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Coding Guidelines

Andreas Nicolai edited this page Aug 4, 2019 · 3 revisions

Coding Conventions

This applies to the Python-code in this project. However, the generated C/C++ code follows similar conventions.


Only Tabs (usually displayed with 4 spaces)

Code documentation

Python doc strings according to PEP 257 (see

Variable and Function namings

  • camel-case with capital first letter for class/type names
  • camel-case with lower case first letter for member functions
  • underscore-names for free functions (should be limited)


class ExampleClass:
    """This class serves as coding style and documentation style example.
    Class names (and type names in general) should be in camel-case and start with 
    a capital letter.
    def __init__(self):
        """Construction, initializes member variables.
        Note: member variables are camel-case as well, starting with lower-case 
              letter. No prefix is needed, since 'self.' is already identifying 
              variables as member variables.
        self.someDataMember = ""
        self.someList = []
    def doSomething(self, firstNumber, someString):
        """Member function names should be in camel case, starting with a 
        lower-case letter. Function documentation should include documentation 
        of arguments as follows.
        firstNumber -- A number between 0 and 10
        someString -- A descriptive string or...
        # document pieces of code with simple comments
        print someString
        print ("{} with {} values").format(someString, firstNumber)


  • external documentation (not in source code files) should go into the doc directory
  • where appropriate, use markdown files (extension .md)
  • longer technical docs use Lyx/Latex (