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  - Kuby's gems are still part of the bundle, but config has been moved out of the initializer and into kuby.rb in the Rails root directory.
  - Internal classes no longer retain a reference to `Rails.application`.
  - Kuby config now requires `environment` blocks:
      Kuby.define('my-app') do
        environment(:production) do

        environment(:staging) do
* Fix `MissingDistroError` caused by not setting a default distro.
* Create a .dockerignore file when running the Rails generator.
* Add ability to insert inline Docker layers without having to create a separate class, eg:
    insert :hello, before: :bundler_phase do |dockerfile|'echo "hello, world"')
* Add Postgres database support.
* Don't install sqlite libs by default.
* Modify Rails generator
  - Require kuby and load config safely.
  - Provide manual access to credentials via `ActiveSupport::EncryptedConfiguration`, which is necessary now that our rake tasks don't load the Rails environment.
* Add a convenience method for requesting the amount of block storage for the database.
* Add the ability to entirely disable database management via `manage_database false`.
* Avoid deploying nginx-ingress if it's already deployed.
* Add rake task for running arbitrary `kubectl` commands.
Assets 2