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Repository files navigation C++ SDK

What Can You Do With Getgud's SDK:

Getgud's C++ SDK allows you to integrate your game with the GetGud platform. Once integrated, you will be able to:

  • Stream live game data to GetGud's cloud, including in-match actions, in-match reports, and in-match chat messages.
  • Send Reports about historical matches to Getgud.
  • Send (and update) player information to Getgud.

Build requirements:

The shared and static libraries are different. The shared library can be linked directly to a project because it only requires the binaries and headers. However, here is the way to link the static library correctly:



  • libcurl development kit.
  • zlib development kit.
  • openssl development kit.
  • libssl development kit.
  • libcrypto development kit.
  • g++ and gcc packages.
  • pthread library.


  • libcurl library package.
  • zlib library package.

A test project with completed setup is included in each release folder.


To start, we need to understand the basic structure GetGud's SDK uses to describe a video game:


  • The top container in Getgud's SDK is Title, which represents a literal game’s title, you as a client can have many titles, for example, a Title named CS:GO represents the CS:GO video game.

    An example of a Title: CS:GO 
  • Next up is Game, a Game is a container of matches that belong to the same Title from the same server session, where mostly the same players in the same teams, play one or more Matches together. You as a client can identify every game with a unique gameGuid that is provided to you once the Game starts.

    An example of a Game is a CS:GO game which has 30 matches (also known as rounds) within it.
  • Match represents the actual play time that is streamed for analysis. A Match contains the actions that occurred during the match's timespan. Like Game, Match also has a GUID which will be provided to you once you start a new match.

    An example of a Match is a single CS:GO round inside the game.
  • Action represents an in-match activity that is associated with a player. We collect seven different action types which are common to all first person shooter gamnes:

  1. Spawn - Whenever a player appears or reappears in-match, on the map.
  2. Death - A death of a player, either by another player, the environemnt or the player itself.
  3. Position - player position change (including looking direction).
  4. Attack - Whenever a player initiates any action that might cause damage, now or in the future. Examples: shooting, throwning a granade, planting a bomb, swinging a sword, punching, firing a photon torpedo, etc.
  5. Damage - Whenever a player recieves any damage, either from another player, the environemnt or the player itself.
  6. Heal - Whenever a player is healed, doesn't matter by whom or how.
  7. Affect - Whenever an in-match affect of any kind is applied to the player. Examples: crouch, prone, jump, fly, use special ability, boost speed/ammo/shield/health, etc.

Getting Started

Insert the Title Id and Private Key you recieved from to the GETGUD_TITLE_ID and GETGUD_PRIVATE_KEY environment variables, or use them as arguments for StartGame. (multiple title support available below)

Include the follwing header file:

#include <GetGudSdk.h>

Initialize the SDK:


Start a Game:

std::string gameGuid = GetGudSdk::StartGame(
  "cs2-server-1", // serverGuid
  "", // serverLocation
  "deathmatch" // gameMode

Once the Game starts, you'll recieve the Game's guid, now you can start a Match:

std::string matchGuid = GetGudSdk::StartMatch(
  "Knives-only", // matchMode
  "de-dust" // mapName

Once you create a match, you can send Actions to it. Let's create a deque of Actions and send it to the match:

//Create a deque of Actions
std::deque<GetGudSdk::BaseActionData*> actionsToSend {
new GetGudSdk::SpawnActionData(
            matchGuid, curTimeEpoch, "player-10", "ttr", 0, 100.f,
            GetGudSdk::PositionF{1, 2, 3}, GetGudSdk::RotationF{10, 20}),
new GetGudSdk::PositionActionData(
          matchGuid, curTimeEpoch, "player-5",
          GetGudSdk::PositionF{20.32000f, 50.001421f, 0.30021f},
          GetGudSdk::RotationF{10, 20})

//Send it to the SDK

//Clean up the actions
for (auto* sentAction : actionsToSend)
    delete sentAction;

End a game (All Game's Matches will close as well):

bool gameEnded = GetGudSdk::MarkEndGame(gameGuid);

Close and Dispose of the SDK:


SDK Methods

StartGame(serverName, serverLocation, gameMode)

To start a new game, call StartGame(), this will use the environment variables TITLE_ID and PRIVATE_KEY. StartGame returns gameGuid - a unique identifier of the game which you will use later to start new Matches inside the Game as well as to end the Game when it is over.

std::string gameGuid = GetGudSdk::StartGame(serverName, serverLocation, gameMode);
  • serverName - a qunique name of your game server - String, Alphanumeric, 36 chars max.
  • serverLocation - a name/ip of your game server's location - String, Alphanumeric, 36 chars max.
  • gameMode - the mode of the game (each mode has a separate AI learning processes) - String, Alphanumeric, 36 chars max.

