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This proposal was discussed at this pull request.

Invisible binders in type declarations

.. author:: Vladislav Zavialov
.. co-author:: John Ericson, Simon Peyton Jones
.. date-accepted:: 2022-04-07
.. ticket-url::
.. implemented::

We propose to allow invisible type variable binders (i.e. @k) in type declarations. Here are a few examples:

class C @k (a :: k) where ...

data D @k @j (a :: k) (b :: j) = ...

type family F @p @q (a :: p) (b :: q) where ...

We then propose to use these binders to simplify scoping rules and arity inference.

Relation to #155

This proposal is essentially the type-level counterpart to #155 "Binding type variables in lambda-expressions". While we do not have lambdas at the type level, we do have definition left-hand sides. Compare:

const :: a -> b -> a
const @c x _ = (x :: c)        -- from #155

type Const :: a -> b -> a
type Const @c x _ = (x :: c)   -- this proposal

The subject of both proposals is the @c to the left of =. The difference is that #155 is about functions, while this proposal is about type, data, newtype, class, type family, and data family declarations.

#155 has been accepted, but it is not implemented at the time of writing. Nevertheless, for the purposes of presentation, the text of this proposal assumes that term-level ``@t``-binders are already a part of the language.

The goal of this proposal is to tidy up the language and to simplify certain aspects of it related to name resolution, implicit quantification, and arity inference.

We shall consider a number of various ways to arrive at the idea of @k-binders. While each individual argument may seem weak, together they form a compelling reason for the addition.

Let us consider a kind-polymorphic class C, such as the following:

class C (a :: k)

In this declaration, a is a binding site for a type variable, whereas k is a usage site. You can easily verify this claim by trying to duplicate the binder:

class Cx (a :: k) (a :: k)    -- rejected, "a" is bound twice
class Cy (a :: k) (b :: k)    -- ok

Where is k bound, then? That is where implicit quantification comes into play. Compare with the following term-level definition:

f (x :: a) (y :: a) = undefined

Here, x and y are variable binders, while a is a usage of an implicitly quantified type variable. However, in terms there is a way to bind a explicitly:

f @a (x :: a) (y :: a) = undefined
 explicit binder

This proposal introduces the type-level equivalent of that feature:

class C @k (a :: k)
       explicit binder

As a consequence, the new syntax makes the language more uniform and consistent.

Let us once again consider the kind-polymorphic class introduced earlier:

class C (a :: k)

The kind of C is forall k. k -> Constraint. With this definition, all of the following instances are permitted:

instance C Int
instance C Maybe
instance C False

Note how Int, Maybe, and False are all of different kinds. That is possible because we can instantiate k differently in each instance. If we also enable TypeApplications, we can make this clear:

instance C @Type           Int
instance C @(Type -> Type) Maybe
instance C @Bool           False

This choice of syntax makes it apparent that C is in fact a multi-parameter type class of kind forall k. k -> Constraint. The first parameter of C is k, the second parameter is a, and both can be instantiated.

One might expect that if it is possible to instantiate k by writing C @Type, C @(Type -> Type), or C @Bool, then the syntax to abstract over k would be C @k. Unfortunately, that is not the case:

class C @k (a :: k)

This proposal lifts this restriction.

Now let us consider a slightly more complicated example:

data P a b = MkP

class C (a :: i -> i -> i) where
  p :: P a i

The point of interest here is the i parameter of C. You will notice two things about it:

  1. i is used as part of a lengthy, syntactically large type (i -> i -> i)
  2. i is also used in the body of the class declaration (in the type of its method)

Now, assume we want for one reason or another to add a standalone kind signature to C:

type C :: forall i. (i -> i -> i) -> Constraint
class C (a :: i -> i -> i) where
  p :: P a i

This works, but now the i -> i -> i part is repeated twice, resulting in undesirable code duplication. One might attempt to deduplicate by removing the inline kind annotation on a:

type C :: forall i. (i -> i -> i) -> Constraint
class C a where
  p :: P a i

Alas, now GHC will interpret this code very differently! The i in the standalone kind signature for C and the i in the class method p are no longer in any way related, and the type of p changes as follows:

p :: forall i (a :: i -> i -> i). C a => P a i                -- before
p :: forall i (a :: i -> i -> i) k (i1 :: k). C a => P a i1   -- after

This wouldn't happen if i from the standalone kind signature scoped over the class body, as one might expect with ScopedTypeVariables enabled. However, this is simply not the case: StandaloneKindSignatures and ScopedTypeVariables do not interact. One might argue that this is a reason to make them interact in the expected way, but this proposal offers no judgement in this regard. Instead, it offers an alternative that sidesteps the issue entirely:

type C :: forall i. (i -> i -> i) -> Constraint
class C @i a where
  p :: P a i

By writing @i, we bind the type variable, making it scope over the class body; at the same time, we avoid repeating i -> i -> i.


type T1 = 'Nothing :: Maybe a
type T2 = 'Just ('Nothing :: Maybe a)

T1 is currently legal, yielding T :: forall a. Maybe a. The general rule is that the free variables of a top-level kind annotation on the RHS are brought into scope implicitly, and will be quantified in the final kind of the type constructor.

In constrast, T2 is currently illegal, because the kind annotation is not at the top level.

We propose to drop this exotic form of implicit quantification from the language. Both T1 and T2 would become illegal, but with @k-binders the programmer can rewrite them as follows:

type T1 @a = 'Nothing :: Maybe a
type T2 @a = 'Just ('Nothing :: Maybe a)

This way all the variables occurring on the RHS are bound on the LHS. We exploit the new syntax to allow a nice, simple, uniform scoping rule. To cite the User's Guide, "The reason for this exception [the strange, ad-hoc rule about top-level kind annotations] is that there may be no other way to bind k".

Arity is a property of type synonyms and type families that determines how many arguments are required at use sites (partial application is not allowed). The notion of arity is described in more detail in section "Type family declarations" of the User's Guide.

Importantly, arity cannot be determined by looking at the kind of a type constructor. Consider F declared as follows:

type F :: Type -> forall k. Maybe k
type family F x

The compiler can either assign it the arity of 1 or 2, and this choice will determine whether the equations of the type family can pattern match on k. This will also determine whether a higher-kinded usage of F is possible.

Thus, both arities can make sense depending on intended usage. Currently, GHC expects the programmer to employ an unsightly technique to specify the arity. By default, arity inference tries to include as many forall-bound variables as possible, to maximize the expressivity at definition site (at the cost of higher-kinded usage). However, the user may opt out by duplicating the return kind of the type family in its header:

-- arity = 2
type F :: Type -> forall k. Maybe k
type family F x

-- arity = 1
type G :: Type -> forall k. Maybe k
type family G x :: forall k. Maybe k

With @-binders we can do the opposite. We propose that by default, arity inference would include as few forall-bound variables as possible, to allow higher-kinded usage. However, it shall also include all @-bound variables:

-- arity = 1
type F :: Type -> forall k. Maybe k
type family F x

-- arity = 2
type G :: Type -> forall k. Maybe k
type family G x @k

This would simultaneously reduce code duplication and simplify the rules for arity inference.

One might expect that for any implicitly quantified (type) variable, it would be possible to bind it explicitly. For example, in ordinary type signatures we can use ExplicitForAll to do it:

f ::           a -> a     -- implicit quantification of "a"
g :: forall a. a -> a     -- explicit quantification of "a"

That is currently not the case in type declarations. Let us once again consider a kind-polymorphic type class:

class C (a :: k) (b :: k) where ...

How would one bind k? This proposal provides an answer:

class C @k (a :: k) (b :: k) where ...
       explicit binding site

This also increases expressivity in the presence of ambiguous variables:

type family F a

type C :: forall a. F a -> Constraint
class C x where   -- no way to put a kind signature on "x"
  -- no way to bring "a" into scope here

In practice, it is easy to work around this problem by using forall a -> instead of forall a., and yet the need for the workaround reveals a rough edge in the design of the language.

Support for @k-binders in type declarations will have the following positive effects:

  • Term- and type-level syntax become more consistent with one another
  • class and instance declarations can be more symmetric
  • Standalone kind signatures will no longer lead to duplication
  • Implicit quantification rules in type synonyms can be simplified
  • Arity inference becomes much more straightforward
  • Every variable can have an explicit binding site

Now let us propose two additional changes that are only tangentially related to @k-binders, but follow the spirit of "Argument 4" about using the LHS exclusively to determine scope.


type family F1 a :: k
type instance F1 Int = Any :: j -> j

type family F2 a :: k
type instance F2 @(j -> j) Int = Any :: j -> j

type family F3 a :: k
type instance forall j. F3 Int = Any :: j -> j

The definitions and instances of F1, and F2, and F3 are equivalent, and all of them are already allowed today.

Notice that in F2, the @(j -> j) is not a binding site for j. If we want to bind j explicitly in an instance (as opposed to a declaration), we use an explicit forall j., as in F3. That is why it is possible today and does not require the @k-binders introduced in this proposal.

In F1, the j is only mentioned on the right-hand side, and yet is implicitly quantified. This implicit quantification behavior is sometimes counterintuitive, so we propose that all type variables must be bound on the LHS. That is, F1 would become illegal, while F2 and F3 would remain accepted.

This is quite similar to the implicit quantification rules for type synonyms that we presented in "Argument 4".


type family F a :: k

type instance F Int = Char
type instance F Int = Maybe

From the family declaration we see that F :: forall k. Type -> k. The two type instance declarations appear to have an identical head, but by looking at the RHS we can infer that the invisible kind argument of F is Type in the first instance, and Type -> Type in the second. It would be much clearer to write:

type instance F @Type         Int = Char
type instance F @(Type->Type) Int = Maybe

and indeed this is already legal.

We propose to require that the type instance be fully determined by the LHS, so that the programmer sees two visibly distinct instance heads. For the purpose of determining the LHS, the RHS is ignored. So under this proposal the instance:

type instance F Int = Char

would mean:

type instance F @k Int = Char

(where the LHS instantation is at an unconstrained kind k). Now the kind of the RHS if fixed to be k, and the kind of Char does not match that, so the declaration is rejected.

The principle is that it should be possible to see what instance the programmer intended by looking only at the instance head (the LHS). This property already holds for data family instances. Suppose D is a data family of kind:

D :: forall k. (k->Type) -> k -> Type

Now consider

data instance D p q where
   MkD :: forall r. r Int -> T r Int

So what kind do p and q have? No clues from the header, but from the data constructor we can clearly see that r :: Type->Type. Does that mean that the the entire data instance is instantiated at Type like this:

data instance D @Type (p :: Type->Type) (q :: Type) where

Or does it mean that the GADT data constructor specialises that kind argument, thus:

data instance D @k (p :: k->Type) (q :: k) where
  MkD :: forall (r :: Type -> Type).
         r Int -> T @Type r Int

(It might be specialised differently in some other data constructor MkD2). GHC avoids this question by determining the instance header solely from the header. This proposal simply extends the same principle to type family instances.

Relax the syntactic check of data, newtype, type, class, type family, and data family declarations to allow @k-binders in their headers:

tv_bndr ::=
         | tyvar                         -- variable
         | '(' tyvar '::' kind ')'       -- variable with kind annotation
  (NEW)  | '@' tyvar                     -- invisible variable
  (NEW)  | '@' '(' tyvar '::' kind ')'   -- invisible variable with kind annotation
  (NEW)  | '@' '_'                       -- wildcard (to skip an invisible quantifier)

The occurrences of @ must be prefix, as defined by #229.

Guarded behind a new flag, -XTypeAbstractions.

In type synonym declarations, require that every variable mentioned on the RHS must be bound on the LHS. For three releases before this change takes place, include a new warning -Wimplicit-rhs-quantification in -Wcompat, to inform users of affected definitions.

When a declaration has no standalone kind signature, a @k-binder gives rise to a forall k. quantifier in the inferred kind signature. The inferred forall k. does not float to the left; the order of quantifiers continues to match the order of binders in the header.

To kind-check a declaration that has a standalone kind signature (SAKS), we must associate the quantifiers of the kind signature with the binders of the type declaration. We call this SAKS zipping. For example, consider the following declaration:

type T :: forall a. a -> forall b c. (b, c) -> forall d -> (a ~ b) => Type
data T (x :: Type) @t y z = ...

Here we produce the following pairs:

    Quantifier  |   Binder
1.  forall a.   |
2.  a ->        | (x :: Type)
3.  forall b.   | @t
4.  forall c.   |
5.  (b, c) ->   | y
6.  forall d -> | z
7.  (a ~ b) =>  |

Notice that each quantifier is associated with either one binder or none.

This association plays two roles:

  • It fixes the arity of the type constructor. The arity is the number of quantifiers up to and including the one paired with the last binder. In our example, the last binder is z, which is paired with the sixth quantifier forall d ->, so the arity is 6 (see also "Arity Inference" below).
  • It associates the kinds in the kind signature with the variables in the declarations. For example, the binder y is associated with the quantifier (b,c) ->, so y must have kind (b,c). Similarly the binder @t is associated with the quantifier forall b., so t is simply a name for b.

SAKS zipping works over two lists: quantifiers (from the signature) and binders (from the declaration). Let us define it in pseudo-code:

zipSAKS :: [Quantifier] -> [Binder] -> [(Quantifier, Maybe Binder)]
zipSAKS (q:qs) (b:bs)
  | zippable q b  = (q, Just b)  : zipSAKS qs bs
  | skippable q   = (q, Nothing) : zipSAKS qs (b:bs)
  | otherwise     = error "Unzippable quantifier/binder pair"
zipSAKS [] (b:bs) = error "Too many binders"
zipSAKS _ [] = []

skippable q = isInvisibleQuantifier q
zippable q b =
  (isInvisibleForall q && isInvisibleBinder b) ||
  (isVisibleQuantifier q && isVisibleBinder b)

Where the predicates are defined as follows (with ⟦ ... ⟧ denoting AST quotation):

isInvisibleForall :: Quantifier -> Bool
isInvisibleForall q = case q of
   forall x.          ->  True
   forall (x :: k).   ->  True
  _                     ->  False   -- incl. forall {x}.

isInvisibleBinder :: Binder -> Bool
isInvisibleBinder b = case b of
    @k            ->  True
    @(k :: s)     ->  True
    @_            ->  True
  _                 ->  False

isVisibleBinder = not . isInvisibleBinder

isVisibleQuantifier :: Quantifier -> Bool
isVisibleQuantifier q = case q of
    a ->                   ->  True
    forall x ->            ->  True
    forall (x :: k) ->     ->  True
  _                          ->  False

isInvisibleQuantifier = not . isVisibleQuantifier

When SAKS zipping is done, some quantifiers may remain. Consider:

type T :: forall a. Type -> forall b. Type
type T x = ...

The produced pairs are:

  Quantifier  |   Binder
  forall a.   |
  Type ->     | x

Zipping stops when binders are exhausted, so the forall b. does not yield a pair. Instead, it becomes a part of the return type. We call the remaining quantifiers trailing.

In today's GHC, there is an additional step called arity inference to decide which of the trailing quantifiers to include in the arity in addition to the zipped ones.

We propose to remove this step entirely, so that the arity is fully determined by SAKS zipping, as @k-binders provide the same control over arity but in a more principled way.

In addition to visible (forall x ->) and invisible (forall x.) quantification, GHC features inferred quantification forall {x}..

We leave it out of scope of this proposal and intentionally do not introduce @{k}-binders. See "Alternatives" for reasoning.

The changes to instances are not directly related to the main body of the proposal, but they are close to it in spirit, so we include them here.

In type family and data family instances, require that every variable mentioned on the RHS must also occur on the LHS.

In type family and data family instances, the instantiation is fully determined by the left hand side, without looking at the right hand side.

Here's an example from the wild (thanks Jakob Bruenker):

data Relation n m = MkR

type Trans :: forall a b c . Relation a b -> Relation b c -> Relation a c
type family Trans pa pb where
  Trans rel MkR = rel -- this type checks but is a partial type family

In current GHC this typechecks, but the type family is not total. Why? Because the fully-explicit version is:

type family Trans pa pb where
  Trans @a @b @b rel MkR = rel

Notice the repeated b on the LHS. The author was entirely unaware that the resulting type family was partial, because the equation he wrote looked total. With the proposed change to instantiation, the original program:

type family Trans pa pb where
  Trans rel MkR = rel

would be rejected. Why? Because the LHS imposes no kind constraints, so we get:

type family Trans pa pb where
  Trans @a @b @c (rel :: Relation a b) (MkR :: Relation b c) = ...

so the RHS must have kind Relation a c. But it doesn't; rel has kind Relation a b. So the declaration is rejected, which would have saved Jakob some time.

The proposed changes provide the programmer with a more principled way of brining type variables into scope in certain corner cases, simplify arity inference and scoping rules.

The proposed changes break existing code in a few ways.

The first source of breakage is a change in the scoping of type synonyms. Consider:

type T1 = 'Nothing :: Maybe a

This is no longer accepted, as a is not bound on the LHS. Instead, the user must write:

type T1 @a = 'Nothing :: Maybe a

See "Argument 4: Quantification in Type Synonyms" for the motivation.

There's no backwards-compatible way to rewrite this example, so we introduce the -Wimplicit-rhs-quantification warning, wait for three releases (in accordance with 3-Release-Policy), and only then make the change.

Background. Every type synonym and type family has an arity, which specifies the number of arguments that must be supplied at every usage of the type synonym or family. Note that arity is distinct from a kind. For example:

type F1 :: Type -> Type -> Type
type family F1 a where
  F1 Int  = Maybe
  F1 Bool = Either Double

type F2 :: Type -> Type -> Type
type family F2 a b where
  F2 Int       Double    = Char
  F2 (Maybe a) (Maybe a) = a

Even though F1 and F2 have the same kind (Type -> Type -> Type), they have a different arity. Thus, writing e.g. StateT Int (F1 b) a is allowed, while StateT Int (F2 b) a would not be: the latter does not fully apply F2 to all of its arguments, and GHC does not (yet!) support unsaturated type families (or synonyms).

Importantly, arity applies both to visible arguments, like the ones above, and invisible arguments, such as appear in e.g. type F3 :: forall k. k -> k.

Breakage. The second source of breakage is the change to arity inference. Consider:

type F :: Type -> forall k. Maybe k
type family F x where
  F Int @Type = Just Bool
  F Int       = Just Either

This definition is currently assigned the arity of 2, but with the proposed changes will be assigned arity of 1. The arity of 2 is important, because the equations match on the kind variable. (The second equation does this, too, by choosing k = Type -> Type -> Type, according to the RHS. This confusing situation is also barred by this proposal.) To keep the arity of 2, the user must rewrite it thus:

type F :: Type -> forall k. Maybe k
type family F x @k where ...

See "Argument 5: Arity Inference" for the motivation.

We assume that this is an obscure situation and the change will go unnoticed by most users, because in order to encounter it, one must use StandaloneKindSignatures – a relatively recent addition in itself.

No migration strategy is provided: GHC must assign some arity to definition with a trailing invisible variable, and having this behavior user-configurable seems undesirable.

The third source of breakage is the new requirement that variables mentioned on the RHS must also occur on the LHS. Consider:

type family F a :: k
type instance F Int = Any :: j -> j

This is no longer accepted, as j is not mentioned on the LHS. The user must rewrite it as follows:

type family F a :: k
type instance F @(j -> j) Int = Any :: j -> j

See "Addendum: Quantification in Type Family Instances" for the motivation.

The @-binders in type instances are already legal, so there's no need for a migration strategy: the fix is backwards-compatible.

The fourth source of breakage is that instantiation of type/data family instances is fully determined by the left hand side, without looking at the right hand side. Consider:

type family F a :: k
type instance F Int = Char
type instance F Int = Maybe

This is no longer accepted, as the LHS F Int does not fully determine if the instance matches, as evidenced by the presence of two instances with identical LHSs.

The user must rewrite this code as follows:

type family F a :: k
type instance F @Type         Int = Char
type instance F @(Type->Type) Int = Maybe

See "Addendum: Instantiation of Type Family Instances" for the motivation.

The @-binders in type instances are already legal, so there's no need for a migration strategy: the fix is backwards-compatible.

  • We could also introduce @{k}-binders for forall {x}.-quantifiers, but that is not actually symmetric with use sites, where f @{x} is not possible. In fact, it would be against the spirit of forall {x}., as the reason inferred variables are not subject to type applications is that we don't want their order to matter.

    Some thoughts on the topic can be found in GitHub comment 326/634791269.

None at the moment.