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A Duct library for managing dashboards and associated users and organizations in Grafana


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A Duct library that provides an Integrant key for managing dashboards and associated users and organizations in Grafana.

Table of contents


Clojars Project



To use this library add the following key to your configuration:


This key expects a configuration map with two mandatory keys These are the mandatory keys:

  • :uri : The URI where Grafana's server is listening.
  • :credentials: A vector with two elements, a username and password, that are used for basic HTTP authentication.

These are the optional keys:

  • :auth-method: :basic-auth or :regular-login; defaults to :basic-auth
  • :timeout: Timeout value (in milli-seconds) for an connection attempt with Grafana.
  • :max-retries: If the connection attempt fails, how many retries we want to attempt before giving up.
  • :backoff-ms: This is a vector in the form [initial-delay-ms max-delay-ms multiplier] to control the delay between each retry. The delay for nth retry will be (max (* initial-delay-ms n multiplier) max-delay-ms). If multiplier is not specified (or if it is nil), a multiplier of 2 is used. All times are in milli-seconds.

Key initialization returns a Grafana record that can be used to perform the Grafana operations described below.

Configuration example

Basic configuration:

   {:uri  #duct/env ["GRAFANA_URI" Str :or "http://localhost:3000"]
    :credentials [#duct/env ["GRAFANA_USERNAME" Str :or "admin"]
                  #duct/env ["GRAFANA_TEST_PASSWORD" Str :or "admin"]]}

Configuration with custom request retry policy:

   {:uri #duct/env ["GRAFANA_URI" Str :or "http://localhost:3000"]
    :credentials [#duct/env ["GRAFANA_USERNAME" Str :or "admin"]
                  #duct/env ["GRAFANA_TEST_PASSWORD" Str :or "admin"]]
    :timeout 300
    :max-retries 5
    :backoff-ms [10 500]}

Obtaining a Grafana record

Using Duct

If you are using the library as part of a Duct-based project, adding any of the previous configurations to your config.edn file will perform all the steps necessary to initialize the key and return a Grafana record for the associated configuration. In order to show a few interactive usages of the library, we will do all the steps manually in the REPL.

First we require the relevant namespaces:

user> (require '[dev.gethop.dashboard-manager.core :as core]
               '[integrant.core :as ig])

Next we create the configuration var holding the Grafana integration configuration details:

user> (def config {:uri "http://localhost:3000"
                   :credentials ["admin" "admin"]})

Now that we have all pieces in place, we can initialize the :dev.gethop.dashboard-manager/grafana Integrant key to get a Grafana record. As we are doing all this from the REPL, we have to manually require dev.gethop.dashboard-manager.grafana namespace, where the init-key multimethod for that key is defined (this is not needed when Duct takes care of initializing the key as part of the application start up):

user> (require '[dev.gethop.dashboard-manager.grafana :as grafana])

And we finally initialize the key with the configuration defined above, to get our Grafana record:

user> (def gf-record (->
                       (->> (ig/init-key :dev.gethop.dashboard-manager/grafana))))
user> gf-record
#dev.gethop.dashboard_manager.grafana.Grafana{:uri "http://localhost:4000",
                                              :credentials ["admin"
                                              :timeout 200,
                                              :max-retries 10,
                                              :backoff-ms [500 1000 2.0]}

Not using Duct

user> (require '[dev.gethop.dashboard-manager.grafana :as grafana])
      (grafana/connect "http://localhost:4000", ["admin" "adamin"])
#dev.gethop.dashboard_manager.grafana.Grafana{:uri "http://localhost:4000",
                                              :credentials ["admin"
                                              :timeout 200,
                                              :max-retries 10,
                                              :backoff-ms [500 1000 2.0]}

Now that we have our Grafana record, we are ready to use the methods defined by the protocols defined in dev.gethop.dashboard-manager.core namespace.

