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Don't-Repeat-Yourself Python

Drython is a metaprogramming library for Python. Metaprogramming is writing programs that write programs--a powerful technique for abstracting away repetitive code.

Programmers make abstractions constantly. Functions are abstractions. Classes are abstractions. But sometimes it's not enough. If you find yourself writing boilerplate "design patterns" again and again, then you're not using powerful enough abstractions. You need metaprogramming.


Often, the metaprogramming technique involves creating a miniature domain-specific language (DSL), tailor-fit to the problem at hand. One might think the addition of a DSL makes the program harder to understand, but if it makes the program a tenth as long as it would have been without it, (not unusual), then it's worth it.

Python already includes some metaprogramming facilities. Using decorators to modify functions is a limited example. Using metaclasses to rewrite class declarations is a more powerful example.

But Python has more general metaprogramming capabilities. The secret to metaprogramming is treating code as just another kind of data. (The DRY principle applies to any kind of data, especially the executable kind.)

For example, Python can write text files, including .py files, which it can then import as modules.

Any programming language with access to the filesystem and a compiler could theoretically do this. Python can also create strings, including strings containing Python code, which it can execute with the exec() function. Sometimes this approach is appropriate, indeed, some of the Python standard library (like namedtuple) uses this technique. But manipulating text as Python code can be difficult and error-prone. Compiling text is also rather slow.

Alternatives to text manipulation include manipulation of Python bytecodes (not for the faint of heart), and manipulation of abstract syntax trees using the ast module, which is arcane, but usable:

import ast
print(ast.dump(ast.parse(r'''print("Hello, World!")''')))
# Module(body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='print', ctx=Load()), args=[Str(s='Hello, World!')], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None))])

Reading AST is easier than writing it (malformed AST can segfault CPython), but if it took that much for a simple print('Hello, World!'), you can imagine it gets complex fast. Unfortunately, bytecode and abstract syntax trees are implementation details subject to change between Python versions and implementations.

There's an easier way. Drython provides executable data structures that are both simpler than AST, and are easier to work with than text. Drython specifically avoids using ast and bytecode manipulation, so it's portable across implementations, including CPython2.7/3.1+, PyPy, Jython, and IronPython.

The Statement Module

Can you re-implement a simple if-statement in Python? I mean without writing a text compiler or interpreter, or modifying Python itself? Sure, you don't have to, Python has a perfectly good if statement already, but can you?

A DSL might need a three-way numeric if statement (-/+/0), or something like a switch/case. Yes, you can use the boilerplate cascading-elif pattern instead for any of your complex branching needs, but that's not an abstraction, is it? You have to re-write the logic imitating the switch/case (or what-have-you) every single time. If you can't make a simple if substitute, how can you expect to make more advanced language components you might need for a DSL?

You might not think Python can do it, but it's actually trivial in Smalltalk. "If" isn't a statement in Smalltalk to begin with. It's a method. On the booleans.

result := a > b
    ifTrue:[ 'greater' ]
    ifFalse:[ 'not greater' ]

The := is just an assignment (like Python's =). The a > b part evaluates to either true or false, just like Python. The [] isn't a list; it's a code block. The true boolean has an ifTrue:ifFalse: method that always executes the then-block, but false has a different method with the same name that only executes the else-block. Polymorphic dispatch. Is that cool or what? Yes, ifTrue:iffasle: is one method, not two. An interesting quirk of Smalltalk is that the arguments can go inside of the method name. There are also completely separate ifTrue: and ifFalse: methods that take one argument each.

We can achieve a very similar effect in Python. You can't modify builtins, but a method is just a function that takes the instance as its first argument, which by convention we call self.

result = (lambda self, *, ifTrue=None, ifFalse=None: ifTrue if self else ifFalse)(
a > b,
    ifFalse='not greater',

But there's a problem. This only works on values. What if we want effects?

(lambda self, *, ifTrue=None, ifFalse=None: ifTrue if self else ifFalse)(
a > b,
    ifFalse=print('not greater'),

Clearly, this won't work! It prints both messages, since the print functions get evaluated before the if lambda can do anything about it.

Smalltalk uses the code blocks to prevent evaluation. Too bad Python doesn't have those blocks things, or re-implementing if would be easy. Or does it?

Actually, a code block is just an anonymous function. Python could do something similar with def.

my_if = lambda self, *, ifTrue=None, ifFalse=None: (ifTrue if self else ifFalse)()

def anon_1():

def anon_2():
    print('not greater')

my_if(a > b,

But these functions are passed by name, so they're not really anonymous, are they? The code is also not inside the control "statement" anymore, so it's kind of harder to read.

