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Releases: ghorwin/MasterSim

v0.9.6 - Patch release: "Umlaute" handling on windows, connection properties

10 Aug 13:55
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This release introduces a few minor improvements:

  • you can now drag the scene with the mouse when holding the middle mouse butten pressed (useful for large models)
  • MASTERSIM now handles file paths with "Umlaute" or other special characters on Windows (both in the project file name, path or FMU file paths)
  • the simulation start view has received an option to use add --skip-unzip command line argument (which also disables the default clearing of the project working directory on simulation start); useful when manually editing modelDescription.xml files between simulation runs

Windows and Mac releases may be downloaded below, Linux/Ubuntu deb packages are available via package repository:

# add repository
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ghorwin/sim
sudo apt-get update

# install master sim
sudo apt install mastersim

Provided deb versions:

Distro MASTERSIM Version
Ubuntu 18.04 bionic 0.9.6
Ubuntu 20.04 focal 0.9.6
Ubuntu 21.10 impish 0.9.4
Ubuntu 22.04 jammy 0.9.6
Ubuntu 22.10 kinetic 0.9.5

For other distros you can just grab the linux archive below. You need to install the dependencies manually, typically these packages (on Ubuntu):

sudo apt install qtbase5 libqt5core5a libqt5concurrent5 libqt5gui5 libqt5network5 libqt5svg5 libqt5xml5 libqt5widgets5 p7zip-full

v0.9.5 - Graphical network usability improvements

22 Dec 18:27
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This release features two nice improvements of the network schematics:

  • you no longer need to switch the network schematics to connection mode - simply dragging a connector from outlet to inlet works fine
  • you may now select connectors and change line properties (width and color) as well as transformation operations (scale factor/offset) directly in the property window
  • assigned transformations are now shown in the network view:


Ubuntu users can now simply install MasterSim via private package repository (packages are available for 22.10, 22.04, 20.04):

# add repository
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ghorwin/sim
sudo apt-get update
# install mastersim
sudo apt install mastersim

v0.9.3 - Patch Release

14 Jan 06:10
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This is a patch release, mostly containing updates related to Debian packaging.

Ubuntu users can now simply install MasterSim via private package repository:

# add repository
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ghorwin/sim
sudo apt-get update
# install mastersim
sudo apt install mastersim

For other Linux users the stand-alone software archive (*.7z) can be used. When extracted in some directory the menu option Help -> Desktop integration can be used to create an application shortcut and register the *.msim files with MasterSim.

v0.9.1 - Patch Release

30 Dec 19:03
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This is a patch release that addresses a Windows-only problem when running MasterSim with very many FMUs that open output file streams themselves. The default limit of 512 concurrently open file streams will then be exceeded - hence, in this version the limit has been extended to allow up to 4096 concurrently opened file streams.

Btw, MasterSim was used to simulate a district network with more than 100 individual FMUs... and worked fine, so far. Since the FMUs were parallelized themselves, using sequential GAUSS-SEIDEL algorithm was ok, but for other situations parallel FMU execution may become an interesting feature.