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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 27, 2023. It is now read-only.

Flexible PostCSS config that combines useful plugins like Autoprefixer, CSSNano, SVGO, Inline SVG, Custom Media, etc. It offers granular control instead of postcss-preset-env.



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PostCSS Config

⚠️ The project will no longer be updated, but I am here to help with any concerns.

Flexible PostCSS config that combines useful plugins like Autoprefixer, CSSNano, SVGO, Inline SVG, Custom Media, etc. It offers granular control instead of postcss-preset-env.

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Install the PostCSS config and save them to your package.json devDependencies:

npm add --save-dev @giotramu/postcss-config


Create a postcss.config.cjs file in the root of your project and grab the configuration from the node_modules folder like so:

module.exports = require('@giotramu/postcss-config')

Standard config

The config bundles together the following plugins:

You can inspect the source code of the standard config.

Extend the config

Install all your favourite PostCSS plugins and save them to your package.json as devDependencies. Now you can extend the standard PostCSS config, but remember that the plugins execution order is top-down:

// postcss.config.cjs

module.exports = require('@giotramu/postcss-config/extends')([
      importFrom: 'path/to/file.css'
  ['autoprefixer', false],
      preset: [
          svgo: false

By design, the behaviour of the extends API is overwriting the existing array values completely rather than concatenating them.

Disable plugins

You can disable and not load a single or a bunch of plugins by setting them to false:

// postcss.config.cjs

// Disable a single plugin
module.exports = require('@giotramu/postcss-config/extends')([
  ['autoprefixer', false]

// Turn off multiple plugins
module.exports = require('@giotramu/postcss-config/extends')([
  ['postcss-custom-media', false],
  ['autoprefixer', false],
  ['cssnano', false]


You can pass the following options:

Option Type Default
browsers string[] Browserslist
debug boolean false
sourceMap boolean or 'inline' undefined
syntax PostCSS syntax interface undefined
// postcss.config.cjs

const options = {
  debug: true,
  browsers: ['> 1%', 'IE 10'],
  sourceMap: 'inline'

// The standard way
module.exports = require('@giotramu/postcss-config')(options)

// With extends API
module.exports = require('@giotramu/postcss-config/extends')([...], options)

Browsers support

PostCSS config is dispatched with a default browserslist query, used by the cssnano and autoprefixer plugins:

last 2 versions
not ie <= 11
not op_mini all
not dead
not < 0.5%

You can change the query when you need. An example:

// postcss.config.cjs

const browsers = ['> 1%', 'IE 10']

// The standard way
module.exports = require('@giotramu/postcss-config')({ browsers })

// With extends API
module.exports = require('@giotramu/postcss-config/extends')(['Your plugin'], {

Advanced usage

It's possible to pass a context and decide which configuration to load:

NODE_ENV=development npm run dev
// postcss.config.cjs

module.exports = ctx =>
  ctx.env === 'development'
    ? require('@giotramu/postcss-config/extends')(
          ['autoprefixer', false],
          ['cssnano', false]
        { sourceMap: 'inline' }
    : require('@giotramu/postcss-config')({ sourceMap: false })


Thanks to the following projects for their contributions:


Apache License 2.0


Flexible PostCSS config that combines useful plugins like Autoprefixer, CSSNano, SVGO, Inline SVG, Custom Media, etc. It offers granular control instead of postcss-preset-env.





