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A novel approach to generate a set of diverse realistic cosmology images from a set of real images

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Team EGMP - Galaxy Image Generation


  • Gabriel Hayat
  • Mounir Amrani
  • Philipe Andreu
  • Emilien Pilloud

Getting Started

Virtual environment

Install virtualenvwrapper if not already done:

pip install virtualenvwrapper

Create a new virtual environment:

mkvirtualenv -p python3.6 "env-name"

The virtual environment is by default activated. You can disable it and enable it using:

workon "env-name"

Install pip requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To remove the virtual environment, simply disable it as shown above then run:

rmvirtualenv "env-name"

Preparing datasets for training

Please put the image folders labeled, query and scored and the csv files labeled.csv and scored.csv under the same directory called data that should be in the same directory as the *.py scripts. Then, to generate the 38 manual features for all the images in the labeled, query and scored datasets, please run:


This will generate a new folder called features under data in which you can find the features files and the corresponding ids files (used to map each feature vector to the id of the corresponding image). The final directory structure should be:

File Description
data Data folder.
├  labeled Labeled Image Directory
├  scored Scored Image Directory
├  query Query Image Directory
├  labeled.csv Labeled Images' Labels
├  scored.csv Scored Images' Scores
└  features Features folder.
   ├  labeled_feats.gz Labeled Features
   ├  labeled_feats_ids.gz Labeled Features ID Correspondences
   ├  query_feats.gz Query Features
   ├  query_feats_ids.gz Query Features ID Correspondences
   ├  scored_feats.gz Scored Features
   └  scored_feats_ids.gz Scored Features ID Correspondences

Running the models

A) Generation models


The model definition can be found in To train the model with the default parameters, simply run:


You can optionnally add the options -ls, -mb, -rot to use label smoothing, minibatch discrimination and data augmentation with rotation respectively

This generates a LOG_DCGAN folder with the following structure:

File Description
LOG_DCGAN DCGAN logs folder.
└  [date-time] Date and time of the run
   ├  checkpoints Directory containing the last 5 checkpoints saved
   ├ Zip file containing the code used for the run
   ├  output Messages printed to standard output
   └  test_samples Directory containing the test sample images generated during training


The model definition can be found in To train the model with the default parameters, simply run:


You can optionnally add the options -ls, -mb, -rot to use label smoothing, minibatch discrimination and data augmentation with rotation respectively

This generates a LOG_MCGAN folder with the following structure:

File Description
LOG_MCGAN MCGAN logs folder.
└  [date-time] Date and time of the run
   ├  checkpoints Directory containing the last 5 checkpoints saved
   ├ Zip file containing the code used for the run
   ├  output Messages printed to standard output
   └  test_samples Directory containing the test sample images generated during training

3) Stacked Super Resolution Model (SRM)

The model definition can be found in To train the model with the default parameters, simply run:


Please make sure that you have enough GPU memory to run the model to avoid memory exceptions towards the end of training. Alternatively you can download the log directory containing model checkpoint (trained on Google Colab's Tesla T4 GPU with 16GB of memory for around 3h) from the following link:

Please extract the archive file and put the LOG_SRM folder in the same directory as the *.py scripts.

When running the model training, this generates a LOG_SRM folder with the following structure:

File Description
LOG_SRM SRM logs folder.
└  [date-time] Date and time of the run
   ├  checkpoints Directory containing the last 5 checkpoints saved
   ├ Zip file containing the code used for the run
   ├  output Messages printed to standard output
   └  samples Directory containing samples of the output of the SRM model on the training data.

