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This is an MVP web application built on top of React which satisfies the following requirements:

  1. Customers should be able to view the list of the products based on the product categories
  2. Customers should be able to add the products to the shopping cart
  3. Customers should be able to view the products listed on the shopping cart
  4. Customers should be able to remove the products listed on the shopping cart
  5. Customers should be able to checkout shopping cart and continue their transaction to payment

Getting Started


Setup Environment

Execute the following command to setup development environment and installing project dependencies:

$ make setup

It will create symlink from etc/git-pre-push file to .git/hooks/pre-push to execute make test every time you push to upstream.

Setup Database

To setup database, first you have to create a new database in your PostgreSQL server. For example, a database named xen_electronic is created

Then, using golang-migrate, execute the following command:

$ migrate -database 'postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/xen_electronic?sslmode=disable' -path db/migrations up


To install, you need to compile the source first.

$ make build

The compiled binary will be at out/xenelectronic-server path.

Running the server

First, set database connection string through environment variable.

$ export DSN='postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/xen_electronic'

You can also set both host and port where the program will bind to through environment variable or command flag

$ HOST= PORT=9000 ./out/xenelectronic-server


$ ./out/xenelectronic-server --port=9000

To know more about what parameters are available within the program, use command below.

$ ./out/xenelectronic-server --help

Running the frontend

This project uses React for the frontend which is placed under web/ directory.

To run the frontend server, install the dependencies first.

$ cd web
$ npm install

After that, to configure the frontend to connect to local server, you need to set REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL environment variable.

$ REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL=http://localhost:9000 npm start

You can also set it through .env file. For example:


then execute npm start.


A single command to test, build, and run server:

$ make

To serve the frontend:

$ make run-frontend

Running the tests

Execute the following command:

$ make test


A sample server is deployed at Heroku, while the frontend is hosted at Netlify.


To deploy to Heroku, please set the host to to enable Heroku routing the traffic to the server. You can use it by passing environment variable HOST= or command line flag --host=

API Documentation

The API documentation is written using swagger at swagger.yml file. You can view it using swagger tool by executing the following command:

$ swagger serve --flavor=redoc -p 10000 ./swagger.yml

Or, you can also access the embedded documentation here:

API Generation

The server is generated using go-swagger from swagger.yml. To do that, execute the following command:

$ swagger generate server -A xenelectronic -f ./swagger.yml


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


No description, website, or topics provided.







No releases published