StartGame(titleId, privateKey, serverName, serverLocation, gameMode)

You can also call the StartGame() method with titleId and privateKey that you pass (supporting multiple titles on the same machine)

std::string gameGuid = GetGudSdk::StartGame(titleId, privateKey, serverName, gameMode);
  • titleId - The title Id you recieved from
  • privateKey - The Private Key for the above title you recieved together with it's Title Id
  • serverName - a qunique name of your game server - String, Alphanumeric, 36 chars max.
  • serverLocation - a name/ip of your game server's location - String, Alphanumeric, 36 chars max.
  • gameMode - the mode of the game (each mode has an additional AI learning processes) - String, Alphanumeric, 36 chars max.

StartMatch(gameGuid, matchMode, mapName)

Once you've started a live Game, you can now attach Matches to that Game. When a live Match starts it returns a matchGuid, which is used to add Actions, Chat messages, and Reports to that specific match. To start a new match, call StartMatch():

std::string matchGuid = GetGudSdk::StartMatch(gameGuid, matchMode, mapName);
  • gameGuid - The Game guid you recieved when starting a new Game
  • matchMode - the mode of the match (each mode has an additional AI learning processes) - String, Alphanumeric, 36 chars max.
  • mapName - the unique name of the map - String, Alphanumeric, 36 chars max.

AddActions(std::deque<BaseActionData*> actions)

Once you've started a Match, you can now send actions to it. To add a batch of actions to a match, use the SendActions function. This is an async method which will not block the calling thread.

bool SendActions(std::deque<BaseActionData*> actions);
  • actions - deque of BaseActionData objects, where BaseActionData is the base calss of all the primal 7 actions (Spawn, Position, Attack, Damage, Heal, Affect and Death).

AddAction(BaseActionData* action)

You can also send single actions when you need to, using the AddAction() method. This is an async method which will not block the calling thread.

bool SendActions(action);
  • action - a BaseActionData object that is the base class of all the primal 7 actions (Spawn, Position, Attack, Damage, Heal, Affect and Death).


Ends a live Game and it's associated matches. When the live Game ends, you should mark it as finished in order to close it on Getgud's side. Once the game is marked as ended, it will not accept new live data.

bool gameEnded = GetGudSdk::MarkEndGame(gameGuid);
  • gameGuid - The Game guid you recieved when starting a new Game

MarkEndGame returns true/false depending if the Game was successfully closed or not.

Sending Actions

When a live Match starts, you can add Actions, Chat Data, and Reports to it. There are 7 Action types you can add to the Match, all derived from base action which holds the actions base properties.

Base Action

BaseAction is the base class that all actions derive from and holds common information to all action.

BaseAction(std::string matchGuid,
        long long actionTimeEpoch,
        std::string playerId);
  • matchGuid - guid of the live Match where the action happened, is given to you when StartMatch is called.
  • actionTimeEpoch - epoch time in milliseconds when the action happened
  • playerId - your player Id (which will called playerGuid on Getgud's side)

Spawn Action

A Spawn action should be sent whenever a player appears or reappears in-match, on the map. To create a Spawn Action, use the SpawnActionData class. This action marks the appearance or reappearance of a Player inside the Match.

GetGudSdk::BaseActionData* action = new SpawnActionData(
        std::string characterGuid,
        int teamId,
        float initialHealth,
        PositionF position,
        RotationF rotation);
  • baseAction - See BaseAction
  • characterGuid - Guid of the spwaned character from your game, 36 max length.
  • teamId - The identifier number of the player's team
  • initialHealth - The initial health of the player
  • position - X,Y,Z coordinates of the player at the moment of action.
  • rotation - PITCH, ROLL rotation of player view at the moment of action.