Managing organizations


  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • Organization name
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, :not-found, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error, :already-exists
    • :id: ID assigned to the created organization
  • Example:
user> (core/create-org gf-record "foo")
{:status :ok :id 2}


  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, :not-found, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error
    • :orgs: A vector of maps. Each map representing an existing organization.
  • Example:
user> (core/get-orgs gf-record)
{:status :ok :orgs [{:id 1 :name "Main Org"}
                    {:id 2 :name "foo"}]}


  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • Organization ID
    • Organization's new name
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, :not-found, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error, :already-exists
  • Example:
user> (core/update-org gf-record 2 "foo-bar")
{:status :ok}


  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • Organization ID
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, :not-found, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error
  • Example:
user> (core/delete-org gf-record 2)
{:status :ok}


  • description: Adds a user to an organization with a specific role.
  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • Organization ID
    • User's login name (username or email)
    • User's role: Viewer, Editor or Admin
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok,:access-denied, :not-found, :error,:role-not-found, :user-not-found, :already-exists
  • Example:
user> (core/add-org-user gf-record 1 "foo-bar" "Editor")
{:status :ok}


  • description: Updates a user belonging to an organization.
  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • Organization ID
    • User ID
    • User's data to be updated related to its organization
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok,:access-denied, :error,:invalid-data
  • Example:
user> (core/update-org-user gf-record 1 1 {:role "Editor"})
{:status :ok}


  • description: Gets the user list for the given organization.
  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • Organization ID
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok,:access-denied, :not-found, :error, :not-found
    • :users: A vector of maps. Each map representing an existing user.
  • Example:
user> (core/get-org-users gf-record 1)
{:status :ok :users [{:orgId 1, :userId 1, :email "admin@localhost", :avatarUrl "/avatar/46d229b033af06a191ff2267bca9ae56", :login "admin", :role "Admin", :lastSeenAt "2019-05-27T14:21:51Z", :lastSeenAtAge "< 1m"}
                     {:orgId 1, :userId 2, :email "", :avatarUrl "/avatar/46d234t033af06a191ff2267bca9ae56", :login "foo-bar", :role "Editor", :lastSeenAt "2019-05-27T14:21:51Z", :lastSeenAtAge "< 1m"}]}


  • description: Deletes an user from a given organization.
  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • Organization ID
    • An user ID
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok,:access-denied, :error
  • Example:
user> (core/delete-org-user gf-record 1 2)
{:status :ok}

Managing users


  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • User data: a map with the user specific data
      • :name (OPTIONAL)
      • :email (REQUIRED if login is not specified)
      • :login (REQUIRED if email is not specified)
      • :password (REQUIRED)
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, :not-found, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error, :already-exists, :invalid-data
    • :id: The created user's ID.
  • Example:
user> (core/create-user gf-record {:login "login" :password "password"})
{:status :ok :id 3}


  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • User ID
    • User data: a map with the data we want to change, plus the login field
      • :name
      • :email (REQUIRED if login is not specified)
      • :login (REQUIRED if email is not specified)
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, :not-found, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error, :already-exists, :missing-mandatory-data
    • :id: The created user's ID.
  • Example:
user> (core/update-user gf-record 3 {:name "fooo" :login "login"})
{:status :ok}


  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • User's login or email
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, :not-found, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error
    • :user: A map with the user information.
  • Example:
user> (core/get-user gf-record "login")
{:status :ok :user {:id 3, :email "", :name "fooo", :login "login", :theme "", :orgId 1, :isGrafanaAdmin false}}


  • description: Gets a list of organizations to which a user belongs.
  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • User ID
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, :not-found, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error, not-found
    • :orgs: A vector of maps. Each map representing an organization.
  • Example:
user> (core/get-user-orgs gf-record 1)
{:status :ok :orgs [{:orgId 1, :name "Main Org.", :role "Admin"}]}


  • description: Gets a list of organizations to which currently logged in user belongs.
  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, :not-found, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error, not-found
    • :orgs: A vector of maps. Each map representing an organization.
  • Example:
user> (core/get-user-orgs gf-record 1)
{:status :ok :orgs [{:orgId 1, :name "Main Org.", :role "Admin"}]}


  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • User's ID
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error
  • Example:
user> (core/delete-user gf-record 2)
{:status :ok}

