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Gareth Joyce edited this page Nov 8, 2016 · 2 revisions

Grid Mixin

Grid mixins are a collection of functions to allow you to create custom grids or layouts. These mixins are used to create the ultility grid and layout classes. Please check these before creating a custom grid.

Grid @include grid;

The grid mixin is used to initiate a grid. You must use @include grid; to create a grid or layout. This should be added to the grid container.

Grid Gutters @include grid-gutter-x;

Gutters can be added to the grid container on the X & Y axis by using @include grid-gutter-x; or @include grid-gutter-y;. By default it will use the global gutter variables set in the vars file. If you wish for it to be different you can pass through a pixel, em, rem or percentage value by using @include grid-gutter-x(20px); or @include grid-gutter-y(5em);.

Grid Col @include grid-col();

Grid columns adds a specific width to a direct descendant of the grid container. Unlike the other examples, this should be applied to a child element using @include grid-col(25%);. If you’re using this, it is likely you’ll need to apply @include grid-col(); to every direct descendant of the grid.

Grid Center @include grid-center;

By default grids will left align. This is important for grids where items are equally distributed, such as a product listing. If there is an odd number of items you want the remainder to sit on the left. If you wish to centre them instead you can use @include grid-center;.

Grid justify @include grid-justify;

If you wish to justify the content in the grid you can use @include grid-justify;. This is useful to distribute items evenly within a flex container.

Grid reverse @include grid-reverse;

If you wish to reserve a grid layout you can use @include grid-reverse;. This could be useful for quickly flipping layouts around.

Grid with media queries

The advantage of using mixins is you can include them inside any media query. This means we can completely customise how a grid appears at each breakpoint.

Grid Utility

The grid utility provides a selection of classes to create predefined, equally divided layouts. They use the mixin grid. You can create grid layouts from 2 to 12 columns.

There is a separate class to apply a gutter .g-gutter. The gutter is set as a global variable inside the variables file. Changing this global variable will effect both the grid and layout utility. You can reverse a grid by using .g-reverse.