorized RCC accusations.