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##Destructive Proxy

Utilizes the Socks5 proxy protocol to proxy all socket traffic.

In addition to providing proxy functionality, the destructive proxy is able to inject latency around network calls and shutdown connections by hostname.

How Build From Source

  • Install latest GO version (
    • The following steps assume GO is installed to /usr/local/go (refer to GO_HOME below)
  • edit .bash_profile and add these lines:
export GOPATH=~/GOWorkspace
export GO_HOME=/usr/local/go 
export PATH=$PATH:$GO_HOME/bin:$GOPATH/bin
  • Run these commands:
go get
go get -u
go get
cd ~/GOWorkspace/src/
  • Expected output:
coverage: 93.6% of statements
  • Now run these commands:
   cd destructive_socks5_proxy
   ls *
  • Expected output:


$PORT=4000 ./destructive_socks5_proxy

##### Commandline Options


$ ./destructive_socks5_proxy_linux_amd64 -help
Usage of ./destructive_socks5_proxy:
  -addr="": address to listen on
  -blacklist="": csv list of hosts to blacklist
  -config="todo": optional json config file of host:latency:type
  -whitelist="": csv list of hosts to whitelist.


$ ./destructive_socks5_proxy_darwin_amd64 -help
Usage of ./destructive_socks5_proxy:
  -addr="": address to listen on
  -blacklist="": csv list of hosts to blacklist
  -config="todo": optional json config file of host:latency:type
  -whitelist="": csv list of hosts to whitelist.

Note that the included binaries are located in the destructive_socks5_proxy subdirectory.

Java Parameters

# For example:
java  -DsocksProxyHost= -DsocksProxyPort=9000 ...


  • Set the per_remote_write latency for the :host parameter
    • Adds latency for every network write to the remote host. One connection can make many network writes, even for a single request.
    • Optionally, specify a count value to limit the number of times the latency value is applied. For instance, count=1 means the only 1 remote write will have the latency added. Note that count < 0, indicates means to continue to add latency to all remote writes until latency is explicitly removed. This is the default behavior.
  • The latency parameter parses a duration string (e.g., 60000ms, 60s, 1m).
  • Set the per_remote_read latency for the :host parameter
    • Adds latency for every network read from the remote host. One connection can make many network reads, even for a single request.
    • Optionally, specify a count value to limit the number of times the latency value is applied. For instance, count=1 means the only 1 remote read will have the latency added. Note that count < 0, indicates means to continue to add latency to all remote reads until latency is explicitly removed. This is the default behavior.
  • The latency parameter parses a duration string (e.g., 60000ms, 60s, 1m).
  • Set the per_remote_connect latency for the :host parameter

    • Adds latency for each network connect to the remote host. Does not work very well for long lived connections (e.g., JMS, JDBC)
    • Optionally, specify a count value to limit the number of times the latency value is applied. For instance, count=1 means the only 1 remote write will have the latency added. Note that count < 0, indicates means to continue to add latency to all remote writes until latency is explicitly removed. This is the default behavior.
  • The latency parameter parses a duration string (e.g., 60000ms, 60s, 1m).

  • Lists hostname and latency for the :host parameter if latency has been set with per_remote_write parameter
  • Lists hostname and latency for the :host parameter if latency has been set with per_remote_connect parameter
  • Lists hostname and latency for all hosts that have had latency set using the per_remote_write parameter
  • Lists hostname and latency for all hosts that have had latency set using the per_remote_connect parameter
  • Lists counts and metrics on which hosts have been seen, bytes, total latency, etc
  • Resets counters
  • Lists dependencies
  • Add or remote a host to the whitelist.
    • Requires the server to be started with the -whitelist option.
    • Note: blacklist and whitelist can't be used at the same time.
  • Lists hosts that have been added to the whitelist
  • Add or remote a host to the blacklist.
    • Requires the server to be started with the -blacklist option.
    • Note: blacklist and whitelist can't be used at the same time.
  • Lists hosts that have been added to the whitelist


Destructive Proxy built on top of the SOCKS5 protocol








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  • Go 99.4%
  • Shell 0.6%