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GemFire Extension

This project contains an API for Java Virtual Machine based languages to access GemFire. It builds on top of the core GemFire APIs. It provides a simple interface to connect and perform GemFire data access operations.

See components/gemfire-extensions-core

Sub Projects

Project Notes
components/gemfire-extensions-core GemFire client API wrapper
components/gemfire-extensions-spring-security Spring Security implements backed by GemFire
applications/gemfire-health-shell-app Spring Shell application to analyzer GemFire statistics
components/gemfire-health-office Tools for analyzing GemFire statistics
components/gemfire-http-dotnet-api Wrapper Dotnet Core client that uses the GemFire HTTP API
components/gemfire-security-managers GemFire security manager implementations
components/gemfire-touch-function GemFire function to synchronize region in WAN replicated GemFire clusters
components/functions/gemfire-clear-region-function GemFire function to clear region data in a GemFire partitioned region
deployments/scripts/gemfire-devOps-bash GemFire cluster operations DevOps management scripts

Build Jar

Set Pivotal Maven Repository user credentials See


Starting a GemFire Cluster Locally

In GFfsh

Start Locator

start locator --name=localhost --bind-address= --hostname-for-clients= --http-service-bind-address=

Start Server

start server --name=server1 --server-bind-address= --hostname-for-clients= --jmx-manager-hostname-for-clients= --bind-address= --http-service-bind-address= --locators=[10334]