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214 lines (171 loc) · 10.4 KB
  • Start Date: 2023-03-29
  • RFC Type: feature
  • RFC PR: #83
  • RFC Status: draft


This RFC proposes a new tracing model for Sentry's performance product to better address future product improvements. The goal of this model is to allow storing entire traces without gaps, support dynamic sampling, indexing of spans and to extract metrics from spans pre-sampling. This is an evolution of the current transaction based approach.


Today Sentry has a strong concept of a "transaction" which appears in multiple parts of the product. It is both the transport of span data, the billable entity and the only indexed part of the product experience. This means that spans that exist outside of the transaction cannot be represented and it also means that spans within a transaction are not indexed.

The existing model has worked well for us to get started with evolving the Sentry errors product to capture performance traces, but it has restricted our ability to evolve the product forward. It has created some restrictions on the SDK technology side (from high memory pressure, payload size limits) and also has promoted a separation of transactions and spans on the API layer which is untypical for tracing products. It also has meant that Sentry has challenges with accepting traces coming directly from an OpenTelemetry exporter as the transaction concept is not a concept that OpenTelemetry has.

We want to set a future direction that enables more flexible product choices and that we can move towards from our existing tracing model. The goals are:

  • Support capturing entire traces
  • Have a data model story that allows us higher compatibility with Open Telemetry. Specifically we want a model that would permit us to ingest Open Telemetry data right from an exporter
  • Have a clear story for indexing and extracing metrics on a per-span level
  • Unified spans and transactions from an SDK perspective
  • Enable a path that allows clients to send 100% of spans outwards at least to a local aggregator, preferrably a remote relay
  • To better and directly support dynamic sampling in the core tracing model

We want to lay out a better path forward that

  • capture entire traces
  • browser tabs = a trace
  • index and extract metrics on a span level
  • clients send 100% of metrics
  • dynamic sampling narrows in on traces


The new tracing model is an extension to our existing tracing model. As such we try to adhere to some of the existing terms. Note that this document is intentionally glossing over some of the details to better describe the desired end result. Individual RFCs will have to be written to narrow down on specific schema definitions.


A session is an optional concept when talking about user actors on the system. A session outlives one or more traces and is exclusively used when talking about human interactions with a system.


A trace has no end. It bundles spans together, some of those spans are organized into segments (marked in red in the graph). The user experience does not center around a trace, which really is an internal way to bundle things together but it narrows down on segments within the trace.

    title Example Starfish Trace
    dateFormat x
    axisFormat %S.%L

    section Frontend
    /checkout                                        :crit, 0, 1500ms
    GET /api/session                                 :150, 170ms
    POST /api/analytics                              :190, 70ms
    GET /api/checkout/state                          :200, 500ms
    GET /api/checkout/cart                           :1100, 140ms
    <App/>                                           :1300, 180ms
    POST /api/analytics                              :done, 1450, 70ms
    GET /assistent/poll                              :done, 1450, 120ms
    POST /api/analytics                              :done, 1580, 70ms

    section API Service
    /api/checkout/state                              :crit, 240, 440ms
    cache.get session#58;[redacted]                  :360, 10ms
    db.query select from session                     :370, 20ms
    db.query select from user                        :390, 20ms
    db.query select from checkout                    :410, 20ms
    http.request GET http#58;//payments/poll  :450, 210ms
    thread.spawn refresh-checkout-cache              :done, 670, 220ms

    section Payment Service
    /poll                                            :crit, 470, 180ms
    db.query select from payment                     :490, 30ms
    db.query update payment                          :530, 60ms


Spans behave very similar to how the function today, but they get elevated to a more significant level. They largely follow the general semantics in the wider tracing eco system. To drive our product ideas we are going to ensure that the quality of the spans is high and that they provide at least the following pieces of information:

