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pmiossec edited this page Apr 5, 2013 · 45 revisions

git-tfs is a two-way bridge between TFS and git, similar to git-svn. It fetches TFS commits into a git repository, and lets you push your updates back to TFS.

The most recent version is 0.17.1. See change history for details.

If you're having problems, check out the troubleshooting page.

Get git-tfs

Either download a binary, use Chocolatey or build from source:

git clone git://
cd git-tfs
msbuild GitTfs.sln
set PATH=%PATH%;%cd%\GitTfs\bin\Debug

The last step adds git-tfs.exe to your path. If you download a package, you'll need to complete this step, too.

Use git-tfs

git tfs clone http://tfs:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection $/some_project
# wait for a while, or, if you're impatient:
git tfs quick-clone http://tfs:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection $/some_project
cd some_project
git log # shows your TF history, unless you did quick-clone
tf history # error: no workspace
# do work, just using git
git tfs fetch # gets latest from TFS to the branch tfs/default
git tfs shelve MY_AWESOME_CHANGES # to shelve your changes
# or commit on TFS :
git tfs rcheckin

git-tfs is designed to work outside of any existing TFS workspaces.

Available commands / options

This is the complete list of commands in the master branch on github.

Repository setup

Pull from TFS

Push to TFS



If you contribute patches, please set core.autocrlf to true. (git config core.autocrlf true)

Contributions are always welcome. For more information about contributing, please see Contributing page.

More information

Check out the README.


If you're migrating a TFS server from 2008 or 2005 to 2010, you might want to Specify Alternate TFS URLs.

If you have questions or suggestions about how we could improve git-tfs you could go to google group.

Example of setting up central git repository that tracks TFS automatically.

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