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A collection of scripts that can be used to provide various types of information to e.g. dwmblocks.

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This repo contains some scripts I use for my dwm status bar. Each one prints out one line of text with content descriped by the script name. To use them, put them in your path. I use them with dwmblocks but any status bar that calls scripts that return the text to display should work just as well.

Here's a screenshot of what it can look like when used with dwmblocks in dwm with Nord theme:

Screenshot of my statusbar

Or as a GIF:

GIF of my statusbar

You need to install Nerd Fonts for the icons to display correctly, and set dwm to use it. In the screenshot I use Nerd Font Hack Mono. An alternative method is to change the icons in each script.

Some scripts use color codes to display color in the statusbar. This requires the patch from the above mentioned dwmblocks fork (or anything else that can interpret them). If you don't need color, you can remove the color code from the scripts.


Here are explanations of the scripts, together with example output. If you cannot see the icons, it means you don't use Nerd Font in your browser.


This script is a wrapper for all the other scripts.

The script is only usable if sb-scripts is installed as a system package. You can install it this way for Arch Linux by running makepkg in packaging/arch, and it will build the package based on the PKGBUID file you find there. You can then install it with pacman -U.

Once you have this script, you can use it to run the other scripts. Instead of running, for example, sb-bat, you'd run sb bat, or instead of ./sb-net-vpn <interface-name>, you'd run sb net-vpn <interface-name>.


Shows percentage battery left and charge status if supported. Example of correct output:

 100%


Alternative script to show percentage battery left and charge status if supported. Example of correct output:



Shows whether a bluetooth audiodevice is connected. Requires pamixer. Example of correct output:


Wrapper script for sb-cpu-load and sb-cpu-temp. Example of correct output:

 7%  47°C


Shows usage percentage of CPU. Example of correct output:



Shows temperature of the cpu. Example of correct output:



Shows memory usage. Example of correct output:

 2,2G


Shows the currently playing music, with a maximum width set by the script. If run each second, it will show a "rolling text" so you can see the full song information even if the block that holds the text is not wide enough. Requires playerctl. Example of correct output:

 Andy Stott - Leaving


Show's whether you're connected to a network. You might need to grep for different strings. Check what's right for your computer with ip a. Example of correct output:


Show's whether you're connected to a network and a vpn. Takes one argument, which is a string that will only be found in the ip a output if you are connected to your VPN. That is, the name of your VPN/WireGuard interface. Example of correct output:

This means wired connection is connected. If VPN is disconnected, there will be a warning.


Shows memory and CPU usage, but hides it when under certain thresholds. Other thresholds determine the color of the output, with more "urgent" colors for higher usage.

 26%  57°C


This shows information about your Taskwarrior tasks. First number is the number of tasks due today, second is the number of overdue tasks, and third is the number of tasks completed today. It also shows truncated text of the active task, or otherwise the highest urgency task if there is one. Example of correct output:

 4 鬒 9  0 | started ta…

"Today" is considered over at 4 in the morning the next day.


Shows the time. Example of correct output:

2021-12-14 23:09


Shows download and upload speeds of Transmission bittorrent client. Speeds are show in human-readable format thanks to numfmt.

 43K


Shows audio volume. Example of correct output:

 33%


Combines sb-bluetooth and sb-vol. Shows audio volume as percentage and whether a bluetooth audio device is connected with an icon. Example of correct output:

﫽 33%


Shows if vpn is connected. Takes one argument, which is a string that will only be found in the ip a output if you are connected to your VPN. That is, the name of your VPN/WireGuard interface. Example of correct output:


Shows weather information from You have to provide coordinates as arguments – first the latitude of the place where you want to see the weather, then the longitude. There is no limit on how specific the coordinates need to be with regards to decimals. Example of correct output:

+4°C 


These scripts are likely too small to be covered by copyright but just to be sure, I hereby release those of the scripts in this repo that I am the author of to the public domain. It is clear from the comments in the code when I'm not the author.


A collection of scripts that can be used to provide various types of information to e.g. dwmblocks.





