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This is a Go library package module for managing Microsoft Azure resource and security objects. Please review to better understand what is meant here by resource and security objects. Essentially this is a library that provides basic MSAL authentication and token creation to allow principals to call the two primary Azure APIs, the Azure Resource Managment (ARM) API and the MS Graph API. Other APIs could be added in the future.

Getting Started

  1. Any program wanting to use this library module can simply import it, then instantiate a variable of type maz.Bundle to manage the interaction. For example:
import (
z := maz.Bundle{
    ConfDir:      "",                   // Set up later, see example below
    CredsFile:    "credentials.yaml",
    TokenFile:    "accessTokens.json",
    TenantId:     "",
    ClientId:     "",
    ClientSecret: "",
    Interactive:  false,
    Username:     "",
    AuthorityUrl: "",                   // Set up later with maz.ConstAuthUrl + z.TenantId (see const block in maz.go)
    MgToken:      "",                   // Set up below 4 later with function maz.SetupApiTokens()
    MgHeaders:    map[string]string{},
    AzToken:      "",
    AzHeaders:    map[string]string{},  
// Then update the variables within the Bundle, to set up configuration directory
z.ConfDir = filepath.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), "." + prgname)
if utl.FileNotExist(z.ConfDir) {
    if err := os.Mkdir(z.ConfDir, 0700); err != nil {
  1. Then call maz.SetupInterativeLogin(z) or maz.SetupAutomatedLogin(z) to setup the credentials file accordingly.
  2. Then call z := maz.SetupApiTokens(*z) to acquire the respective API tokens, web headers, and other variables.
  3. Now call whatever MS Graph and Azure Resource API functions you want by passing and using the z variables, with its z.mgHeaders and/or z.azHeaders attributes, and so on.

Login Credentials

There are four (4) different ways to set up the login credentials to use this library module. All four ways required three (3) special attributes:

# Type Method Details
1 Interactive Config file Set up attributes via ~/.maz/credentials.yaml file
2 Interactive Environment variables Set up attributes via environment variables (OVERIDES config file)
3 Automated Config file Set up attributes via ~/.maz/credentials.yaml file
4 Automated Environment variables Set up attributes via environment variables (OVERIDES config file)
  1. Interactive via config file: The calling utility sets up a way to allow setting up the ~/.maz/credentials.yaml file with the 3 special attributes. For example, the azm CLI utility does this via the -id switch, to Set up MSAL interactive browser popup login:
    azm -id 3f050090-20b0-40a0-a060-c05060104010
    Above will populate the ~/.maz/credentials.yaml file as follows:
    tenant_id: 3f050090-20b0-40a0-a060-c05060104010
    interactive: true
    From then on the azm utility will use above credentials to interact with the maz library to perform all its functions.
  2. Interactive via environment variables: The calling utility will instead use the os.Getenv("VAR") function to look for the following 3 special environment variables:
    Above values take precedence and OVERIDE any existing config ~/.maz/credentials.yaml file values.
  3. Automated via config file: The calling utility sets up a way to allow setting up the ~/.maz/credentials.yaml file with the 3 special attributes. For example, the azm CLI utility does this via the -id switch, to Set up MSAL automated ClientId + Secret login:
    azm -id 3f050090-20b0-40a0-a060-c05060104010 f1110121-7111-4171-a181-e1614131e181 ACB8c~HdLejfQGiHeI9LUKgNOODPQRISNTmVLX_i
    Above will populate the ~/.maz/credentials.yaml file as follows:
    tenant_id: 3f050090-20b0-40a0-a060-c05060104010
    client_id: f1110121-7111-4171-a181-e1614131e181
    client_secret: ACB8c~HdLejfQGiHeI9LUKgNOODPQRISNTmVLX_i
    From then on the azm utility will use above credentials to interact with the maz library to perform all its functions.
  4. Automated via environment variables: The calling utility will instead use the os.Getenv("VAR") function to look for the following 3 special environment variables
    Above values take precedence and OVERIDE any existing config ~/.maz/credentials.yaml file values.

The benefit of using environment variables is to be able to override an existing credentials.yaml file, and to specify different credentials, as well as being able to use different credentials from different shell sessions on the same host. They also allow utilities written with this library to be used in continuous delivery and other types of automation.

NOTE: If all four MAZ_USERNAME, MAZ_INTERACTIVE, MAZ_CLIENT_ID, and MAZ_CLIENT_SECRET are properly define, then precedence is given to the Username Interactive login. To force a ClientID ClientSecret login via environment variables, you must ensure the first two are unset in the current shell.


TODO: List of all available functions?

  • maz.SetupInterativeLogin: This functions allows you to set up the~/.maz/credentials.yaml file for interactive Azure login.
  • ...


Microsoft Azure resource and security objects library




