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Set of gulp tasks to create frontend components oriented apps.


This project has a set of gulp task to create your frontend apps based in our personal components oriented programming solution.

Tools used in the gulp tasks

  • gulp
  • browserify
  • postcss (with postcss-copy and postcss-import)
  • browser-sync
  • notify

Gulp task list

  • browser-sync: Task to start a browser-sync instance.
  • browserify: Task to compile your JavaScript files.
  • clean: Task to delete the dist folder.
  • postcss: Task to compile your CSS files.
  • build: Task to compile all your files (JS, CSS, assets..)
  • serve: Task to start a server.
  • watch-files: Task to watch for CSS and index.html changes. For the JS files we use watchify defined in the browserify task.


With npm do:

npm install gulp-appfy-tasks --save-dev


Create a gulpfile.js in your root folder (if you don't have it yet) and write this.

var appfy = require('gulp-appfy-tasks');

If you define the appfy as above remember that you need respect the default configuration schemes


init Function

This function initialize the appfy object.


  • basePath (required): Define the root path of your app.
  • userConfig (optional): Override the default configuration.
  "sourcePath": "src",
  "destPath": "dist",
  "assetsTemplate": "assets/[hash].[ext]",
  "entryCSS": "index.css",
  "entryJS": "index.js",
  "entryHTML": "index.html", // can be false
  "customWatch": false, // array | string | function(config, watch, browserSync)
  "browsersync": {
    "port": 3000,
    "notify": false,
    "server": {
      "baseDir": "./"
  "notify": {
    "onError": false,
    "onUpdated": false
  "browserify": {
    "watchify": {
      "delay": 100,
      "ignoreWatch": [
      "poll": false
    "sourcemap": true,
    "uglify": false,
    "extend": null,
    "options": {}
  "postcss": {
    "sourcemap": true,
    "plugins": null,
    "options": {}
  • userGulp (optional): If is necessary you can set a distinct gulp instance.

defineTasks Function

Initialize the default gulp tasks of appfy.

Some code examples to help you

How override the default tasks?

Maybe you think that this is a big library but this is not that case. Appfy is only a set of gulp task so you can override the task really easier.

var gulp = require('gulp');
var appfy = require('gulp-appfy-tasks');

// override the "clean" task
gulp.task('clean', function (cb) {
    console.log('i override the clean task');

How can i extend or set options for browserify?

You can extend the broserify instance or set options with userConfig

var appfy = require('gulp-appfy-tasks');
appfy.init(__dirname, {
    browserify: {
        extend: function (config, bundler) {
            return bundler.transform('babelify', {presets: ["es2015"]});
        options: {} // API official options for browserify

How can i extend or set options for postcss?

You can extend the postcss instance or set options with userConfig

var appfy = require('gulp-appfy-tasks');
appfy.init(__dirname, {
    postcss: {
        plugins: function (config, plugins) {
             * appfy comes with two excellent postcss plugins: postcss-copy and postcss-import.
             * Note: you can change the options of the default plugins or maybe delete it.
              .template = 'different/template/[name].[ext]';
            plugins['precss'] = require('precss')();
            return plugins;
        options: {
            parser: require('postcss-scss') // API official options for postcss