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IOx: reactive IO streams, plus several fixes for IO bugs
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getify committed Dec 16, 2021
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Monio (mō'ne-yo) is an async-capable IO Monad (including "do" style) for JS, with several companion monads thrown in.

## See It In Action
## See Monio In Action

* [Cancelable Countdown (demo)](

* [Order Lookup (demo)](
* [Order Lookup (demo)](

* [Event Stream (demo)](

* [Cached Ajax (demo)](
* [Event Stream: IOx Reactive Monad (demo)](

* [IOx Reactive Monad (demo)](

* [Cached Ajax (demo)](

## Overview

Expand All @@ -32,16 +36,6 @@ Monio intentionally chooses to model asynchrony over promises instead of Task mo

Monio's `IO` is also a Reader monad, which carries side-effect read environments alongside IO operations.

Monio includes several supporting monads/helpers in addition to `IO`:

* `Maybe` (including `Just` and `Nothing`)

* `Either`

* Monio-specific `AsyncEither` (same promise-transforming behavior as IO)

* `IOEventStream(..)`: creates an IO instance that produces an "event stream" -- an async-iterable consumable with a `for await..of` loop -- from an event emitter (ie, a DOM element, or a Node EventEmitter instance)

### For the FP savvy

Monio's `IO` models a function `e => IO a (Promise b c)`, which is strong enough to capture (optional) environment passing, side effects, async, and error handling without the pain of composing each type separately.
Expand All @@ -52,6 +46,314 @@ In that way, you can think of it as `ReaderT (IOT (Promise|Identity a b))` where

Monio's IO is like a JS-style ZIO/RIO where we have all the functionality we need wrapped up in 1 monad.

### Monio's Monads

Using an identity (`Just`) monad:

var twentyOne = Just(21);

.chain(v => Just(v * 2))
._inspect(); // Just(42)

Using a `Maybe` monad:

// `responseData` is an object


// this step is "safe" in that it's skipped
// if the `responseData.message` property
// is missing/empty and thus results in a
// Maybe:Nothing monad
.map(msg => msg.toUpperCase())

// using "foldable" behavior mixed in with
// the Maybe monad
() => console.log("Message missing!"),
msg => console.log(`Message: ${msg}`)

IO represents monadic side effects wrapped as functions:

var log = msg => IO(() => console.log(msg));
var uppercase = str => str.toUpperCase();
var greeting = msg => IO.of(msg);

// setup:
var HELLO = greeting("Hello!").map(uppercase);

// later:
.run(); // HELLO!

As opposed to manually `chain`ing IOs together, IO's friendlier "do-style" is expressed with ``:

var getData = url => IO(() => fetch(url).then(r => r.json()));
var renderMessage = msg => IO(() => (
document.body.innerText = msg

// `` accepts a generator to express "do-style"
// IO chains *main(){
// `yield` of an IO instance (like `await` with
// promises in an `async..await` function) chains/
// unwraps the IO, asynchronously if neccessary
var resp = yield getData("/some/data");

yield renderMessage(resp.msg);

// ..

IO supports carrying a reader environment through all IO chains (or do-blocks) by passing an argument to `run(..)`:

var renderMessage = msg => IO(readerEnv => (
readerEnv.messageEl.innerText = msg
)); *main(readerEnv){
yield renderMessage("Hello, friend!");

// ..
messageEl: document.getElementById("welcome-message")

Monio includes several other supporting monads/helpers in addition to `IO`:

* `Either`, as well as `AsyncEither` (same promise-transforming behavior as IO -- basically, this is like a `Future` monad)

* `AllIO` and `AnyIO` are IO monad variants (concatable monoids) whose `concat(..)` method makes them suitable for `fold(..)` / `foldMap(..)` combinations that are akin to `&&` and `||` operations, respectively.

For example:

var a = AllIO(() => true);
var b = AllIO(() => true);
var c = AllIO(() => false);

a.concat(b).run(); // true
fold(a,b).run(); // true

a.concat(b).concat(c).run(); // false
foldMap(v => v,[ a, b, c ]).run(); // false

var d = AnyIO(() => true);
var e = AnyIO(() => true);
var f = AnyIO(() => false);

d.concat(e).run(); // true
d.concat(e).concat(f).run(); // true

* `IOEventStream(..)`: creates an IO instance that produces an "event stream" -- an async-iterable that's consumable with a `for await..of` loop -- from an event emitter (ie, a DOM element, or a Node EventEmitter instance)

For example:

var clicksIO = IOEventStream(btn,"click");

clicksIO.chain(clicks => function *main(){
// `clicks`` is a lazily-subscribed ES2018
// async-iterator that will produce event
// objects for each DOM click event on the
// the button
for await (let evt of clicks) {
// ..

