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197 lines (153 loc) · 5.15 KB

File metadata and controls

197 lines (153 loc) · 5.15 KB

effective python ( 59 methods )

Pythonic thinking

PEP 8 style

PEP 8 style

bytes, str and unicode

helper function

how to slice

don’t use stride with start/end

list comprehensions

use generator to replace big list comprehension

use enumerate instead of range

use zip to do parallel iteration

use try .. except .... else … finally


don’t return None, throw exception

scope in closure

use generator to replace list from function return

Be defensive when iterating over arguents

Define a class which includes __iter__, pass the object to function

Variable positional arguents

def log(message, *values):

favorites = [7, 33, 99]
log('Favorite colors', *favorites)

provide optional behavior with keyword arguments

the sequence should be normal, positional, optional arguements

Use NONE and docstring to sepecify dynamic default argumetns

def decode(data, default=None):    
  """Load JSON data from a string.
          data: JSON data to decode.
          default: Value to return if decoding fails.
              Defaults to an empty dictionary.
      if default is None:
          default = {}     

Enforce clarity with keyword-only arguments

Add * before keyword arguments, then it becomes keyword-only

def safe_division_c(number, divisor, *,


Prefer helper clsses over dictionary and tuples

Avoid doing dictionary nesting more than one level Use namedtuple type

import collections
Grade = collections.namedtuple('Grade', ('score', 'weight'))

Accept functions instead of classes

Use lambda and closure Function is first class object

class CountMissing(object):
  def __init__(self):
    self.added = 0

 def __call__(self): # function
   self.added += 1
   return 0 

counter = CountMissing()  # counter is a function 
result = defaultdict(couter, current) 

Use =@classmethod=to construct objects generically

Map reduce example. Add the creation funtion to the base class level

class InputData(object):
  def read(self):
    raise NotImplementedError       
  def generate_inputs(cls, config):
    raise NotImplementedError

class Worker(object):
  def map(self):
    raise NotImplementedError

  def reduce(self, other)
    raise NotImplementedError

  def create_workers(cls, input_class, config):
    workers = []
    for input_data in input_class.generate_inputs(config):
      workers.append(cls(input_data))  #cls => the sub-class itself 
  # LineCountWorker, PathInputData are sub-classes 
  workers = LineCountWorker.create_workers(PathInputData, config)

Initialize parent classes with super

Avoid the subclass override the previous subclass, super() class only called once

class Goodway(TimeFive, PlusTwo):
  def __init__(self, value):
    super(Goodway, self).__init__(value)
    # super().__init__(value) in python 3 

ret = Goodway(5) # order is defined in MRO 

Use Multiple Inheritance only for mix-in utility class


Use subprocess to manage child processes

  • this makes python a good glue
  • communicate() to run subproceses
  • in python3, we could add timeout

Use threads for blocking I/O. avoid for parallelsim

  • GIL, threading may causes program running longer !
  • but if the call is IO bound, for example, system call, threading will


built-in modules

define function decorators with functools.wraps

Decorators: run addional code before/after any calls Use wraps to make the function name unchanged

def trace(func):
   def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
   return wrapper

consider contextlib and with statement for reusable try behavior

  • with == try/finally block
  • enalbe your objects to with using contextlib
  • simpler than adding __enter__ __exit__
def debug_logging(level):
      yield  # which with block execute 
      # yield logger #if we wanna use as 

make pickle reliable with copyreg

  • pickle.dump and pickle.load useful for saving game
copyreg.pickle(GameState, pickle_game_state)
  • stable import path

Use datetime instead of TIME

Use built-in algorithm and data structure

  • deque()
  • OrderedDict
  • defaultdict
  • heapq, heappush, heappop
  • =bisect_left(x, 99999) binary serach
  • itertools