Position Action

A Position action should be sent on player position change (including looking direction). To create a Position Action, use the PositionActionData class. This action marks the change of Player position and view site.

GetGudSdk::BaseActionData* action = new GetGudSdk::PositionActionData(
                     PositionF position,
                     RotationF rotation
  • BaseAction - See BaseAction
  • Position - X,Y,Z coordinates of the player at the moment of action.
  • Rotation - PITCH, ROLL rotation of player view at the moment of action.

Attack Action

An Attack action is any attempt to create damage, now or in the future, for example, firing a shot, swinging a sword, placing a bomb, throwing a grenade, or any other action that may result in damage. To create an Attack Action, use the AttackActionData Class. Note that the Attack action is not bound to the Damage action, it is an attempt to cause Damage, not the Damage event itself.

GetGudSdk::BaseActionData* action = new GetGudSdk::AttackActionData(
                     BaseAction:: baseAction,
                     std::string attackerPlayerId,
                     std::string weaponGuid,
  • BaseAction - See BaseAction
  • attackerPlayerId - A unique name (your player id) of the player which created the damage, if the damage was created by the environment, you can singal this by using the 'PvE' symbol as the player guid.
  • weaponGuid - A unique name of the weapon that the attack was performed with, max length is 36 chars.

Affect Action

An Affect action should be sent whenever an in-match affect of any kind is applied to the player. Examples: crouch, prone, jump, fly, use special ability, boost speed/ammo/shield/health, etc. To create an Affect Action, use the AffectActionData Class.

GetGudSdk::BaseActionData* action = new GetGudSdk::AffectActionData(
                     BaseAction:: baseAction,
                     std::string affectedPlayerId,
                     std::string affectGuid,
                     AffectState affectState
  • BaseAction - See BaseAction
  • affectedPlayerId - A unique name (your player id) of the player which received the affect, if the affect was created by the environment, you can singal this by using the 'PvE' symbol as the player guid.
  • affectGuid - A unique name of the affect, max length is 36 chars.
  • affectState - An emumiration unit that allows you to flag the state of the Affect: Attach - indicate affect is attahced to a player (not mandatory). Detach - indicate affect is detached from a player (not mandatory). Activate - indicate affect is affecting the playter. Deactivate - indicate affect stopped affecting the playter.

Damage Action

A Damage action should be raised when a player loses health, both PVP and PVE. If the Damage is caused by the environment you can specify this in a playerGuid using a predefined variable GetGudSdk::Values::Environment To create a Damage Action, use the DamageActionData class.

GetGudSdk::BaseActionData* action = new GetGudSdk::DamageActionData(
                     BaseAction:: baseAction,
                     std::string victimPlayerGuid,
                     float damageDone,
                     std::string weaponGuid
  • BaseAction - See BaseAction
  • victimPlayerGuid - guid of the player who is the victim of the Damage action, max length is 36 chars.
  • damageDone - How much damage was given
  • weaponGuid - A unique name of the weapon that the attack was performed with, max length is 36 chars.

Heal Action

A Heal action should be triggered whenever a player is healed, doesn't matter by whom or how. To create a heal action, use the HealActionData class.

GetGudSdk::BaseActionData* action = new GetGudSdk::HealActionData(
                     BaseAction:: baseAction,
                     float healthGained
  • BaseAction - See BaseAction
  • healthGained - How much health the player gained.

Death Action

A Death action should be triggered on a death of a player, either by another player, the environemnt or the player itself. To create a death action to a match, use the DeathActionData class.

GetGudSdk::BaseActionData* action = new GetGudSdk::DeathActionData(
                     BaseAction:: baseAction,
                     std::string killerPlayerGuid,
  • BaseAction - See BaseAction
  • killerPlayerGuid - guid of the player who killed the victim of the Damage action, max length is 36 chars. Use GetGudSdk::Values::Environment to indicate that PvE killed the player

Adding Chat Messages

To add a chat message to a live Match:

GetGudSdk::ChatMessageInfo messageData;
messageData.message = "Hi from Getgud!";
messageData.messageTimeEpoch = 1684059337532;
messageData.playerId = "player1";
  "6a3d1732-8f72-12eb-bdef-56d89392f384", // matchGuid 

Adding Reports

To add a reports to a live Match: Note that all of the fields are optional exept MatchGuid and SuspectedPlayerId (a report must have a valid match and player).
To fill ReporterType, ReporterSubType and TbType fields you can use enums exposed to you by our SDK. This is an async method which will not block the calling thread.

