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Generalising Type and Constraint ==============================

Richard Eisenberg and Simon Peyton Jones


This proposal is discussed at this pull request.

Since version 8.0, GHC has supported a rich structure of inhabited types through the new primitive TYPE, allowing unlifted types to be treated as first-class citizens, leading to the possibility of unlifted datatypes and newtypes, already available.

This proposal extends this treatment to constraints, whose inhabitants can usefully be viewed as implicit parameters (typically type class dictionaries). Just like how the existence of TYPE directly opened the door to new innovations in datatype and newtype definitions, we expect the similar treatment of constraints to allow for strict classes and unlifted and unboxed implicit parameters.

In addition, the new treatment proposed here allows GHC's internal language, Core, to more properly tell the difference between types and constraints, eliminating a troubling class of bugs that keeps recurring.


  1. With this proposal, we immediately allow unlifted and unboxed implicit parameters using the existing (?x :: Int#) syntax. This allows programs to abstract over implicit parameters without suffering inefficiencies due to boxing.
  2. This proposal allows a fix to several type-checker bugs that are otherwise elusive. With this proposal, we can eliminate this entire class of bugs, that we otherwise believe will continue to haunt GHC. Currently in GHC, Type and Constraint are distinct in the typechecker, but identical in Core. That leads to massive duplication; many, many functions over types have two versions, one for the typechecker and one for Core. It also leads to intellectual complexity, with two subtly-different forms of type equality. Worse, nothing maintains the separation, which leads to those elusive bugs.
  3. Although we do not propose unlifted constraints in this proposal, we believe that this paves the way toward new innovations in constraint representations.

There is a lot of discussion about the gnarly Type-vs-Constraint problem in GHC issue #11715, which is six years old (gnarly!) and in turn lists a raft of other tickets blocked on this issue.


This section describes key aspects of the status quo.

The current type structure

The current root of our type system contains these definitions:

-- Primitive type constructors
type TYPE       :: RuntimeRep -> Type
type Constraint :: Type    -- The kind of constraints
type Symbol     :: Type    -- The kind of compile-time strings
type IP         :: Symbol -> Type -> Constraint   -- Implicit parameters

type FUN :: forall (m :: Multiplicity) ->
            forall (r1 :: RuntimeRep) (r2 :: RuntimeRep).
            TYPE r1 -> TYPE r2 -> Type

-- Data type declarations, used only at the type level
data Multiplicity = Many | One
data Levity       = Lifted | Unlifted
data RuntimeRep   = BoxedRep Levity | IntRep | FloatRep | ...

-- Type synonyms
type LiftedRep   = BoxedRep Lifted
type UnliftedRep = BoxedRep Unlifted
type Type        = TYPE LiftedRep
type (->)        = FUN Many

-- (=>) is not something that can be written unsaturated

NB: in GHC, implicit parameters are internally represented as a special class, but that is not user-visible.

Type and Constraint are not apart

GHC has an optimization for one-element classes (where the element is either a superclass or a method), defining these like a newtype, not a datatype. For example, if we have :

class Default a where
  def :: a

the Core of the program will have a definition like :

newtype Default a = MkDefault a

In turn, this newtype gives rise to an axiom (coercion), like so:

axDefault :: Default a ~R# a

where ~R# represents primitive representational equality. Note that axDefault is heterogeneous: the kind of Default a is Constraint, whereas the kind of a is Type.

GHC allows us to extract out an equality relationship between kinds from an equality relationship on types -- and kind equalities are always nominal. To wit, Core allows :

KindCo axDefault :: Constraint ~# Type

Now, suppose that you could write this:

type family F a
type instance F Type = Int
type instance F Constraint = Bool

If these instances were allowed, GHC could produce a coercion between Int and Bool, thus:

Bool  ~#  F Constraint   -- By type instance F Constraint (backwards)
      ~#  F Type         -- By KindCo axDefault
      ~#  Int            -- By type instance F Type

That would be Very, Very Bad. So, although Type and Constraint are built with different (un-equal) primitive type constructors,

  • GHC's type checker treats ``Type`` and ``Constraint`` as not "apart".

That in turn makes GHC complain that the above instances overlap, and are hence illegal. You can read more about what "apart" means in Closed type families with overlapping equations, sections 3.2 and 3.3.

Apartness affects type-class instances as well as type-family instances. Suppose we have:

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} C Int a  where ...
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}  C Int Bool where ...

and we are trying to solve the constraint C Int (F gamma), where F is a type family and gamma is an as-yet-unknown unification variable. Since (F gamma) is not apart from Bool, it could be that (once we know gamma) the second instance should be chosen. So GHC declines to commit to the first.

