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AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals Exam Preparation Guide

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AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals Exam Preparation Guide

1. Describe Artificial Intelligence Workloads and Considerations (15–20%)

Identify Features of Common AI Workloads:

  • Content Moderation:

    • Purpose: Automatically detect and filter inappropriate content to ensure community guidelines are maintained.
    • Applications: Social media platforms, online forums, video-sharing sites, and any user-generated content platforms.
    • Techniques: Uses techniques like image recognition, text analysis, and natural language processing.
    • Tools: Azure Content Moderator can scan text, images, and videos for offensive material, suggest edits, and block content.
  • Personalization:

    • Purpose: Customize user experiences based on individual preferences and behaviors to enhance engagement and satisfaction.
    • Applications: E-commerce recommendations, content streaming services (e.g., Netflix, Spotify), personalized marketing emails.
    • Techniques: Machine learning models that analyze user data and behaviors to make predictions.
    • Tools: Azure Personalizer, which uses reinforcement learning to provide personalized experiences.

Identify Specific AI Workloads:

  • Computer Vision:

    • Definition: Technology that allows computers to interpret and make decisions based on visual inputs.
    • Applications: Security and surveillance, autonomous vehicles, medical imaging (e.g., detecting tumors), retail (e.g., inventory management).
    • Techniques: Image classification, object detection, facial recognition, and OCR.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP):

    • Definition: Enables machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language.
    • Applications: Chatbots, sentiment analysis, language translation, voice assistants (e.g., Alexa, Google Assistant).
    • Techniques: Text analytics, language modeling, speech-to-text, text-to-speech, sentiment analysis.
  • Knowledge Mining:

    • Definition: Extracting useful information from vast amounts of unstructured data.
    • Applications: Legal document analysis, enterprise search, customer service (e.g., identifying common issues), research.
    • Techniques: Text extraction, entity recognition, sentiment analysis, search indexing.
    • Tools: Azure Cognitive Search, which integrates various AI capabilities for extracting insights from data.
  • Document Intelligence:

    • Definition: Automating the extraction of data from documents and understanding their content.
    • Applications: Invoice processing, contract analysis, form data extraction.
    • Techniques: OCR, natural language processing, and machine learning.
    • Tools: Azure Form Recognizer, which automates the extraction of text, key/value pairs, and tables from documents.
  • Generative AI:

    • Definition: AI systems that can generate new content, such as text, images, or code, based on training data.
    • Applications: Content creation (e.g., articles, marketing copy), design (e.g., generating artwork), coding assistance.
    • Techniques: Deep learning models, especially generative adversarial networks (GANs) and transformer models.
    • Tools: Azure OpenAI Service, which provides access to advanced models for generating text, images, and more.

Guiding Principles for Responsible AI:

  • Fairness:

    • Goal: Ensure AI systems do not perpetuate bias and are equitable across different user groups.
    • Methods: Bias detection and mitigation strategies, diverse training datasets.
    • Considerations: Regular audits, fairness metrics, and inclusive design practices.
  • Reliability and Safety:

    • Goal: Develop AI systems that are robust, perform consistently, and handle errors gracefully.
    • Methods: Rigorous testing, fail-safes, continuous monitoring.
    • Considerations: Validating models with real-world data, ensuring systems can handle unexpected inputs.
  • Privacy and Security:

    • Goal: Protect user data and maintain confidentiality throughout the AI lifecycle.
    • Methods: Data encryption, secure data storage, access controls, privacy-preserving algorithms.
    • Considerations: Compliance with regulations (e.g., GDPR), minimizing data retention, anonymizing data.
  • Inclusiveness:

    • Goal: Make AI accessible and beneficial to all, considering diverse user needs and abilities.
    • Methods: Designing inclusive interfaces, ensuring accessibility standards.
    • Considerations: Engaging with diverse user groups during development, accessibility testing.
  • Transparency:

    • Goal: Provide clear explanations of how AI systems make decisions and operate.
    • Methods: Explainable AI techniques, documentation, user-friendly explanations.
    • Considerations: Communicating model logic, decision-making processes, and limitations.
  • Accountability:

    • Goal: Establish mechanisms for responsibility and oversight in AI development and deployment.
    • Methods: Maintaining logs, performing regular audits, implementing governance frameworks.
    • Considerations: Defining roles and responsibilities, establishing clear procedures for addressing issues.