You could implement ifTrue: as a decorator instead,

>>> iftrue = lambda b: lambda f: f() if b else None
>>> @iftrue(10 > 5)
... def result():
...     print("was true")
...     return "greater"
was true
>>> result

Notice that a decorator doesn't have to return a wrapped function. In this case it called its function to return a string instead of wrapping it. Python's decorators can only take one argument (the function result above), so how could we possibly also pass in a boolean (the expression 10 > 5)? This is possible using a common Python trick: use a factory function (iftrue) to create a new decorator with the arguments already built in--on the fly. That's why there's a double lambda. It's the inner lambda that got the result function. Drython's core module has a decorator decorator to simplify this process:

>>> from drython.core import decorator
>>> @decorator
... def iftrue(block, boolean):
...     if boolean:
...         return block()
>>> @iftrue(10 > 5)
... def result():
...     print("was true")
...     return "greater"
was true
>>> result

But how do you pass in a second function for ifTrue:ifFalse:? Not possible? You actually can do this with decorators, you just need to decorate two functions. But decorators only accept one function, right? Don't forget that decorators also work on classes in Python. Combine the two with a class and decorate that. You don't even need an instance if you get the functions directly from the class dict:

>>> @decorator
... def decr_if(blocks, boolean):
...     blocks = vars(blocks)
...     if boolean:
...         return blocks['iftrue']()
...     else:
...         return blocks['iffalse']()
>>> @decr_if(10 > 5)
... class result:
...     def iftrue():  # no self
...         print("was true")
...         return "greater"
...     def iffalse():
...         print("wasn't true")
...         return "not greater"
was true
>>> result

Decorators are pretty useful.

As an aside, you don't even have to access the function directly from the class dict in Python 3. The function doesn't have any args (no self), so it doesn't get converted to a method (unlike Python 2) so without reassigning blocks you can access raw functions via a dot as normal, like

return blocks.iftrue()

Drython's core module has an attrs class that lets you access a dictionary via dot syntax (like in Lua), so you could also do this in Python 2 if you instead use the line

blocks = attrs(vars(blocks))

You could easily implement the 3-way if like this. But how would you implement a control strucure that takes an arbitrary number of blocks, like switch/case, with decorators? Not so easy, right?

We need real, inline, anonymous functions. Python does have those though, with lambda.

my_if(a > b,
    iftrue=lambda: print('was true'),
    iffalse=lambda: print("wasn't true"),

Much prettier. Too bad lambda only gets one line, or this might actually work.

Actually, with Drython, it does work.

What if you had an expression that contained multiple expressions, and executed them one-by-one in order? Wouldn't lambda be a lot more useful?

You do. It's a tuple. Think of the commas as semicolons and you get the idea.

What if you just want to return the value of the last expression, instead of a tuple of all of them? Declare a tuple and immediately index it. (...)[-1] Drython's do function does exactly this, and also doesn't crash if its args tuple is empty.

>>> from drython.statement import do, Print
>>> my_if = lambda self, iftrue=None, iffalse=None: (iftrue if self else iffalse)()
>>> result = my_if(10 > 5,
...              iftrue=lambda: do(
...                  Print('was true'),
...                  'greater',
...              ),
...              iffalse=lambda: do(
...                  Print("wasn't true"),
...                  'lesser',
...              ),
...          )
was true
>>> result

It's no worse than the decorator version in terms of length, but this version is an expression. That means you can put the whole thing in a function call or a lambda body and it still works, unlike the decorator version, which is made of statements.

A control structure could also take an arbitrary number of lambdas using a *args parameter to make more complex things like a switch/case. This is much more difficult with decorators.

Unfortunately, lambdas in Python can't contain statements, so even with do they can't work as general code bocks, right?

With Drython's statement module, they can.

The statement module contains expression substitutes for every Python reserved word that isn't already an expression or doesn't have an expression equivalent. They work in lambdas. They work in eval. They're pretty handy in Drython's executable data structures, which therefore don't need to handle statement code. This makes them a lot simpler than AST, and therefore easier to use.

Ready to write that three-way if?

You've just learned new metaprogramming abstractions. You can extend Python's syntax without changing the grammar and write your DSL in that. No need to write your own compiler or interpreter, because it's still just Python. Ready for the next step?

The Stack Module

Def, from Drython's stack module, is an alternative way to write anonymous functions. It is an executable data structure in the tradition of stack languages like Forth, Factor, and Joy.