Managing dashboards


  • description: Get the dashboard definition
  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • Organization ID
    • Dashboard UID
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, :not-found, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error
    • :meta: A map with the dashboard metadata
    • :dashboard: A map with the dashboard definition
  • Example:
user> (core/get-dashboard gf-record 1 "eD_Es2vMk")
{:status :ok,
 {:provisionedExternalId "",
  :slug "bat",
  :canStar true,
  :createdBy "admin",
  :updated "2020-09-04T07:37:43Z",
  :provisioned false,
  :type "db",
  :created "2020-09-04T07:14:17Z",
  :folderUrl "/dashboards/f/kXFTY2vGk/default",
  :canSave true,
  :expires "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  :updatedBy "admin",
  :canEdit true,
  :url "/d/eD_Es2vMk/bat",
  :folderId 1,
  :folderTitle "default",
  :version 4,
  :canAdmin true,
  :isFolder false,
  :hasAcl false},
 {:templating {:list []},
   ["5s" "10s" "30s" "1m" "5m" "15m" "30m" "1h" "2h" "1d"]},
  :tags ["default"],
  :timezone "",
  :editable false,
  :graphTooltip 0,
  :uid "eD_Es2vMk",
  :time {:from "now-6h", :to "now"},
  :gnetId nil,
  :variables {:list []},
  :title "bat",
  :style "dark",
  :id 6,
   [{:$$hashKey "object:85",
     :builtIn 1,
     :datasource "-- Grafana --",
     :enable true,
     :hide true,
     :iconColor "rgba(0, 211, 255, 1)",
     :name "Annotations & Alerts",
     :type "dashboard"}]},
  :version 4,
  [{:datasource nil,
    :gridPos {:h 9, :w 12, :x 0, :y 0},
    :pluginVersion "6.7.3",
    :timeShift nil,
    :type "gauge",
    :title "bat",
    :id 2,
    :timeFrom nil,
     {:calcs ["mean"],
      {:mappings [],
       {:mode "absolute",
        [{:color "green", :value nil} {:color "red", :value 80}]}},
      :overrides [],
      :values false},
     :orientation "auto",
     :showThresholdLabels false,
     :showThresholdMarkers true}}],
  :links [],
  :schemaVersion 22}}


  • description: Update or create a dashboard
  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • Organization ID
    • A dashboard definition (For example the one returned by get-dashboard)
    • Optional map with additional parameters: 'folderId, overwrite, messageandrefresh`. See Grafana's documentation for more details.
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, :not-found, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error
    • :id: dashboard id
    • :uid: dashboard uid
    • :version: dashboard version
  • Example:
user> (def dashboard (-> (core/get-dashboard gf-record 1 "eD_Es2vMk") :dashboard (dissoc :id :uid)))
user> (core/update-or-create-dashboard gf-record 2 dashboard {:overwrite false})
{:status :ok :id 4 :uid "UQ48PhDGk" :version 1}


  • description: Delete a dashboard
  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • Organization ID
    • Dashboard UID
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, :not-found, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error
  • Example:
user> (core/delete-dashboard gf-record 1 "eD_Es2vMk")
{:status :ok}


  • description: Gets a list of dashboards for the given organization.
  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • Organization ID
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, :not-found, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error
    • :dashboards: A list of maps. Each map representing a dashboard and it's panels.
  • Example:
user> (core/get-org-dashboards gf-record 1)
{:status :ok, :dashboards ({:uid "yYtEB6WZz", :title "Example Dashboard", :url "/d/yYtEB6WZz/example-dashboard", :panels ({:id 2, :title "Panel Title\
", :ds-url "/d/yYtEB6WZz/example-dashboard"} {:id 4, :title "Panel Title", :ds-url "/d/yYtEB6WZz/example-dashboard"})})}


  • description: Gets a list of panels for the given organization.
  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • Organization ID
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, :not-found, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error
    • :panels: A list of maps. Each map representing a panel.
  • Example:
user> (core/get-org-panels gf-record 1)
{:status :ok, :panels ({:id 2, :title "Panel Title", :ds-url "/d/yYtEB6WZz/example-dashboard", :ds-id "yYtEB6WZz"} {:id 4, :title "Panel Title", :ds-url "/d/yYtEB6WZz/ex\
ample-dashboard", :ds-id "yYtEB6WZz"})}