4) FullresGAN

The model definition can be found in To train the model with the default parameters, simply run:


You can optionnally add the options -ls, -mb to use label smoothing and minibatch discrimination respectively

This generates a LOG_FullresGAN folder with the following structure:

File Description
LOG_FullresGAN FullresGAN logs folder.
└  [date-time] Date and time of the run
   ├  checkpoints Directory containing the last 5 checkpoints saved
   ├ Zip file containing the code used for the run
   ├  output Messages printed to standard output
   └  test_samples Directory containing the test sample images generated during training

B) Image Scoring

1) Manual Feature Regressors

In order to train the Regressors based on manually extracted features, you can simply run:

python3 --regressor_type <reg_name>

Replace <reg_name> with one of the following arguments for different regressors:

Argument Description
Boost XGBoost Regressor
Ridge Ridge Regressor
Random_Forest Random Forest Regressor

This generates a Regressor folder with the following structure:

File Description
Regressor Main folder.
└  [reg_name] Trained Regressor Name
  ├  checkpoints Directory containing the checkpoints saved
  └  predictions
   └  predictions.csv The Regressor's predictions on the query set

2) DCGAN Scoring head:

The model definition can be found in This model adds and trains a simple Feed-Forward Neural Network to the discriminator of the DCGAN model. So, since this model depends on a trained DCGAN model, please make sure to train the DCGAN model first then train the scoring head. This model also assumes no mini-batch discrimination was in the trained DCGAN. We trained this model on the DCGAN without the options -ls, -mb, -rot.
To train this model using the latest trained DCGAN model and the default parameters, simply run:


This generates a LOG_DCGAN_SCORER folder with the following structure:

File Description
└  [date-time] Date and time of the run
   ├  checkpoints Directory containing the last 5 checkpoints saved
   ├ Zip file containing the code used for the run
   └  output Messages printed to standard output

Once the training done, you can generate score predictions on the query dataset by running:


This would load the latest trained DCGAN Scorer model and generate a predictions folder containing the predictions.csv file. The directory structure is as follows:

File Description
└  [date-time] Date and time of the run of the loaded model
   └  predictions Directory containing the predictions
     └  [date-time] Date and time of the score predictions generation
       └  predictions.csv Score predictions file

C) Image Generation

1) Generation using Patches from the labeled Dataset

To run this model, simply run:


This generates a LOG_PATCHES folder with the following structure:

File Description
LOG_PATCHES Patches baseline logs folder.
└  [date-time] Date and time of the run
   ├  output Messages printed to standard output
   └  generated_samples Directory containing the generated samples
     └  1000 Directory containing generated images of size 1000x1000

2) Generation using GAN models (with optional Filtering using scorer model):

You can use the code in to execute the generation pipeline: this consits in generating an image using a GAN model, then upsampling the image using the SRM model (in case the generated image is 64x64), then optionally scoring the image with a chosen scoring model in order to filter or keep it. By default 100 images are generated.

There are 2 strategies for deciding whether or not to keep an image when using a scorer:

  • Keeping only images with a score above a certain threshold t (by default 3.0).
  • Scoring the images of the labeled dataset that represent galaxies (i,e labeled 1), then taking the mean of these scores and adding a margin m (by default 0.25) to this mean in order to get a threshold t. If an image has a score below t, it is filtered, otherwise it is kept.

To run the generation pipeline, simply run:

python3 --generator <GENERATOR> --scorer <SCORER> --use_threshold --threshold <THRESHOLD>

The option --scorer is optional and can be ommited.
To use a margin on the mean score of the labeled galaxy images, replace --use_threshold by --use_margin and --threshold <THRESHOLD> by --margin <MARGIN>.

To view the list of allowed values for <GENERATOR> and <SCORER>, please run:

python3 --help

The models that are loaded are the latest trained ones.

The generated images are stored in the folder LOG_COMBINED with the following structure:

File Description
LOG_COMBINED Logs folder.
└  [date-time] Date and time of the run
   ├  output Messages printed to standard output
   └  generated_samples Directory containing the generated samples
     ├  64 Directory containing generated images of size 64x64 (if model generates 64x64 images)
     └  1000 Directory containing generated images of size 1000x1000

Run Experiments


To run experiments, images must have been generated and placed in the ./generated_images folder with the following hierarchy structure:

File Description
generated_images Generated Images folder.
├  legend.json (Optional) Specifies correspondences between feature indices and feature names
├  model_1 Directory with the name of the model
   ├  64 Folder with the 64x64 images generated (optional if not generated)
   └  1000 Folder with the 1000x1000 images generated
├  model_2 Directory with the name of the model
   ├  64 Folder with the 64x64 images generated (optional if not generated)
   └  1000 Folder with the 1000x1000 images generated
├  ...