A Stack represents a composition of special functions called stack combinators and their associated data.

Because stack combinators must accept a stack and return a stack, they are easy to combine into new combinators, just by listing them one after another. Combinators execute immediately when pushed on a stack. Typically they pop some arguments off the stack and push the result on the return stack

Any Python callable (Including the statement module's callables!) is interpreted as a stack combinator. By default that takes one iterable off the stack as arguments, and pushes the result.

>>> from drython.stack import Stack
>>> Stack([1,2,3],Print)
1 2 3

Or, if the top element is a mapping, then a default combinator will take the top two elements, using the mapping for the keyword arguments.

>>> Stack([1,2,3],dict(sep='::'),Print)

You can, of course, call a function with no arguments if the iterable on top is empty. An empty mapping is likewise harmless, but the iterable is required.

A callable decorated with @combinator doesn't use this default conversion and must explicitly accept and return a stack object. This gives it access to every item on the stack, but it's rare to use more than the top four, and uncommon to even use four.

Drython's combinator module has many of these nondefault combinators, including all possible stack permutation functions of depth four or less. The code that generates them is an interesting example of Python's string metaprogramming. Check it out.

It's easy to see what stack programs are doing by using Stack.trace. This is just like Stack.push, but it prints every step. Here's an example with the dup and bi combinators

>>> from drython.stack import *; from drython.combinator import *; from operator import mul
>>> Stack(3).trace(dup,bi,mul)  # duplicate, then binary multiply
Stack(3,) << dup
Stack(3, 3) << bi
Stack((3, 3),) << <built-in function mul>

Here, mul is an ordinary Python function with the default interpretation, which is why you need bi to wrap the top two elements.

The Def constructor takes a stack program, that is, a sequence of combinators (and any associated data). The resulting function (a callable instance of Def) uses a stack internally. The internal stack initiallay has the args tuple and kwargs dict (in that order), from the function call. So a call like x(1,2,foo=3) results in Stack((1,2,),{'foo':3}) initially. Then the Def call pushes its combinator sequence onto this argument stack, and returns the top element that results.

You can get at the (1, 2) arguments using the pop combinator (which removes the top element) and the very important Ic (I-combinator), which dumps an iterable's elements on the stack.

>>> Stack((1,2),{'foo':3}).trace(pop,Ic)
Stack((1, 2), {'foo': 3}) << pop
Stack((1, 2),) << Ic
Stack(1, 2)

A nice thing about stack combinators is that you can copy-paste entire phrases and it mostly just works. Only the top of the stack has to match up. We can combine these two traced programs with Def to get a working square function.

>>> square = Def(pop,Ic,dup,bi,mul)
>>> square(4)
>>> square.trace(4)
Stack((4,), {}) << pop
Stack((4,),) << Ic
Stack(4,) << dup
Stack(4, 4) << bi
Stack((4, 4),) << <built-in function mul>
>>> square(7)
>>> square  # unlike an ordinary Python function, the repr is readable.
Def(pop, Ic, dup, bi, <built-in function mul>)
>>> square[0]  # a Def is a type of tuple
>>> square[2:-1]
(dup, bi)

You can create new combinators from phrases of existing combinators (instead of from scratch with @combinator) by using @Phrase

>>> @Phrase(pop,Ic)
... def pic(): """ for starting a simple Def, ignores kwargs and dumps args on the stack"""
>>> @Phrase(bi,mul)
... def mul2(): """ multiples the top two elements and pushes the result. """

Now you can use them in new stack programs

>>> cube = Def(pic,dup,dup,mul2,mul2)
>>> cube(3)
>>> cube
Def(pic, dup, dup, mul2, mul2)

The astute reader may wonder why we've gone back to decorators when we went to so much trouble to make everything an expression. It seems like a step backwards. Shouldn't we make a way to make anonymous functions from phrases from within a stack program?

The @Phrase decorator is just used for phrases with docstrings declared at the top level of a module. You actually already have anonymous function capability: Compose a list of combinators on the stack. That's it. That's your anonymous function. Invoke it with Ic. If you can manipulate lists of combinators programmatically, then you can write stack programs programmatically. This is metaprogramming. Code that writes code.

These lists are a kind of quoted program. Some combinators take such programs as arguments. This is similar to the way Smalltalk takes code blocks, so control structures (and therefore DSLs) can be implemented as combinators in an analogous way. See the ifte combinator in the stack module's companion combinators module for a familiar example.