If (F gamma) later simplifes to, say Char (which is apart from Bool), then and only then GHC can commit to the first instance.

Similarly with Type and Constraint. Suppose we have:

instance D Type where...
instance D Constraint where ...

and try to solve C Int Type. This matches the first instance, but since Type is not apart from Constraint GHC thinks "oh, the second one could match in the future" and declines to commit to the first. In fact, you can have either of these instances separately, but if they occur together neither will ever be chosen: they overlap irretrievably.

Proposed Change Specification

We propose the following new setup, not repeating any types that remains unchanged:

-- Primitive type constructors
type CONSTRAINT :: RuntimeRep -> Type
type IP   :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep). Symbol -> TYPE r -> CONSTRAINT r

type (=>)  :: forall (r1 :: RuntimeRep) (r2 :: RuntimeRep).
              CONSTRAINT r1 -> TYPE r2 -> Type  -- primitive
type (==>) :: forall (r1 :: RuntimeRep) (r2 :: RuntimeRep).
              CONSTRAINT r1 -> CONSTRAINT r2 -> Constraint
type (-=>) :: forall (r1 :: RuntimeRep) (r2 :: RuntimeRep).
              TYPE r1 -> CONSTRAINT r2 -> Constraint

-- Synonyms
type Constraint = CONSTRAINT LiftedRep

Changes to the type structure

This proposal introduces (=>), (==>), (-=>) as proper type constructors, just like any other, with the kinds specified above. Just like (->), they have kinds and can be abstracted over. Unlike FUN, they do not take a Multiplicity argument; implicitly, it is Many. Internally, the new arrows are used as follows:

  • (=>) is used for type-class-overloaded types, just as in Haskell, e.g. f :: forall a. Num a => a -> a
  • (==>) is used for the dictionary function that arise from an instance declaration such:

    instance Eq a => Eq [a] where ...

    This instance declaration gives rise to a dictionary function $fEqList :: forall a. Eq a ==> Eq [a].

  • (-=>) is used in the type of the data type for a dictionary. For example, the data constructor for an Eq dictionary has the type forall a. (a->a->Bool) -=> (a->a->Bool) -=> Eq a.

The concrete syntax of types and instance declarations is unchanged. In particular:

  • In instance heads we continue to write:

    instance Eq a => Eq (Maybe a) where ...

    and not:

    instance Eq a ==> Eq (Maybe a) where ...
  • In quantified constraints we continue to write:

    f :: (forall x. Eq x => Eq (c x)) => c Int -> c Bool

    and not:

    f :: (forall x. Eq x ==> Eq (c x)) => c Int -> c Bool

The new arrow type constructors are exported by ghc-prim:GHC.Types, but are not part of GHC's stable API, and might be subject to future change: see Section 3.4.

So for users who do not import GHC's unstable API, there is no visible change.

Implicit parameters

Now that constraints can have varying runtime representation (via CONSTRAINT rep), the door is open to having unlifted constraints, or constraints whose representation is an unboxed type like Int#. In this proposal we exploit this opportunity only in a limited way, by generalising the kind of IP, thus:

type IP   :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep). Symbol -> TYPE r -> CONSTRAINT r

So now this is accepted:

f :: (?x :: Int#) => Int# -> Int#
f y = ?x +# y

Type and Constraint are not apart

It remains the case that Type must not be apart from Constraint, because making them apart is unsound in the presence of the current newtype optimization for one-element classes. Accordingly, under this proposal,

  • TYPE and CONSTRAINT will be considered not apart.

As a consequence, Type and Constraint are also not apart, just as today. This a wart, but it is an existing wart, and one that is not easy to fix.

As before, nothing prevents writing instances like:

instance C (Proxy @Type a) where ...

In particular, TYPE, CONSTRAINT, Type and Constraint are all allowed in instance heads. It's just that TYPE is not apart from CONSTRAINT so that instance would irretrievably overlap with:

instance C (Proxy @Constraint a) where ...

But this is just the status quo; it is not a change (see Sectionn 2.2).

Future stability

In the past it has not been very clear which parts of GHC's API are stable and which are unstable:

  • By "stable" we mean that efforts will be made to avoid change, and any changes should require a GHC proposal.
  • By "unstable" we mean that the API should be considered part of GHC's internal implementation. Changes may be made to the unstable API without a proposal. Clients are not prevented from importing GHC's unsable API, but they are explicitly using parts of GHC's internal implementation, which is subject to change.