* `IOx` is a "reactive IO" monad variant, similar to a basic observable (or event stream). If an `IOx` (*B*) instance is subscribed to (i.e., observing/listening to) another `IOx` instance (*A*), and *A* updates its value, *B* is automatically notified and re-applied.

For example:

var number = IOx.of(3);
var doubled = => v * 2);
var tripled = => v * 3);

var log = (env,v) => console.log(`v: ${v}`);

// subscribe to the `doubled` IOx
var logDoubled = IOx(log,[ doubled ]);
// subscribe to the `tripled` IOx
var logTripled = IOx(log,[ tripled ]);

// activate only the `logDoubled` IOx;
// v: 6

// assign a different value into the `number` IOx
// v: 14

// now activate the `logTripled` IOx;
// v: 21

// assign another value into the `number` IOx
// v: 20
// v: 30

And for handling typical event streams:

var clicksIOx = IOx.of.empty();

// standard DOM event listener
btn.addEventListener("click",evt => clicksIOx(evt),false);

clicksIOx.chain(evt => {
// .. click event! ..

Alternatively, using included `IOx.onEvent(..)`:

var clicksIOx = IOx.onEvent(btn,"click",false);
// or use `IOx.onceEvent(..)` for single-fire event handling

clicksIOx.chain(evt => {
// .. click event! ..

IOx instances are IO instances (with extensions for reactivity). As such, they can be `yield`ed inside `` do-blocks:

```js *main({ doc, }){
// IOx event stream that represents the one-time
// DOM-ready event
var DOMReady = IOx.onceEvent(doc,"DOMContentLoaded",false);

// listen (and wait!) for this event to fire
yield DOMReady;

// ..
.run({ doc: document });

`` can subscribe a do-block to one or more IOx instances; it will be invoked with each value update from any of the subscribed-to IOx instances:

var delay = ms => IO(() => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r,ms)));
var toggleEl = el => IO(() => el.disabled = !el.disabled);
var renderMessage = msg => IO(({ messageEl }) => (
messageEl.innerText = msg

function *onClick({ btn, },evt) {
// disable button
yield toggleEl(btn);

// render a message
yield renderMessage("Button clicked!");

// wait a second
yield delay(1000);

// re-enable button
yield toggleEl(btn);
} *main({ btn, }){
// lazily prepare to subscribe to click events
// (this IOx instance is not yet active unti`l
// it's manually run, or subscribed to by another
// IOx instance that *is* activated)
var clicksIOx = IOx.onEvent(btn,"click",false);

// for each click, re-evaluate the reactive do-block
// (still not activated yet!)
var handleClicksIOx =,[ clicksIOx ]);
// or:
// var handleClicksIOx = clicksIOx.chain(
// evt =>,[],evt)
// );

// actually activates the click handling and the DOM
// event subscription
yield handleClicksIOx;
messageEl: document.getElementById("my-message"),
btn: document.getElementById("my-button")

Similar to RxJS observables, some basic stream operators/combinators are provided:

var log = msg => IO(() => console.log(msg)); *main({ btn, input }){
// setup some event streams
var clicksIOx = IOx.onEvent(btn,"click",false);
var keypressesIOx = IOx.onEvent(input,"keypress",false);

// use various stream operators
var lettersIOx = => evt.key)
IOx.filterIn(key => /[a-z]/i.test(key))
var uniqueLettersIOx = lettersIOx.chain( IOx.distinct() );
var nonRepeatLettersIOx =
lettersIOx.chain( IOx.distinctUntilChanged() );

// zip two streams together
var clickAndKeyIOx =[ clicksIOx, uniqueLettersIOx ]);

// NOTE:
// it's important to realize that everything up to this
// point has just been lazily defined, with nothing
// yet executed. the following statement actually
// `yield`s to activate the ultimate IOx, which has the
// cascading effect of activating all the above defined
// IOx instances.

// merge two streams together, and print whatever comes
// through to the console
yield (
.merge([ clickAndKeyIOx, nonRepeatLettersIOx ])
btn: document.getElementById("my-button"),
input: document.getElementById("my-input"),

IOx reactive instances can temporarily be paused (using `stop()`), or permanently closed and cleaned up (using `close()`).

## Using Monio

To use monads/helpers from Monio, first import them:
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