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Releases: getsentry/responses


27 Apr 19:45
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  • Switch from Travis to GHA for deployment.

Responses 0.13.2

29 Mar 13:33
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  • Fixed incorrect type stubs for add_callback

Responses 0.13.1

17 Mar 15:46
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  • Fixed packages not containing type stubs.

Responses 0.13.0

17 Mar 00:27
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  • responses.upsert() was added. This method will add() a response if one has not already been registered for a URL, or replace() an existing response.
  • responses.registered() was added. The method allows you to get a list of the currently registered responses. This formalizes the previously private responses.mock._matches method.
  • A more useful __repr__ has been added to Response.
  • Error messages have been improved.

Responses 0.12.1

12 Nov 06:50
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  • responses.urlencoded_params_matcher and responses.json_params_matcher now
    accept None to match empty requests.
  • Fixed imports to work with new urllib3 versions.
  • request.params now allows parameters to have multiple values for the same key.
  • Improved ConnectionError messages.

Responses 0.12.0

30 Aug 01:25
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  • Removed support for python 3.4

Responses 0.11.0

24 Aug 01:18
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  • Added the match parameter to add().
  • Added responses.urlencoded_params_matcher() and responses.json_params_matcher().

Responses 0.10.16

11 Aug 02:49
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  • Add a requirements pin to urllib3. This helps prevent broken install states where
    cookie usage fails.

Responses 0.10.15

12 Jun 02:19
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  • Added assert_call_count to improve ergonomics around ensuring a mock was called.
  • Fix incorrect handling of paths with query strings.
  • Add Python 3.9 support to CI matrix.

Responses 0.10.14

20 Apr 02:26
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  • Version bump to align tags with