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v1.21.0 馃殌 Thor's Helmet

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@bumi bumi released this 20 Dec 16:26
· 2640 commits to master since this release

The number 21 is a special number. And v1.21 is a special Alby release for all lightning app developers out there! 馃帀

This version includes the new WebLN/WebBTC interface, making it easier than ever to build full lightning web applications accessing the LND and CLN APIs. No complicated node access, no macaroons, no gRPCs and what not. It's now all plain simple JavaScript APIs and full lightning apps can be deployed as simple JavaScript web apps.
Alby's permission system gives the user full control. The user decides which API calls and what information should be accessible to the specific web app.


The "hello-world" of a lightning app leveraging the new webln.request() call:

// enable webln
await window.webln.enable();

// list the channels of the connected LND node
await window.webln.request('listchannels');

Noteable Changes:

Full Changelog: v1.20.1...v1.21.0

Thor's Helmet: