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This proposal is discussed at this pull request.

Or Patterns

.. author:: Sebastian Graf, David Knothe
.. date-accepted::
.. ticket-url::
.. implemented::

Instead of spelling out all the trivial cases of a function, we often use wildcards to summarise shared behaviour. This however becomes inconvenient once we extend the domain datatype by adding new constructors: the function in question does still compile as the newly added constructor is subsumed in the function's wildcard pattern. This is often unwanted and makes refactoring hard, because existing tools provide no way to find functions that may need to be adjusted after the new constructor was added. GHC issue #21572 is a recent example.

We propose a new syntax extension for "Or patterns": an Or pattern matches a list of patterns, none of which matches any variables. Compared to writing out one clause per pattern, Or patterns endorse code reuse of the shared right-hand side. Compared to wildcard patterns, Or patterns list matched patterns explicitly, to support refactorings in the above sense.

Suppose we had this type:

data T = T1 String | T2 Int | T3 Int

We might want to write a function on this like

stringOfT :: T -> Maybe String
stringOfT (T1 s) = Just s
stringOfT _      = Nothing

Now suppose that some time later we add a new constructor:

data T = T1 String | T2 Int | T3 Int | T4 String

We need to update stringOfT but unfortunately we don't get a warning because we used a wildcard (_) pattern.

Wildcard patterns make code harder to maintain. They essentially mean "match every other pattern", which also includes "patterns that may be enabled in the future" e.g. when a new constructor is added to a type.

In our experience this is rarely the intention; usually, when a new constructor is added, we need to revisit functions on the type and update them accordingly. But if functions use _ patterns this is not easy as we won't be getting any pattern match warnings about functions we need to update.

As a result, adding a new constructor to an existing type means many compile-run-edit cycles, with no compile-time help.

We propose a new language extension, -XOrPatterns, to solve this problem by allowing programmers to explicitly match a list of constructors in a concise way. For the above function we get

stringOfT :: T -> Maybe String
stringOfT (T1 s)        = Just s
stringOfT (T2{}; T3{}) = Nothing

This function doesn't match T4, so we get our warning in the very first compile cycle or (even faster) in our IDE powered by a language server implementation.

We consider this as an extension to GHC's . We consider this as an extension to Haskell 2010 grammar. This proposal adds one more production to the nonterminal pat:

pat -> pat_1; ...; pat_n (n >= 2)

Regarding pattern synonym declarations, we propose to use infixpat instead of pat on the right side of the pattern synonym.

Concretely, as Haskell 2010 grammar does not cover pattern synonyms, in GHC's Parser.y, the pattern_synonym_decl nonterminal would then have the following productions:

pattern_synonym_decl -> 'pattern' pattern_synonym_lhs '=' infixpat
                      | 'pattern' pattern_synonym_lhs '<-' infixpat
                      | 'pattern' pattern_synonym_lhs '<-' infixpat where_decls

where infixpat is a nonterminal only delegating to infixexp.

N.B.: For the concrete implementation in Parser.y, we would need to amend both the aexp and the pat nonterminals. This is an effect of the ECP parsing. In particular,

aexp -> ( orpats )


pat -> pat ';' orpats

where orpats is a new nonterminal:

orpats -> exp
        | exp ';' orpats

Some examples that this new grammar produces:

Or patterns with parentheses:

case e of (T1; T2{}; T3 a b) -> ...

f :: (Int, Int) -> Int
f (5, (6;7)) = 2

Unparenthesized Or patterns:

case e of
  1; 2; 3 -> x
  4; (5; 6) -> y

Unparenthesized Or patterns using layout:

sane e = case e of
  3 -> a
  5;6 -> b
  7;8 -> c

insane e = case e of
  A _ _; B _
  C -> 3
  (D; E (Just _) Nothing)
   -> 4
  F -> 5

N.B.: Unparenthesized Or patterns only work in some places where patterns are expected. For example, in

g x = do
  A; B <- x
  return 1

the A; B <- x is interpreted as two statements. Parentheses would have to be used around A; B to make it denote an Or pattern.

N.B.: The new grammar allows Or patterns which bind variables. These will however be rejected in 2.2.

Or patterns which bind variables are rejected in the renamer.

We give the static semantics in terms of pattern types. A pattern type has the form Γ, Σ ⊢ pat : τ ⤳ Γ,Σ,Ψ where

  • Γ is an in/out param that corresponds to a binding context that is populated with match vars
  • Σ is an in/out param that collects Given constraints. So Σin is used to discharge Θreq and Σout contains any Θprov unleashed by the match.
  • Ψ collect existential variables

Then the typing rule for Or patterns is:

  Γ0, Σ0  pat_i : τ  Γ0,Σi,Ψi
Γ0, Σ0  ( pat_1; ...; pat_n ) : τ  Γ0,Σ0,

Informal semantics in the style of Haskell 2010 chapter 3.17.2: Informal Semantics of Pattern Matching:

  • Matching the pattern (p1; ...; pk) against the value v is the result of matching v against p1 if it is not a failure, or the result of matching (p2; ...; pk) against v otherwise. We require that p1, …, pk bind no variables.
  • Matching the pattern (p1) against the value v performs a normal pattern match.

Here are a few examples:

(\ (1; 2) -> 3) 1 => 3
(\ (Left 0; Right 1) -> True) (Right 1) => True
(\ (([1]; [2, _]); ([3, _, _]; [4, _, _, _])) -> True) [4, undefined, undefined, undefined] => True
(\ (1; 2; 3) -> True) 3 => True

We do not employ backtracking in Or patterns. The following would yield "no backtracking":

case (True, error "backtracking") of
  ((True, _); (_, True)) | False -> error "inaccessible"
  _ -> error "no backtracking"
  • GHC has lots of code like this: (taken from HS/Pat.hs, slightly simplified)

    isIrrefutableHsPat pat
      = go pat
        go (L _ pat) = go1 pat
        go1 (WildPat {})        = True
        go1 (VarPat {})         = True
        go1 (LazyPat {})        = True
        go1 (BangPat pat)       = go pat
        go1 (CoPat _ pat _)     = go1 pat
        go1 (ParPat pat)        = go pat
        go1 (AsPat _ pat)       = go pat
        go1 (ViewPat _ pat _)   = go pat
        go1 (SigPatIn pat _)    = go pat
        go1 (SigPatOut pat _)   = go pat
        go1 (TuplePat pats _ _) = all go pats
        go1 (SumPat pat _ _  _) = go pat
        go1 (ListPat {})        = False
        go1 (PArrPat {})        = False
        go1 (ConPatIn {})       = False
        go1 (ConPatOut{ pat_con = L _ (RealDataCon con), pat_args = details }) = ...
        go1 (ConPatOut{ pat_con = L _ (PatSynCon _pat) }) = ...
        go1 (LitPat {})         = False
        go1 (NPat {})           = False
        go1 (NPlusKPat {})      = False
        go1 (SplicePat {})      = urk pat
        urk pat = pprPanic "isIrrefutableHsPat:" (ppr pat)

    Using Or patterns this code can be simplified to:

    isIrrefutableHsPat pat
      = go pat
        go (L _ pat) = go1 pat
        go1 (WildPat{}; VarPat{}; LazyPat{})
          = True
        go1 (PArrPat{}; ConPatIn{}; LitPat{}; NPat{}; NPlusKPat{}; ListPat{})
          = False
        go1 (BangPat pat)       = go pat
        go1 (CoPat _ pat _)     = go1 pat
        go1 (ParPat pat)        = go pat
        go1 (AsPat _ pat)       = go pat
        go1 (ViewPat _ pat _)   = go pat
        go1 (SigPatIn pat _)    = go pat
        go1 (SigPatOut pat _)   = go pat
        go1 (CoPat _ pat _)     = go1 pat
        go1 (TuplePat pats _ _) = all go pats
        go1 (ConPatOut{ pat_con = L _ (RealDataCon con), pat_args = details }) = ...
        go1 (ConPatOut{ pat_con = L _ (PatSynCon _pat) }) = ...
        go1 (SplicePat {})      = urk pat
        urk pat = pprPanic "isIrrefutableHsPat:" (ppr pat)

GHC also has wildcard patterns in many places (here Core.hs):

hasCoreUnfolding (CoreUnfolding {}) = True
hasCoreUnfolding (DFunUnfolding {}) = True
hasCoreUnfolding _                  = False

isValueUnfolding (CoreUnfolding { uf_is_value = is_evald }) = is_evald
isValueUnfolding _                                          = False

isEvaldUnfolding (OtherCon _)                               = True
isEvaldUnfolding (CoreUnfolding { uf_is_value = is_evald }) = is_evald
isEvaldUnfolding _                                          = False

isConLikeUnfolding (OtherCon _)                             = True
isConLikeUnfolding (CoreUnfolding { uf_is_conlike = con })  = con
isConLikeUnfolding _                                        = False

hasSomeUnfolding NoUnfolding   = False
hasSomeUnfolding BootUnfolding = False
hasSomeUnfolding _             = True

neverUnfoldGuidance UnfNever = True
neverUnfoldGuidance _        = False


Would Unfolding be expanded by another constructor, all these functions would still compile but some would become semantically wrong, laying an additional burden on the code author.

Actually, a recent issue (point 1) has to do with isEvaldUnfolding and isValueUnfolding returning False for too many input values. Had we had Or patterns, the code authors probably would have thought more thoroughly about the other cases instead of using a wildcard pattern.

The main effect of Or patterns is twofold:

  1. With Or patterns developers can avoid _ wildcard patterns which can unintentionally match constructors as types are being extended.
  2. Or patterns allow more code reuse as right hand sides can be shared by many patterns.

