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This repository holds the code and the catalog used in Brown & Gnedin 2021. The catalog is the cluster_sizes_brown_gnedin_21.txt file here. For a detailed description see the webpage:

The Code

This repository holds all the code used in the paper. I used a makefile to automate everything. See that for a detailed outline of how the pipeline and analysis is done. Note that the makefile is structured so that it can be run with parallel make (e.g. make -j4). The analysis will be parallelized over the fields.

The pipeline directory holds the files that calculate the radius and generate the public catalog. This holds the bulk of the code for this project. and hold the code to do the actual cluster fitting. The analysis directory holds scripts used to generate many of the plots in the paper. The docs folder holds the webpage with the catalog description for hosting with GitHub pages.

Note that I have included the data from the Krumholz, McKee, and Bland-Hawthorn 2019 review as a submodule. If you clone this repository, you'll need a few extra commands to also clone that data. In the repository's directory, run git submodule init then git submodule update.


A catalog of star cluster radii in 31 LEGUS galaxies.




