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DLC time fix v7.0

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@gilad-teller gilad-teller released this 04 Mar 10:38

This mod was completely changed. Uninstall any version lower than 4.0.

This mod changes the appearence time of all the vehicles in all DLCs.
I will update it when a new vehicle DLC will be released.
This mod does not affects saved games you already have, only new games.
This mod is fully compatible with the Vehicle realism mod.

Design Classics:
Jubilee Blim - 1962
Livingstone Inauguration - 1953
Arnauld Porte - 1920
Tiergarten Ferry - 1920
Skylark III - 1959

Design Marvels:
Dino Vettore - 1973
Comet Ambienta - 2006
Prospecta Experimental - 2015
Capitol W700 automatic - 1976
Roto-Tec Leopard - 1957

Design Now:
Stern-Berger Mini - 1995
Vagabondo Satellite - 1988
Crescenta T4 Suburbia - 1965 (estimated)
Stingray Cityjet - 1996
Pavlov P-42 - 1968

Design Dreams:
Bergstrom Light - 2001
LI-8 - 1967
Pavlov 677M - 1967
Galaxie Berliner - 1972
Ohm M1 - 1998

Paris Expansion Pack:
Bertrand - 1920
TTS Tramcar - 1985
MF-69 - 1920
Asparagus Thomson - 1967

St. Petersburg Expansion Pack:
ZiA-5 - 1959
ZiA-9G - 1971
ZiA-11E - 1981
Russisch 741 - 2002

London Expansion Pack:
Roadmaster Calassic - 1968
Roadmaster Open Top - 1968
1995 Rolling Stock - 1998

Copy the "" file to the "addons" folder (where you installed the game)
For the steam version it should be C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\cities in motion\addons
For any other version, it should be C:\Program Files\Cities in Motion\addons

Mod created by giladteller.
Gogomaester and ErrantSword for their great advice.
Douglasrac for testing.
And eis_os for making v4.0 possible!