2. Describe Fundamental Principles of Machine Learning on Azure (20–25%)

Common Machine Learning Techniques:

  • Regression:

    • Purpose: Predicting continuous values based on input features.
    • Applications: Predicting house prices, stock prices, sales forecasting.
    • Algorithms: Linear regression, polynomial regression, support vector regression.
    • Tools: Azure Machine Learning, which provides tools for building, training, and deploying regression models.
  • Classification:

    • Purpose: Assigning inputs to predefined categories or labels.
    • Applications: Email spam detection, disease diagnosis, image classification (e.g., identifying cats vs. dogs).
    • Algorithms: Logistic regression, decision trees, random forests, support vector machines, neural networks.
    • Tools: Azure Machine Learning, offering support for a variety of classification algorithms.
  • Clustering:

    • Purpose: Grouping similar data points together without predefined labels.
    • Applications: Customer segmentation, market research, anomaly detection.
    • Algorithms: K-means, hierarchical clustering, DBSCAN.
    • Tools: Azure Machine Learning, which includes clustering algorithms and tools for data exploration.
  • Deep Learning:

    • Purpose: Using neural networks with multiple layers to model complex patterns in data.
    • Applications: Image recognition, speech recognition, natural language processing.
    • Algorithms: Convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), transformers.
    • Tools: Azure Machine Learning, Azure Deep Learning Virtual Machines, Azure Databricks.

Core Machine Learning Concepts:

  • Features and Labels:

    • Features: Input variables used to make predictions.
    • Labels: The outcomes or targets being predicted.
    • Example: In a housing price prediction model, features might include the number of bedrooms, while the label is the price of the house.
  • Training and Validation Datasets:

    • Training Dataset: Used to fit the machine learning model.
    • Validation Dataset: Used to tune model parameters and assess performance, ensuring the model generalizes well to new data.
    • Example: Splitting a dataset into 80% training and 20% validation to train and evaluate a model.

Azure Machine Learning Capabilities:

  • Automated Machine Learning (AutoML):

    • Purpose: Simplifies the process of creating machine learning models by automating algorithm selection, hyperparameter tuning, and feature selection.
    • Features: User-friendly interface, support for various data types, model interpretability.
    • Tools: Azure Automated Machine Learning, which provides a drag-and-drop interface and APIs.
  • Data and Compute Services:

    • Purpose: Provide scalable infrastructure for data processing, model training, and deployment.
    • Features: Scalable compute resources, integration with data storage solutions, support for distributed training.
    • Tools: Azure Machine Learning Compute, Azure Databricks, Azure Data Lake Storage.
  • Model Management and Deployment:

    • Purpose: Manage the lifecycle of machine learning models, from development to deployment and monitoring.
    • Features: Model versioning, deployment to cloud or edge, monitoring and logging, integration with CI/CD pipelines.
    • Tools: Azure Machine Learning, Azure Kubernetes Service for deploying models as scalable web services.

3. Describe Features of Computer Vision Workloads on Azure (15–20%)

Types of Computer Vision Solutions:

  • Image Classification:

    • Purpose: Categorizing images into predefined classes.
    • Applications: Identifying objects in images (e.g., classifying animals, products), medical imaging (e.g., detecting diseases).
    • Techniques: Convolutional neural networks (CNNs).
    • Tools: Azure Custom Vision, which allows users to build and deploy custom image classification models.
  • Object Detection:

    • Purpose: Identifying and locating objects within an image.
    • Applications: Autonomous vehicles (detecting pedestrians and other vehicles), security (identifying threats), retail (inventory management).
    • Techniques: CNNs, region-based convolutional neural networks (R-CNNs).
    • Tools: Azure Custom Vision, Azure AI Vision.
  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR):

    • Purpose: Converting images of text into machine-readable text.
    • Applications: Digitizing printed documents, extracting text from images for data entry automation.
    • Techniques: Deep learning-based text recognition.
    • Tools: Azure AI Vision, which provides OCR capabilities.
  • Facial Detection and Analysis:

    • Purpose: Recognizing and analyzing facial features, emotions, and identities.
    • Applications: Security (facial recognition for access control), retail (analyzing customer emotions), social media (tagging people in photos


AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals Exam Preparation Guide







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