GetGudSdk::ReportInfo reportInfo;
reportInfo.MatchGuid = "549cf69d-0d55-4849-b2d1-a49a4f0a0b1e";
reportInfo.ReportedTimeEpoch = 1684059337532;
reportInfo.ReporterName = "player1";
reportInfo.ReporterType = GetGudSdk::Values::ReporterSubtype.Moderator;
reportInfo.ReporterSubType = GetGudSdk::Values::ReporterSubtype.QA;
reportInfo.SuggestedToxicityScore = 100;
reportInfo.SuspectedPlayerGuid = "player1";
reportInfo.TbTimeEpoch = 1684059337532;
reportInfo.TbType = GetGudSdk::Values::TBType.Wallhack;
  • MatchGuid- guid of the live Match you are sending a report to (Mandatory field)
  • ReportedTimeEpoch- epoch time of when the report was created (Mandatory field)
  • ReporterName- the name of the entity that created the report (optional field)
  • ReporterType- the type of the entity that created the report (optional field)
  • ReporterSubType- the subtype of the entity that created the report (optional field)
  • SuggestedToxicityScore- 0-100 toxicity score, ie: how much do you suspect the player (optional field)
  • SuspectedPlayerGuid- the player Id of the suspected player as appears in your system (Mandatory field)
  • TbType - id of the toxic behavior type, for example, Aimbot (optional field)
  • TbTimeEpoch - epoch time of when the toxic behavior event occured (optional field)

Sending Reports On Historical Matches

To add a reports to a histotical Match (a match which is not live and has ended):

std::deque<GetGudSdk::ReportInfo> reports;
GetGudSdk::ReportInfo reportInfo;
reportInfo.MatchGuid = "549cf69d-0d55-4849-b2d1-a49a4f0a0b1e";
reportInfo.ReportedTimeEpoch = 1684059337532;
reportInfo.ReporterName = "player1";
reportInfo.ReporterSubType = GetGudSdk::Values::ReporterSubtype.QA;
reportInfo.ReporterType = GetGudSdk::Values::ReporterSubtype.Moderator;
reportInfo.SuggestedToxicityScore = 100;
reportInfo.SuspectedPlayerGuid = "player1";
reportInfo.TbTimeEpoch = 1684059337532;
reportInfo.TbType = GetGudSdk::Values::ReporterSubtype.Wallhack;

  28, // titleId
  "6a3d1732-8f72-12eb-bdef-56d89392f384",  // privateKey

You can also use SendReports function without titleId and privateKey arguments, in case you have TITLE_ID and PRIVATE_KEY env variables defined.

Deque of reports:


Sending Player Updates

To update player information, you can call UpdatePlayers: All fields are optional except player Id. Use a deque of PlayerInfo objects to send to Getgud SDK. This is an async method which will not block the calling thread.

std::deque<GetGudSdk::PlayerInfo> playerInfos;
GetGudSdk::PlayerInfo playerInfo;
playerInfo.PlayerGuid = "549cf69d-0d55-4849-b2d1-a49a4f0a0b1e";
playerInfo.PlayerNickname = "test";
playerInfo.PlayerEmail = "";
playerInfo.PlayerRank = 10;
playerInfo.playerSuspectScore = 12,
playerInfo.playerReputation = "Toxic",
playerInfo.playerStatus = "Banned",
playerInfo.playerCampaign = "Tiktok-2023-Feb-23-Id1332",
playerInfo.playerDevice = "PC",
playerInfo.playerOS = "Win11",
playerInfo.playerAge = "27",
playerInfo.playerGender = "Male",
playerInfo.playerLocation = "",
playerInfo.playerNotes = "I just banned this player from my system because of XYZ",
playerInfo.PlayerJoinDateEpoch = 1684059337532;

