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Repository files navigation


This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.

Things you may want to cover:

  • Rails version = 5.1.6

  • If downloading to run locally run "bundle install" followed by "rails db:setup"

  • Next run "rails s" to run the server which defaults to localhost 3000.

  • To run tests run "rails t" in the terminal

  • This site is deployed on heroku at:


Reflection: When I began this Ruby on Rails site I had a little experience with RoR but little front end development experience. The database checking ensuring that stocks are unique, are valid tickers, and always save as upper-case took me on a long journey of trial and error with database and model specifications. I also gained valuable experience with the front-end design aspect of development. It was a process that I found both frustrating and rewarding, depending on the problem I was working to solve. I learned how to use CSS and Bootstrap to create a passable page structure. Additionally I became more practiced at using different HTML tags and embedded ruby to accomplish specific UI improvements. As can be seen on the individual stock view I had a little bit of fun with inserting images that added to the user experience. I hope you have enjoyed interacting with this site. Click the image link on this page at your own risk (although it is perfectly safe)!