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gethere JavaScript SDK

A JavaScript SDK for the gethere server API. Part of the gethere project.

License Latest Release Issues Pull Requests Discussions


This software is in VERY, and I really mean VERY early stage of development! It still doesn't have the most basic features and could even not work at all.

gethere JavaScript SDK is a JavaScript SDK for the gethere server API. It's purpose is to provide you an easy way to communicate with gethere server's API from JavaScript. It is written using typescript, so it includes types.

More information about the gethere project is available in the gethere server repo.

📖 Project Management

All notable changes to this project will be documented in the changelog file. The format of that file is based on Keep a Changelog 1.1.0.

This project adheres to Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.

If you would find any bug, some type of issue or you have an idea for improving a project, you can file a report using issues page in this repo or create a pull request. Discussions are also available.

Information about security lies in security policy file.

🙏🏻 Used Projects and Credits

This is a list of projects used in development of this frontend:

💗 Big thanks to the creators and all contributors of these projects.

📜 License

This project is provided under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0, a free and open-source license. For more information, see the license file.


A JavaScript SDK for the gethere server API. Part of the gethere project.




Security policy





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