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This repository will contain projects AVR related.

Each project is contained in a directory of its own and in order to
compile it you can

 $ cd <project name>
 $ make upload

It's possible to install the dependencies using the
following command in a Debian-like sistem

 # apt-get install gcc-avr binutils-avr avr-libc

In the libraries/ directory are contained some routines very useful
to AVR projects. Are intended to be incluede in your source code
and not linked since it's very likely that the F_CPU or MCU values are
different from what you expect at compile time.

It's also possible to flash into Arduino this code (not all code will work)
using the ``PROGRAMMER`` variable:

    $ make PROGRAMMER=arduino

if not indicated will use the ``buspirate``. Obvioulsy the code must set the ``MCU``
and ``F_CPU`` accordingly.