  • description: Gets a list of panels for the given dashboard.
  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • Organization ID
    • Dashboard ID
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, :not-found, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error
    • :panels: A list of maps. Each map representing a panel.
  • Example:
user> (core/get-org-panels gf-record 1)
{:status :ok, :panels ({:id 2, :title "Panel Title", :ds-url "/d/yYtEB6WZz/example-dashboard", :ds-id "yYtEB6WZz"} {:id 4, :title "Panel Title", :ds-url "/d/yYtEB6WZz/ex\
ample-dashboard", :ds-id "yYtEB6WZz"})}


  • description: Get the list of dashboards with a given tag
  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • Organization ID
    • Dashboard tag to search for
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, :not-found, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error
    • :dashboards: A list of maps. Each map representing a dashboard with the title, uid, and url keys.
  • Example:
user>(core/get-dashboards-with-tag gf-record 1 "test")
{:status :ok
 :dashboards (core/get-dashboards-with-tag gf-record 1 "default")}

Managing datasources


  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • Organization id
    • Datasource data: a map with the datasource data, the structure depends on the datasource type. :name,:type, and :access key are mandatory, see the example, and Grafana's API documentation for more information.
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, :not-found, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error, :already-exists
    • :id: ID assigned to the created datasource
  • Example:
user> (core/create-datasource gf-record 1 {:name "Name"
                                           :type "postgres"
                                           :url "postgres:5432"
                                           :access "proxy"
                                           :database "hydrogen"
                                           :user "postgres"
                                           :secureJsonData {:password "pass"}
                                           :isDefault true
                                           :jsonData {:postgresVersion 906 :sslmode "disable"}})
{:status :ok :id 2}


  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • Organization id
    • Datasource id
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, :not-found, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error
    • :datasource: A map with the datasource data.
  • Example:
user> (core/get-datasource gf-record 1 2)
{:status :ok :datasource {:isDefault false,
                           :orgId 1,
                           :password "pass",
                           :name "b9db0015-e45f-4a81-80ef-c3b5225cbe39",
                           :secureJsonFields {},
                           :type "postgres",
                           :basicAuthUser "",
                           :typeLogoUrl "",
                           :readOnly false,
                           :basicAuthPassword "",
                           :id 2,
                           :basicAuth false,
                           :url "postgres:5432",
                           :database "hydrogen",
                           :access "proxy",
                           :jsonData {:postgresVersion 906, :sslmode "disable"},
                                      :version 1,
                                      :user "postgres",
                                      :withCredentials false}}


  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • Organiztion id
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, :not-found, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error
    • :datasources: A vector of maps. Each map representing an existing datasource.
  • Example:
user> (core/get-datasources gf-record 1)
{:status :ok :datasources [{:isDefault false,
                            :orgId 1,
                            :password "pass",
                            :name "00f70239-be39-4199-939c-d90fa625b41f",
                            :type "postgres",
                            :readOnly false,
                            :id 32,
                            :basicAuth false,
                            :url "postgres:5432",
                            :database "hydrogen",
                            :access "proxy",
                            :jsonData {:postgresVersion 906, :sslmode "disable"},
                            :user "postgres"}
                           {:name "datasource2"


  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • Organization ID
    • Datasource ID
    • A map with the changes. :name,:type, and :access key are mandatory, see the example, and Grafana's API documentation for more information.
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error
    • A map representing the new state of the datasource.
  • Example:
user> (core/update-datasource gf-record 1 2 {:name "new-name"})
{:status :ok
 :datasource {:name "new-name" ...}}


  • parameters:
    • A Grafana record
    • Organization ID
    • Datasource ID
  • returning value:
    • :status: :ok, :access-denied, not-found, :unknown-host, :connection-refused, :error
  • Example:
user> (core/delete-datasource gf-record 1 2)
{:status :ok}

Running Tests Locally



Copyright (c) 2022 Magnet S. Coop

The source code for the library is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at