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Server API

Josh Feinsilber edited this page Jul 12, 2019 · 5 revisions

Creating A Server

To create a Blueboat server, you must provide

  • An Express app instance
  • Redis Config (Redis used to scale Blueboat across multiple servers)


import Express from 'express'
import { Server, MemoryStorage, EventEmitterPubSub } from 'blueboat'

const expressApp = Express()
const server = new Server({
  app: expressApp,
  storage: MemoryStorage(),
  pubsub: EventEmiiterPubSub(),
  redis: {
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 6379,
    password: ''
  admins: { admin: 'password' }

Server Options

key type required
app Express.App true
storage Storage true
pubsub PubSub true
redis RedisOptions true
admins Object true
adapters SocketIO.Adapter[] false
customRoomIdGenerator (roomName: string, options?: any) => string false

You can run a Blueboat game server alongside serving an API or webpages by routing other requests via Express.

Register Room Handler

Within Blueboat, you can register multiple types of Rooms for clients to create and join.


key type required
roomName string true
handler Room true
options Object false


server.registerRoom("Trivia", TriviaRoom)

// With custom options
server.registerRoom("Trivia-Bonus-Points", TriviaRoom, {bonusMultiplier: 2})

Start Server

Will start the Game Server on a specific port



// With callback
server.listen(4000, () => console.log("Server running on port 4000"))


To force the game server to shutdown gracefully. Will dispose and clean all rooms that process is handling.


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