With existential quantification and GADTs, patterns can not only bind values, but also equality constraints, dictionaries and existential type variables. We described in 2.2 how these new constraints are handled: required constraints of the individual patterns are merged while provided constraints are deleted.

So the following example would not type check because the Or pattern doesn't provide the constraint a ~ Int:

data GADT a where
    IsInt1 :: GADT Int
    IsInt2 :: GADT Int

foo :: a -> GADT a -> a
foo x (IsInt1 {}; IsInt2 {}) = x + 1

Considering view patterns, these do work seamlessly with Or patterns. As specified in 5, Or patterns will just merge the required constraints which come from view patterns. This would work:

f :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> Bool
f a (((== a) -> True); (show -> "yes")) = True
f _ _ = False

The cost is a small implementation overhead. Also, as Or patterns are syntactic sugar, they add to the amount of syntax Haskell beginners have to learn. We believe however that the mentioned advantages more than compensate for these disadvantages. Or patterns are available in all of the top seven programming languages on the TIOBE index (Python, Java, Javascript, C#, C, etc.), which suspects that the concept won't be particularly troublesome for beginners to learn.

Additionally, the changes to the pattern_synonym_decl nonterminal are required to allow unparenthesized Or patterns in the syntax. This breaks pattern synonym declarations using a pattern signature such as:

pattern X <- 42 :: Int

One would now have to parenthesize the right side of the pattern synonym and write

pattern X <- (42 :: Int)

A search on Hackage shows that this syntax is currently only used (without enclosing parentheses) in haskell-src-exts-simple.

The syntax change also makes 3 tests in the patsyn testsuite fail, out of 250 total patsyn tests. The fix is always to enclose the right side in parentheses.

There have been proposed a lot of alternatives in regard to the exact syntax of Or patterns (see the discussion at #585).

After performing two community votes (#587 and #598), the relative majority voted for the here-proposed (p1; p2) syntax, with (p1 | p2) being close behind (with 48-43 votes). So, a suitable alternative would be to use the syntax (p1 | p2).

While | is a pretty natural choice regarding an or operation, the semicolon does a better job in showing the asymmetry of the pattern as later alternatives are only evaluated when earlier ones fail to match.

Also, the (p1 | p2) syntax could be better used by a future "guards in patterns" proposal.

Another great advantage of ; over | is the use of the layout rule: in a layout context introduced by of, semicolons are automatically inserted into equally-indented lines. This makes it possible to write

f x = case x of
  3 -> x

where the Or pattern is implicitly parsed as 1; 2; 3. This resembles the switch/case-syntax known from languages like C and Java.

As described in 5, the changes to the pattern_synonym_decl nonterminal are breaking changes in some rare cases. We could avoid introducing these breaking changes by requiring Or patterns to be parenthesised. This means, the concrete changes to Parser.y would not include the following production

pat -> pat ';' orpats

and would not include the changes to the pattern_synonym_decl nonterminal.

Beware that it would still be possible to use the layout rule even with parenthesized Or patterns as follows:

case a of
  C) -> 1

This is an artifact of the layout rule and is not intended to be used.

When disallowing the unparenthesized syntax p1; p2, we do not see much advantage of the ; separator over the | separator, except that the unparenthesized syntax could be added some time in the future.

The parent proposal allowed Or patterns to bind variables as long as they are shared by all individual patterns:

data T = T1 Int | T2 Int | T3 | T4

getInt (T1 a; T2 a) = Just a
getInt (T3; T4) = Nothing

This is a non-goal of this proposal: with binding pattern variables come challenges like binding existential constraints. Correctly specifying the semantics is hard and caused the parent proposal to become dormant after no progress has been made.

Future proposals could build on the current one and further specify it to eventually allow binding pattern variables.

We think the following semantics in terms of view patterns is equivalent. We could define the semantics of Or patterns as a simple desugaring to view patterns. The desugaring rule is:

(p1; ...; pk)
((\x -> case x of p1 -> True; p2 -> True; ; pk -> True; _ -> False)
    -> True)

The desugaring rule defines both static and dynamic semantics of Or patterns:

An Or pattern type checks whenever the desugared pattern type checks; the dynamic semantics of an Or pattern is the same as the dynamic semantics of its desugared pattern.

But because of forward compatibility we decided not to define it in this way.

Why not just use pattern synonyms? With these we can even bind variables, which is not possible with Or patterns currently!

While true, pattern synonyms require lots of boilerplate code. Wherever we'd use an Or pattern, we would have to write a pattern synonym, a view pattern and a COMPLETE pragma. Example:

t2OrT3 T2{} = True
t2OrT3 T3{} = True
t2OrT3 _    = False

pattern T2OrT3 :: T
pattern T2OrT3 <- (t2OrT3 -> True)
{-# COMPLETE T1, T2OrT3 #-}

It seems that most developers would rather continue conveniently using wildcard patterns instead of making the extra effort required to use pattern synonyms everywhere.

Not any at this time.

Or patterns have been fully implemented by @knothed and @sgraf812 [here](

Not any so far.