  • op: defines the core operation that the span represents (eg: db.query)
  • description: the most significant description of what this operation is (eg: the database query). The description also gets processed and cleaned in the process.
  • trace_id: a span relates to one trace by ID
  • parent_span_id: a span optionally points back to a parent trace which could be from a different service
  • segment_id: a span that is part of a segment, always refers back to it by the segment's span_id.
  • is_segment: when set to true this span is a segment.
  • start_time and end_time to give the span time information.
  • tags: a key/value pair of arbitrary tags that are set per-span. Conceptually however spans also inherit the tags of the segments they are contained in.
  • measurements: are span specific metrics that are stored with the span. There is a natural measurement of a span which is the duration which is automatically calculated from the difference of the end to the start timestamp.

Spans always belong to a trace, but not all spans belong to a segment. A span not belonging to a segment are referred to as "detached" spans, spans that belong to a segment are "attached" spans. A span must only be attached to a segment if it belongs to the same process and service. Remote spans must never be attached to a segment.


Previously transaction referred to the container that held spans. In the future a "transaction" refers to the name of a specific type of segment level span that describes a meaningful activity that starts with a request, and results in some meaningful response. By definition a span that holds a transaction tag becomes a "segment". Other than that, it's just a regular span.


A segment is a special type of span that is the "logical" activity in a service. For instance a segment can be the endpoint implementation of an API request, it could be a task that is processed by a task worker, it could be the navigation a user performs in a UI or a screen transition. Conceptionally segments fall into two categories: "transactions" which are quite mechanical and clearly defined operations and "interactions" which are user triggered operations. The difference is that an "interaction" has a human user as an actor in it, that might influence it, whereas a "transaction" is unlikely to be interrupted once started. A user for instance is quite likely to navigate again even before the previous interaction finished, whereas a task is more likely than not to conclude, even if what triggered the task is no longer interested in the result of the task.

The primary user experience in the product can narrow down on certain segments and make the trace explorable via that segment.

Locality: All the spans that are attached to a segment thus must be local to the service and process. It's still possible for a span to relate to a child of a segment or a segment directly via the parent_span_id, but the segment_id must not be set.

Joining: At the end of a segment an implicit join is taking place. Any span *that has not concluded yet will be detached from the segment. In the following example the <App/> span is part of the segment /checkout still where as the HTTP request related spans that did not finish when the /checkout segment ended are then detached:

    title Trace Showing Attached and Detached Spans
    dateFormat x
    axisFormat %S.%L

    section Frontend
    /checkout                                        :crit, 0, 500ms
    <App/>                                           :300, 180ms
    POST /api/analytics                              :done, 450, 70ms
    GET /assistent/poll                              :done, 450, 120ms
    POST /api/analytics                              :done, 580, 70ms

Logical Tag Promotion: tags attached to a segment logically also belong to the spans contained within. This does not mean that tags are actually duplicated down to all child spans, but for instance it means that if a release or environment tag is attached to a segment, then it also automatically extends to all the child spans that are attached to that segment. This is particularly relevant for metrics extraction.

Logical Metrics Promotion: certain metrics relating to the composition of child attached child spans are promoted to the segment. For instance the break downs (how much time was spent in db vs http) that previously was a transaction level property now is calculated onto the segment. Likewise we might consider counting number of spans of a certain category per segment and have these counters be promoted into the segment.


TODO: document me.


The starfish tracing model does not enable metrics ingestion, but it allows attaching metrics to spans. Span bound metrics are called "measurements". Every span gets a default measurement called duration attached to it but other measurements can be added. For instance LCP and other important web vitals can be attached directly to a segment as measurement. SDKs can add further measurements to spans if they see value in it. For instance if the SDK understands how long it waited for the establishing of a connection it could attach a socket.connect_time or similar numbers. Other examples might be things like cache.result_size etc.

Measurements are ingested broken down by segment and span level tags before dynamic sampling throws away data.



  • metrics extraction
  • tag propagation
  • transitional mapping