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Message Body

Peter Price edited this page May 12, 2023 · 6 revisions

Message Body

Each message is made up of a sequence of MANDATORY and optional fields.

  • The fields always appear in the same order.
  • All the fields except payload are fixed length

Message Fields

<HEADER> <addr0> <addr1> <addr2> <param0> <param1> <OPCODE> <LENGTH> <PAYLOAD> <CHECKSUM>  
<  1   > <  3  > <  3  > <  3  > <  1   > <  1   > <  2   > <  1   > <length > <   1    >  


A Mandatory field.
This single byte field identifies the type of the message and which optional fields are present.
The bits are used as follows <00TTAAPP> where

  • TT specifies the type of the message
    00 RQ
    01 I
    10 W
    11 RP

  • AA specifies which address fields are present
    00 addr0 + addr1 + addr2
    01 addr2
    10 addr0 + addr2
    11 addr0 + addr1

  • PP which params are present PP
    1x Param 0 is present
    x1 Param 1 is present

Addr 0, Addr 1, Addr 2

Optional fields.
The addresses in each message vary with the message function (Opcode)

Each address is specified by 24 bits in 3 bytes.

The 24 bits specify two parts of the address as <ttttttii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii>
tttttt specifies the type or class of device being addressed
ii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiii is the type specific index
These are printed as a pair of decimal values TT:IIIIII

Param 0, Param 1

Optional fields.
Each param is a single byte field.
Param 1 is never seen in Evohome messages.


A mandatory field.
This 2 byte field specifies the type of payload in the message.
Details of the different opcode values can be found in The Evohome Protocol wiki


A mandatory field.
This single byte field specifies the number of bytes present in the following Payload field.


A mandatory field.
A variable length field containing a sequence of bytes. The number of bytes is specified by the preceding Length parameter.
The meaning of the bytes is discussed in The Evohome Protocol wiki


A mandatory field
This single byte field is calculated so that the low order 8 bits of the arithmetic sum of all the message bytes, from header to checksum inclusive, is zero.
i.e. the checksum has the value 0x100 - ( (sum of other bytes) & 0xFF )

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