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A passionate developer.

To support my work, sponsor @ghostwriter and or sponsor the maintainers of the tools i use.

@docker-php-extension-installer @infection @php-parser @phpunit @psalm @setup-php

if you don't like something, change it!

knowledge should be freely accessible.

privacy is a feature, not a product.

security is a process, not a feature or a product.

performance is a process, not a feature or a product.

contributions must be attributed and or compensated.

have the confidence to make impactful decisions that are selfish, your well-being is more important!

good products fail because of bad marketing, awful products succeed with great marketing.

ghostwriter's GitHub streak ghostwriter's GitHub stats

Recent Releases

State Description
(TAGGED) Release 1.0.0 on ghostwriter/uuid (today)
(TAGGED) Release 11.2.8 on sebastianbergmann/phpunit (3 days ago)
(TAGGED) Release 5.0.2 on ghostwriter/event-dispatcher (6 days ago)
(TAGGED) Release 4.0.2 on ghostwriter/container (1 week ago)
(TAGGED) Release 0.1.0 on ghostwriter/shell (4 weeks ago)
(TAGGED) Release 3.0.0 on ghostwriter/clock (1 month ago)

Recent work

Repo Description
⭐️ (1) ghostwriter/atprotocol [WIP]Bluesky API Client for AT Protocol
⭐️ (1) ghostwriter/testify Testify - Automated test Generation for PHP code.
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/uuid Version 7 UUIDs using a Unix timestamp for PHP
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/coding-standard PHP Coding Standard
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/phormat PHP code formatter.
⭐️ (2) ghostwriter/wip Template for PHP projects
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/compliance [WIP]Compliance Automation for OSS - GitHub Automation Tool - A solution for automated and scheduled execution of workflows via GitHub Action.
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/result Provides a Result type implementation for PHP
⭐️ (1) ghostwriter/shell Execute commands and external programs effortlessly in PHP
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/php Development and Production-ready PHP Images for Docker with Multi-Architecture support
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/filesystem Filesystem implementation for PHP
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/mockery-rector [WIP]Rector extension for Mockery🦜
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/json Type safe JSON encoder and decoder for PHP
⭐️ (2) ghostwriter/http [wip]HTTP Client and Server abstraction for PHP
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/access Provides robust authentication and authorization features for Mezzio and other frameworks, helping you manage user access and security efficiently.
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/config Provides an object that maps configuration keys to values.
⭐️ (2) ghostwriter/option Provides an Option type implementation for PHP
⭐️ (0) BMHVillage/therapists Collection of therapists in Nashville, TN who are Black/African American, as well as therapists serving Black/African American communities. This publicly available information is gathered to support the promotion of healing for ourselves and others. #BlackLivesMatter
⭐️ (2) ghostwriter/collection Provides a Collection implementation for PHP
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/arm Automated Repository Manager (ARM): Seamlessly manage multiple PHP repositories with git, gh, and composer.
⭐️ (1) ghostwriter/syntax [WIP]Lexical Analysis library for PHP (Tokenizer, Lexer, Parser, Generator)
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/environment Provides Environment Variables derived from $_ENV and $_SERVER super-globals
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/phest [WIP] A Property-Based Testing Framework for PHP
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/event-dispatcher Provides an Event Dispatcher implementation for PHP
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/clock Provides an immutable Clock implementation for PHP
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/router [WIP] Router implementation for PHP
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/container Provides a Dependency Injection Service Container for PHP
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/case-converter Convert strings from and to AdaCase, CamelCase, CobolCase, KebabCase, Lowercase, MacroCase, PascalCase, SentenceCase, SnakeCase, TitleCase, TrainCase, and Uppercase
⭐️ (10581) mockery/mockery Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework for use in unit testing with PHPUnit, PHPSpec or any other testing framework. Its core goal is to offer a test double framework with a succinct API capable of clearly defining all possible object operations and interactions using a human readable Domain Specific Language (DSL).
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/git Git abstraction layer written in PHP
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/mzo A tool for writing Mezzio application, design exactly what you need.
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/.github community health files
⭐️ (3) ghostwriter/psalm-sandbox Provides a framework for testing Psalm plugins with PHPUnit
⭐️ (93) rectorphp/rector-src Development repository for Rector
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/psalm-phar-issues-17
⭐️ (2297) php/php-langspec PHP Language Specification
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/curl curl for Github Actions
⭐️ (1) ghostwriter/psalm-plugin Provides an ALL-IN-ONE plugin for Psalm
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/twitch-bank-account twitch-bank-account
⭐️ (38) exodusanto/Laravel-Admin Laravel-Admin is the new version of Laravel-Administrator of Frozennode
⭐️ (9) psalm/ Has the source for
⭐️ (19608) sebastianbergmann/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework.
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/ Redirecting to
⭐️ (19) mezzio/mezzio-hal Hypertext Application Language implementation for PHP and PSR-7
⭐️ (3) ghostwriter/styleci-action Analyze your PHP, JS and CSS code with StyleCI CLI Tool.


showcases my commitment to supporting and empowering developers.








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