Other proposals aim for formalise this stable/unstable distinction, including

But, pending a more systematic approach, this proposal makes a modest start on clarifying the distinction. In particular:

  • The unstable API includes:
    • The new type constructors CONSTRAINT, (=>), (==>), and (-=>); exported by GHC.Types.
    • The existing type constructors FUN and IP; also exported by GHC.Types.
  • The stable API includes:
    • Symbol, Type, TYPE, Constraint, RuntimeRep, Multiplicity, Levity, and (->); all exported by Data.Kind

We keep CONSTRAINT in the unstable API for now, exposing it only though the possiblity of having unlifted implicit paramters.

We anticipate that the definition of TYPE or CONSTRAINT (currently specified as primitive) may change again, for example to accommodate the ideas of Kinds are calling conventions. For example, we might define:

type TYPEC :: Maybe Convention -> RuntimeRep -> Type
type TYPE = TYPEC Nothing
data Convention = Eval levity | Call ArityDescription
data ArityDecription = ACons RuntimeRep ArityDescription | AZero | AConv Convention

where TYPE becomes a type synonym for TYPEC, where the latter embodies information about arity. All this is for the future, however, and does not form part of this proposal.

Implementation notes

The fully-applied types FUN m r1 r2 t1 t2, (=>) r1 r2 t1 t2, (==>) r1 r2 t1 t2 and (-=>) r1 r2 t1 t2 can all be represented inside GHC by FunTy m t1 t2 (where m is Many for (=>), (==>), and (-=>)), just as today. That is, the proposal does not impose a new burden on GHC's internal representations.


This is now accepted:

f :: (?x :: Int#) => Int# -> Int#
f y = ?x +# y

Effect and Interactions

  • We can fix type-checker tickets that have proved resistant to principled fixes.
  • The door is open to new innovations in strict classes.
  • This proposal is fully backward compatible.
  • This proposal is forward compatible with more glorious updates to the type/constraint system we might imagine in the future, as we've [detailed elsewhere](

Costs and Drawbacks

  • This adds complexity to the root of our type system. However, we have learned how to manage this complexity and protect users from seeing it. We do not expect routine users to notice this change, but users who specify -fprint-explicit-runtime-reps will see some changes.


Two different type constructors

Instead of two distinct primitive type constructors, TYPE and CONSTRAINT, we considered having just one, SORT, with an argument to distinguish TYPE from CONSTRAINT:

type SORT :: TypeOrConstraint -> RuntimeRep -> Type

data TypeOrConstraint = TypeLike | ConstraintLike
type TYPE       = SORT TypeLike
type CONSTRAINT = SORT ConstraintLike

However, experience with a draft implementation convinced us to have two distinct constructors. With the SORT approach we would have to worry what SORT a might mean, where a :: TypeOrConstraint is a type variable; or SORT (F Int), where F is a type function. These questions could be resolved in a similar way that we ensure concrete runtime-reps for lambdas and applicatdions, but this seems like a sledgehammer to crack a nut. We do not seek type-or-constraint polymorphism, and it seems simplest to rule it out by construction.

However:, in Core we have to say that if e :: ty :: ki then ki must be TYPE rr or CONSTRAINT rr. Similarly for the types of binders. That "or" isn't really a problem, but it's a bit inelegant.

Fully separate Haskell types from Core types

An alternative approach would be to fully separate Haskell types from Core types, where Type and Constraint are distinct in the former but the same in the latter. (Currently, GHC uses the same representation for both, a considerable simplification, as only one type needs to be e.g. written to interface files.) This would be a major sea-change to the compiler, requiring weeks of effort, considerable code duplication, and knock-on effects (both implementation-wise and end-user-visible) that are hard to predict and might be unwelcome.

In constrast, the one presented here is simple, and we have a clear grasp of its consequences.


This proposal does not address the problem of tuples, although is tempting to do so. In GHC today we have:

(,)   :: Type -> Type -> Type
(%,%) :: Constraint -> Constraint -> Constraint

except that the latter is written, in source Haskell, as (c1,c2). That leads to syntactic ambiguity. If I write:

type S a b a = ((a,b), c)

do I intend to define a Constraint synonym, or a Type synonym? It's tempting to give (,) a polymorphic type:

(,) :: forall (v:TypeOrConstraint). SORT v LiftedRep -> SORT v LiftedRep -> SORT v LiftedRep

But, tempting as it is, we do not propose this. The tuples problem is all about concrete syntax. It just so happens that we use the same parentheses and commas for normal tuples and constraint tuples. No one has asked for polymorphism here. And it seems overwrought to complexify our type system just to allow for this little concrete-syntax convenience. Letting tuple syntax drive the type system is the tail wagging the dog. We leave this for the future.

Unresolved Questions

  • How should unlifted or unboxed constraints interact with constraint tuples? Right now, we simply wouldn't allow unlifted constraints (implicit parameters only) in a tuple.

Implementation Plan

Simon or Richard will implement.
