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Luigi Pertoldi edited this page Oct 27, 2017 · 9 revisions

The GERDA network in the INFN computing cloud AreaPadovana

The purpose of this wiki is to integrate the official documentation for the Area Padovana Cloud and provide some use instructions for the batch system configured within the GERDA project. Always refer to the official documentation for any missing information and for a preliminary overview of the cloud.

The relevant running instances are:

  • gerda-master: the master node virtual machine (vm) that has life/death power on the slave instances (via the elastiq daemon), named with i-<vm_id>, and distributes the jobs over the network (via HTCondor).
  • nfs+docker-server: a vm which acts as a nfs-server and docker-hub for the whole network
  • i-<vm_id>: slave vms controlled by the master node

Provide user access to vms

The LDAP server for authentication is already configured in all the instances (and generally in the public images with Padova in their name), therefore to enable access for user with existing INFN credentials just do:

  • Add the following line to /etc/passwd:
  • Apply the changes with nscd -i passwd
  • Create /home/user with the correct permissions:
    $ sudo mkdir -p /home/user
    $ sudo chown user /home/user
    $ sudo chgrp utenti /home/user
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