Tired of writing lambda ...: let(lambda:do(...,Return())) when you just needed an anonymous function? Sure, stack programs are a powerful alternative to lambda, but they can't introduce new variables like lambda can. That sure sounds like a boilerplate code problem. You need better abstractions again.

Wouldn't it be easier if you could write functions that get their arguments unevaluated? Then you wouldn't need to wrap everything in lambdas. Lisp can do it with macros. Python can do it too, with Drython.

An s-expression represents a function call. You create an s-expression instance with a function and its arguments.

>>> from drython.s_expression import S
>>> S(Print, "Hello,", "World!")
S(<built-in function print>,

But the call doesn't happen until you invoke its s_eval() method, at which point it calls s_eval() on all its s-evaluable arguments (typically nested s-expressions), and then applies the function to the results.

With this recursive evaluation and the statement replacements from the statement module, it is possible to write entire programs as nested s-expressions. Think of s-expressions as a simpler kind of abstract syntax trees.

>>> S(Print, S("Hello,".upper), S("World!".lower)).s_eval({})
HELLO, world!

Note the dictionary in the s_eval call. s-expressions have their own scope for delayed evaluation of Symbols. For a module-level s-expression, you might want to pass in the globals(), which will make them available as the equivalent symbol.

>>> from drython.macro import setq
>>> spam = 7
>>> S(Print, S.spam).s_eval(globals())  # S.spam is the same as Symbol('spam')
>>> S(setq, S.spam, 42).s_eval(globals())  # globals() is writable.
>>> spam

You can also use an s-expression as a kind of lambda. Calling one directly will call s_eval with the kwargs dict.

>>> S(Print, S.x, S.y, 3, sep=S.sep)(x=1, y=2, sep=':')

If the s-expression's function is a macro, then it gets any s-evaluable arguments unevaluated, and returns (typically) an s-evaluable for evaluation. In other words, macros can re-write code.

So you can define "if" like this:

def If(boolean, then, Else=None):
    return S(s_eval,
             S((Else, then).__getitem__,

The above macro rewrites the code into an s-expression that indexes a pair (2-tuple) using the test part coerced into a boolean, (remember True == 1 and False == 0 in Python) and then s_evals the selected s-expression.

S-expression macros are a very powerful metaprogramming technique. Especially powerful once you start using macros to write macros. It's Lisp's "secret sauce". And they're great for creating DSLs.

The s-expression module has a companion macros module which includes many useful basic macros to get you started.

The Expression Module

The expression module has a generator expression replacement, and an experimental yield replacement.

Unlike statements, expressions already work in lambdas and eval, so why replace them too?

Besides being easier to use with higher-order functions, the stack and s-expression modules work primarily with function calls, so these substitutes have uses in metaprogramming. In many cases you can use expressions directly anyway, or convert a non-call expression to a call with a lambda, but sometimes you need to manipulate the code of the expression itself, in which case it must be made of calls to begin with.

Direct use acts like a constant in s-expressions (like a Lisp reader macro), since it's evaluated before even macros can get to it.

>>> from core import identity, entuple
>>> from drython.s_expression import S
>>> S(identity,[(x,y) for x in (1,2) for y in 'abc'])()
[(1, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (1, 'c'), (2, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (2, 'c')]

On the other hand, the lambda version is adjustable with arguments at eval time.

>>> S(lambda z:[(x,y) for x in (1,2) for y in z],'abc')()
[(1, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (1, 'c'), (2, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (2, 'c')]

This is the function call version of the above using expression.In

>>> from drython.expression import In
>>> from macro import L1
>>> S(list,
...   S(In,(1,2),S(L1,S.x,
...       S(In,'abc',S(L1,S.y,
...           S(entuple,S(entuple,S.x,S.y)))))))()
[(1, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (1, 'c'), (2, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (2, 'c')]

Why use the function call version when it's so much harder? Besides the new expression.whilst feature, the main advantage here is that you can simplify it with a macro.

>>> from drython.s_expression import macro
>>> @macro
... def genx(expr,*specs):
...     if specs:
...         return S(In,specs[1],S(L1,specs[0],S(genx,expr,*specs[2:])))
...     else:
...         return S(entuple,expr)

Now we've got generator s-expressions with arguments in familiar Python order.

>>> S(list,
...   S(genx, S(entuple, S.x, S.y), S.x, (1, 2), S.y, 'abc'))()
[(1, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (1, 'c'), (2, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (2, 'c')]

A more advanced macro could include Python's other features like if filters and unpacking. But more importantly, since you can metaprogram this, you can add new features in the macro that raw Python lacks, like whilst.


metaprogramming for don't-repeat-yourself Python







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