// add player transaction
GetGudSdk::PlayerTransactions transaction;
transaction.TransactionGuid = "trans-001";
transaction.TransactionName = "In-Game Purchase";
transaction.TransactionDateEpoch = 1684059337532;
transaction.TransactionValueUSD = 9.99;

bool playersUpdated = GetGudSdk::UpdatePlayers(
  28, //titleId
  "6a3d1732-8f72-12eb-bdef-56d89392f384", // privateKet
  • PlayerGuid- Your player Id - String, 36 chars max. (Mandatory field)
  • PlayerNickname- Nickname of the player - String, 36 chars max. (optional field)
  • PlayerEmail- Email of the player (optional field) - String, 36 chars max.
  • PlayerRank- Integer rank of the player (optional field)
  • playerSuspectScore- A manually assigned number, between 0-100, that can be updated to trigger rules you define in Getgud. (optional field)
  • playerReputation- A field for you to use according to Rules you define, allowing you to set and continuously adjust Player Reparation to all your players - automatically. - String, 36 chars max.(optional field)
  • playerStatus- A field for you to use according to Rules you define, allowing you to set and continuously adjust Player Status to all your players - automatically. - String, 36 chars max.(optional field)
  • playerCampaign- The campign to attribute this player to - String, 128 chars max.(optional field)
  • playerDevice-The device of the player - String, 8 chars max.(optional field)
  • playerOS- The OS of the player - String, 8 chars max. (optional field)
  • playerAge- The age of the player 0-128 (optional field)
  • playerGender- The gender of the player - String, 8 chars max. (optional field)
  • playerLocation- The location of the player - String, 36 chars max. (optional field)
  • playerNotes- Any player notes you wish to save - String, 128 chars max. (optional field)
  • PlayerJoinDateEpoch: Date when the player joined (optional field)
  • PlayerTransactions: Transactions of each player (optional field)

Each item of PlayerTransactions has the following format:

struct PlayerTransactions {
    std::string TransactionGuid; // Mandatory: Unique identifier for the transaction
    std::string TransactionName; // Mandatory: Name or description of the transaction
    long long TransactionDateEpoch; // Optional: Date of the transaction in epoch time
    float TransactionValueUSD; // Optional: Value of the transaction in USD

You can use the UpdatePlayers function without titleId and privateKey arguments, in case you have TITLE_ID and PRIVATE_KEY env variables defined.

bool playersUpdated = GetGudSdk::UpdatePlayers(players);


The default Config file is loaded during GetGudSdk::Init(); and is located in the same dir as the SDK files. Example of configuration file config.json:

  "throttleCheckUrl": "",
  "streamGameURL": "",
  "updatePlayersURL": "",
  "sendReportsURL": "",
  "logToFile": true,
  "logFileSizeInBytes": 2000000,
  "circularLogFile": true,
  "reportsMaxBufferSizeInBytes": 100000,
  "maxReportsToSendAtOnce": 100,
  "maxChatMessagesToSendAtOnce": 100,
  "playersMaxBufferSizeInBytes": 100000,
  "maxPlayerUpdatesToSendAtOnce": 100,
  "gameSenderSleepIntervalMilliseconds": 100,
  "apiTimeoutMilliseconds": 600,
  "apiWaitTimeMilliseconds": 100,
  "packetMaxSizeInBytes": 2000000,
  "actionsBufferMaxSizeInBytes": 10000000,
  "gameContainerMaxSizeInBytes": 50000000,
  "maxConcurrentGames": 100,
  "maxMatchesPerGame": 30,
  "minPacketSizeForSendingInBytes": 1000000,
  "packetTimeoutInMilliseconds": 100000,
  "gameCloseGraceAfterMarkEndInMilliseconds": 20000,
  "liveGameTimeoutInMilliseconds": 100000,
  "hyperModeFeatureEnabled": true,
  "hyperModeMaxThreads": 10,
  "hyperModeAtBufferPercentage": 10,
  "hyperModeUpperPercentageBound": 90,
  "hyperModeThreadCreationStaggerMilliseconds": 100,
  "logLevel": "warn"


An example of how to use the GetGud C++ SDK can be found in the examples directory.