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                      The mini-httpd Web Server

Compiling the software should be pretty straight forward, as long as you have a
moderately up-to-date C++ compiler. GNU gcc 3.x or later should work just fine.
Note, though, that in order to build, mini-httpd needs the Boost.Spirit library.
You can get the latest version from <>. Chances are good
that your system's package manager can install Boost for you, since the library
is becoming fairly popular among C++ programmers and most distributions support
it already.

If you don't want to install Boost just because of mini-httpd, just copy the
header files somewhere mini-httpd can find them during the build. mini-httpd
does not need the compiled libraries, just the headers.

Once you're ready, just do the usual

    ./configure --prefix=/path/of/your/choice
    make install

routine to install the software. More details on how to run configure can be
found in the file INSTALL.

GNU gcc users may want to enable the template optimizer to produce much smaller
binaries by passing the '-frepo' flag via configure like this:

    ./configure CPPFLAGS=-DNDEBUG CFLAGS=-O3 CXXFLAGS='-O3 -frepo' LDFLAGS='-s -frepo'

The non-standard configure flag '--with-debug' compiles various debug messages
into the binary. Debugging can be enabled or disabled at run-time, but the
resulting is going to be a bit larger than one compiled without debugging

All further documentation can be found in mini-httpd's manual page. If you want
to read to without installing the software fist, run this command:

    man ./httpd.8

That's it. Have fun. :-)