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Your one-stop-shop for embedding a Twitter widget into your wiki. Unless you choose a different way to do it.


Download and extract the files in a directory called "WikiTwidget" in your extensions/ folder.

Add the following code to your LocalSettings.php (at the bottom)

require_once( "$IP/extensions/WikiTwidget/WikiTwidget.php" );

Navigate to Special:Version on your wiki to verify that the extension has been successfully installed.

Configuration parameters

To use WikiTwidget, you need to create a Twitter widget first. Twitter will generate some code that looks like this:

<a class="twitter-timeline" href="" data-widget-id="123345678901234567890">Tweets by @mycooltwittername</a>
<script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+"://";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");</script>

To insert this widget into the page, copy the a tag but do not include the text "Tweets by..." or the close tag. You should have some code like this:

<a class="twitter-timeline" href="" data-widget-id="123345678901234567890">

Remove the a at the start of the tag and replace it with wikitwidget, and add a slash before the final ">".

<wikitwidget class="twitter-timeline" href="" data-widget-id="123345678901234567890" />

Insert this tag into the page, and voilà! You can enjoy your embedded Twitter feed on your wiki.

Further customization options can be specified when creating the widget; see the developer documentation on Twitter timelines for more information. Valid widget attributes added to the wikitwidget tag will be transferred to the finished widget. Valid tags are:

  • data-theme (the theme of the widget): light or dark
  • data-link-color (link colour): specify as a hex code, e.g. #00ff99
  • data-border-color (border colour): hex code
  • data-chrome (widget appearance): add as many of the following as desired, separated by a space:
    • noheader - removes the header
    • nofooter - removes footer and Tweet box
    • noborders - hides all borders in and around the widget
    • noscrollbar - hides main timeline scrollbar
    • transparent - no background colour
  • width (widget width in pixels)
  • height (widget height in pixels)
  • lang (language)
  • data-tweet-limit (the number of tweets displayed in a timeline; widget will not update with this option on): between 1 and 20
  • data-related (suggest other tweeps to follow)
  • data-aria-polite (settings for users with assistive technology): polite or assertive


WikiTwidget is an extremely simple extension; all it does is convert a wikitwidget tag into an a tag, and add some javascript to the page. WikiTwidget does some very minimal checking of parameters, and will throw up an error if something looks obviously wrong, e.g. if the data-widget-id value is not numerical. Invalid attributes (listed in the section above) are ignored.

The Twitter widget itself created using javascript, so the symptoms of something being amiss will generally be that in place of a widget, you'll see a link saying "Tweets from username" (or "Tweets about ...", "Favourite tweets by ..."). Check that the data-widget-id value is correct, that javascript is enabled in your browser, and that you don't have a browser plugin like Ghostery blocking content from another domain.

Wiki Compatibility

WikiTwidget uses ResourceLoader, which was introduced in MW 1.17. WikiTwidget has been tested and runs successfully on wikis running 1.19.2, 1.21, 1.22, and 1.23.

Change Log

v0.3.2, Feb 2015:

  • Fixed issues with Widget script not running when page is loaded from the parser cache.
  • Closed an XSS vector in the extension.
  • Made link text translatable.
  • Cleaned up code and fixed a few minor bugs.

v0.3.1, Jan 2015:

  • Updated WikiTwidget javascript to use the latest code from Twitter. Incorporates code changes from MediaWiki Gerrit. Tested on MW 1.25alpha using mediawiki-vagrant.


  • Updated WikiTwidget to use the latest code and settings from Twitter


  • Removed support for settings in LocalSettings.php
  • Added code to generate an appropriate link tag for favourites, lists, and searches.

To Do

  • Change percent-encoded characters into the actual characters
  • Allow pasting of whole link from Twitter inside the wikitwidget tag?

Please email comments, questions, or bug reports to amelia.ireland at


DEPRECATED! Embed a Twitter widget into a wiki.






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