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An infrastructure component designed to support highly available, distributed, fault tolerant, "guaranteed" message delivery.


simplequeue was developed as a a dead-simple in-memory message queue. It spoke HTTP and had no knowledge (or care) for the data you put in or took out. Life was good.

We used simplequeue as the foundation for a distributed message queue. In production, we silo'd a simplequeue right where messages were produced (ie. frontends) and effectively reduced the potential for data loss in a system which did not persist messages (by guaranteeing that the loss of any single simplequeue would not prevent the rest of the message producers or workers, to function).

We added pubsub, an HTTP server to aggregate streams and provide a long-lived /sub endpoint. We leveraged pubsub to transmit streams across data-centers in order to daisy chain a given feed to various downstream services. A nice property of this setup is that producers are de-coupled from downstream consumers (a downstream consumer only needs to know of the pubsub to receive data).

There are a few issues with this combination of tools...

One is simply the operational complexity of having to setup the data pipe to begin with. Often this involves services setup as follows:

`api` > `simplequeue` > `queuereader` > `pubsub` > `ps_to_http` > `simplequeue` > `queuereader`

Of particular note are the pubsub > ps_to_http links. We repeatedly encounter the issue of consuming a single stream with the desire to avoid a SPOF. You have 2 options, none ideal. Often we just put the ps_to_http process on a single box and pray. Alternatively we've chosen to consume the full stream multiple times but only process a % of the stream on a given host (essentially sharding). To make things even more complicated we need to repeat this chain for each stream of data we're interested in.

Messages traveling through the system have no guarantee that they will be delivered to a client and the responsibility of requeueing is placed on the client. This churn of messages being passed back and forth increases the potential for errors resulting in message loss.

Why build on top of 0mq / why not AMQP?

Obviously there are "off-the-shelf" solutions which attempt to solve similar problems. On the more popular side you find solutions that fall into the AMQP family (rabbitmq, activemq, etc.).

There are a few reasons why we felt an AMQP implementation was not the type of tool we wanted to fulfill our needs, the most important being it's core design when it comes to high availability. Summarizing, AMQP follows the broker messaging pattern. All messages of a given type (eventually) reach a single instance (broker), resulting in a SPOF for all messages of that type. There are ways to mitigate this risk, akin to the types of solutions that one would employ when using MySQL (slaves, etc.), but they seem brittle and undesirable (as well as fundamentally different from the spirit of simplequeue).

0mq on the other hand is designed as a messaging library. The topology and component implementation is entirely up to you, it simply provides the primitives to be able to abstract away lower level details of how you're transporting data. 0mq is your protocol, allowing us to skip the step of designing our own and instead leverage it's robust client library support, which includes all of the major programming languages used at bitly.

Enter NSQ

NSQ is designed to address the fragile nature of the combination of components listed above as well as provide high-availability as a byproduct of a messaging pattern that includes no SPOF. It also addresses the need for stronger guarantees around the delivery of a message.

A single NSQ process handles multiple "topics" (by convention, this would previously have been referred to as a "stream"). Second, a topic can have multiple "channels". In practice, a channel maps to a downstream service. Each channel receives all the messages from a topic. The channels buffer data independently of each other, preventing a slow consumer from causing a backlog for other channels. A channel can have multiple clients, a message (assuming successful delivery) will only be delivered to one of the connected clients, at random.

For example, the "decodes" topic could have a channel for "clickatron", "spam", and "fishnet", etc. The benefit should be easy to see, there are no additional services needed to be setup for new queues or to daisy chain a new downstream service.

NSQ is fully distributed with no single broker or point of failure. NSQ clients (queuereaders) are connected via 0mq sockets to all NSQ instances providing the specified topic. There are no middle-men, no brokers, and no SPOF. The topology solves the problems described above:

NSQ     NSQ    NSQ
  \     /\     /
   \   /  \   /
    \ /    \ /
     X      X
    / \    / \
   /   \  /   \
...  consumers  ...

You don't have to deal with figuring out how to robustly distribute an aggregated feed, instead you consume directly from all producers. It also doesn't technically matter which client connects to which NSQ, as long as there are enough clients connected to all producers to satisfy the volume of messages, you're guaranteed that all will be delivered to the system downstream.

It's also worth pointing out the bandwidth efficiency when you have >1 consumers of a topic. You're no longer daisy chaining multiple copies of the stream over the network, it's all happening right at the source. Moving away from HTTP also significantly reduces the per-message overhead.

Message Delivery Guarantees

NSQ guarantees that a message will be delivered at least once. Duplicate messages are possible and downstream systems should be designed to perform idempotent operations.

It accomplishes this by performing a handshake with the client, as follows:

  1. client GET message
  2. NSQ sends message and stores in temporary internal location
  3. client ACK receipt of message
    • if client does not ACK NSQ will requeue the message
  4. client replies SUCCESS or FAIL
    • if client does not reply NSQ will requeue the message
  5. NSQ requeues on FAIL and purges on SUCCESS

Lookup Service

NSQ includes a helper application, nsq_lookup, which provides a directory service where queuereaders can lookup the addresses of NSQ instances that contain the topics they are interested in subscribing to. This decouples the consumers from the producers (they both individually only need to have intimate knowledge of nsq_lookup, never each other).

At a lower level each NSQ has a long-lived connection to nsq_lookup over which it periodically pushes it's state. This data is used to inform which addresses nsq_lookup will give to queuereaders. The heuristic could be based on depth, number of connected queuereaders or naive strategies like round-robin, etc. The goal is to ensure that all producers are being read from. On the client side an HTTP interface is exposed for queuereaders to poll.

High availability of nsq_lookup is achieved by running multiple instances. They don't communicate directly to each other and don't require strong data consistency between themselves. The data is considered eventually consistent, the queuereaders randomly choose a nsq_lookup to poll. Stale (or otherwise inaccessible) nodes don't grind the system to a halt.


nsq 0.0.1 版本代码注释笔记







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