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npm install react-native-playbook-sdk

Initialize PlaybookSDK

Initialize Playbook SDK with your settings information and open the Playbook Modal from any component. Here you'll need 3 critical information - your SDK Token, an ID for your user (given by you) and the user group(s) the user belongs to.

In your application main component useEffect hook you can setup playbook SDK with following code blocks:

import PlaybookSdk from 'react-native-playbook-sdk';

const Application = ()=>{
             Playbook Config
                "...", // Your SDK token from -> Settings -> App Settings
                "...", // A unique user id of your user
                ["..."], // An array of user group ids from -> User Groups -> External ID, External ID = 1 is for the Everyone User group
                "Acme Academy", // Your Company Name
                true // Sandbox
            /* This method is optional */
                spinnerColor: "#FF0000",
                mainColor: "#FF0000",
                mainTitle: {
                    "en": "Acme Academy",
                    "tr": "Acme Akademi"
                mainDescriptionText: {
                    "en": "Supercharge your skills with these short guides in various categories.",
                    "tr": "Çeşitli konu ve kategorilerdeki kısa rehberler ile kendini geliştir."
                QRModule: true, 
                updateModule: true
    }, [])

Posible properties of extra settings

Prop Description Type default
spinnerColor Color of main loading spinner (hex format) String #333333
fontFamily Family name of main font String null
mainColor Application main color (hex format) String #333333
mainTitle Title of main screen {[key:String]: String} null
mainDescriptionText Description of main screen {[key:String]: String} null
categoryDescriptionText Description of main screen {[key:String]: String} null
QRModule State of QRModule boolean true
updatesModule State of Update Module boolean true

Locale Your SDK

First of all you should set available languages as shown code block below for the SDK.


Current version of the SDK has localizations for only English, Turkish and Arabic. But developers can create their localization files from the current JSON template. The example template can be found the main dir of the repository.

Please follow the three basic step in native SDKs documentations to localize the sdk for a new language.

iOS Playbook SDK

Android Playbook SDK

Presenting Academy, Updates or both

In Playbook you can choose to display the main modules (Academy & Updates) separately at different places, or together. In any UIViewController instance you can use methods listed below.

    // Presenting both academy and updates module
    // Presenting only update module
    // Presenting only academy module

Remote notification for updates

Notifications to your app sent for the Playbook SDK should have an pb_update_id in the payload section.

  "data": {
    "pb_update_id": "PU69a1" // Update ID from -> Updates -> Campaign ID

You can find detailed notification setup from native documentation of SDKs.

iOS Playbook SDK

Android Playbook SDK

