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ESP32 Sensor Web

Web view for sensors connected to an ESP32.

Note: The repository as is, is programmed for a DHT-11 or DHT-22 sensor (tested with both) and a PIR sensor. However, it is not about those sensor. If you modify the sensors.h file and the index.h webpage, it will work for any sensors that can be connected to an ESP32. In fact, the PIR sensor is only an interrupt read from a single pin, so if you connect a button to that pin, it will work too. You might still want to change the program a bit to output this in a more sensible format.

Setup Arduino IDE

  1. Install ESP32 support
  2. Install the required libraries:
    • DHTesp by beegee_tokyo through Arduino IDE's Library Manager
    • ESPAsyncTCP
    • ESPAsyncWebServer
    • ArduinoJson version installed must be 5.x. ArduinoJson 6 (in beta at the time of writing) is not API compatible.


  1. Download the repository
  2. Open the .ino file in Arduino IDE
  3. Connect your (DHT and/or PIR) sensor(s) to your ESP32
  4. Set the WiFi, HTTP and sensor connection configuration in config.h
  5. Connect your ESP32 to the computer
  6. Select the correct serial port in Arduino IDE
  7. Upload the program
  8. Open the Serial Monitor to verify that everything runs correctly
  9. Disconnect the ESP32 from the computer and connect it to a power supply for standalone operation

Known Issues

It may be necessary to disconnect the PIR sensor to re-upload the sketch successfully. This might be because the interrupts generated by the PIR sensor interfere with the's attempts to communicate with the device.


Version 0.4.2

  • Fix: Only POST once to the remote when a periodic and interrupt-driven POST coincide.
  • Changed some comments in config.h to better explain the usage of some options.

Version 0.4.1

  • Minor feature: Auto-hide web-UI cards for sensors that are not currently active in the configuration. Page still loads with everything visible, and hides cards as soon as the first data is received.
  • Fix: Remove attempted HTTP error handling for non-HTTP error codes
  • Maybe fix: Change pin for PIR sensor to 27 seems to prevent the need to disconnect the PIR sensor to re-upload the sketch. However, it is not certain that this is why it suddenly works in my test.

Version 0.4

  • Feature: Added support for interrupt based PIR sensor (or anything that simply push/pulls a single pin)

Version 0.3.1

  • Bugfix: Make INO file name match the repository name to avoid Arduino IDE errors.

Version 0.3

  • Feature: All sensor specific code has been moved to a separate file sensors.h. This means that the main .ino program does not need any modifications to work with other sensors than the DHT-11 or DHT-22.
  • Feature: Configurable periodic posts to a remote URL. While this library was originally written to support systems that periodically request data from this server, it now also supports system that only offer an endpoint where the data can be periodically HTTP POSTed.

Version 0.2.1

  • Bugfix: Serial interface no longer prints that it is attempting to connect to the configured STA_SSID when WiFi is not in STA mode.
  • Bugfix: mDNS now advertises the http server on the configured HTTP_PORT instead of port 80.

Version 0.2

  • Add version numbering
  • Move configuration to separate file
  • Add WiFi mode configuration
    • Disable, customise and/or secure the WiFi access point
    • Disable the WiFi station

Version 0.1

  • First release

License and disclaimer

The 3-Clause BSD License applies to this software, see the LICENSE file


Web view for sensors connected to an ESP32







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