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hadley edited this page Mar 16, 2015 · 1 revision

Install Ggobi & Rggobi (for developers)


 * Gtk2
 * [ gob2] 2.0.14 (GObject Builder) 
 * libxml2
 * [ R] (if installing Rggobi)
 * [ Subversion](svn)
 * libtool 1.15.22
 * automake (1.9.6 is good)
 * gettext 0.14.5
 * gtk-doc
 * [ Vala]
 * libgsf

for Mac specific notes on installing requirements see bottom of page


After the first time run then

You can then run ggobi using

Installing rggobi

You first must have GGobi installed (eg. . Make sure you have the following environmental variables set:

Note: The exact commands depends on what type of shell you are running, so you'd modify the above by either preceding with "setenv " and dropping the "=", OR "export ".


Then run from within R.

Mac specific notes

Make sure you have the latest version (>= 2.4) of Xcode, and X11 installed from your install dvd.

I'd recommend MacPorts to install the requirements. After you have installed macports, run the following code:

You will need to install gob2 by hand (eg. download, )

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