Manual Feature Extraction

Compute the manual features on the generated images of all models under the folder ./generated_images by running:


The results are stored in ./manual_features folder with a structure similar to the ./generated_images folder:

File Description
manual_features Generated Images folder.
├  model_1 Directory with the name of the model
   ├  64 Folder with the features extracted on 64x64 images
   └  1000 Folder with the features extracted on 1000x1000 images
├  model_2 Directory with the name of the model
   ├  64 Folder with the features extracted on 64x64 images
   └  1000 Folder with the features extracted on 1000x1000 images
├  ...

Scoring generated images with a baseline score regressor

You can generate scores for 1000x1000 images of models under the folder ./generated_images by running:

python3 --regressor_type <reg_name>

where <reg_name> is one of the manual feature regressors.
The results are stored in ./generated_images/model_name for each available model_name.

Scoring labeled galaxy images with a baseline score regressor

You can generate scores for the images of the labeled dataset that represent galaxies (i,e labeled 1.0) by running:

python3 --regressor_type <reg_name>

where <reg_name> is one of the manual feature regressors.
The results are stored in the current working directory.

Experiment Execution

Now that the directories are setup and features extracted, all that remains is to run all experiments using:

python3 -all

An optional path to a legend json file can be specified using the option --legend <FILE_PATH> to specify a dict from feature index to feature name. Otherwise, the feature index will be used as feature name.

The experiment results can be found uder the directory ./experiments_results by default.

Other options

The above instructions should be sufficient to reproduce our models and experiments.
We note that for many *.py files, you can get a some help information about the possible settable options and their descriptions by simply running:

python3 [filename] --help

Run times:

  • Manual Features Generation on labeled, scored and query datasets: ~1h35min
  • Generation with patches baseline: ~5min
  • Training:
    • DCGAN: ~1h20min on Leonhard's GTX 1080 Ti GPU.
    • MCGAN: ~1h20min on Leonhard's GTX 1080 Ti GPU.
    • Stacked SRM: ~3h on Google Colab’s Tesla T4 GPU.
    • FullresGan: ~1h30min on Leonhard's GTX 1080 Ti GPU.
    • DCGAN scrorer: ~2h45min on Leonhard's GTX 1080 Ti GPU ( around 1h45min on a local GTX 970 GPU + SSD)
    • XGBoost regressor: ~6min
    • Random Forest regressor: ~16min
    • Ridge regressor: ~1sec


File Description Generative Model based on patches Train on the scored set and predict on the query set using a manual features regressor Predict scores on images in a provided directory using a trained manual features regressor Creates the *.csv file on images in ./generated_images/model_name/1000 for each model_name using a trained manual features regressor Creates the *.csv file on galaxy images of the labeled dataset using trained manual features regressor Downsamples images in a given directory of 1000x1000 images down to 64x64 Extracts manually crafted features from the images in ./generated_images/model_name for each model_name Generates manually crafted features on labeled, scored and query datasets Image/Manual Feature loading and preprocessing Layers and Blocks used to build the Models Functions used for manual features extraction and for experiments Logger to log output to both terminal and file and some utility functions Run experiments on images in ./generated_images/model_name for each model_name Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network Model Scoring Model based on the Discriminator of DCGAN model Manual Feature Conditionned Generative Adversarial Network Full 1000x1000 resolution Generative Adversial Network Stacked SuperResolution Model Training File for the DCGAN Training file for the DCGAN based scoring model Training File for the MCGAN Training File for the Stacked SRM Training file for the FullresGAN model Predict scores using the DCGAN based scoring model on the query set Image Generation using a GAN model with possible scorer filtering
requirements.txt List of dependencies README file


A novel approach to generate a set of diverse realistic cosmology images from a set of real images






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Contributors 4

