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NumCosmo is a numerical cosmology library. It contains a comprehensive set of tools for calculating cosmology observables and to analyze statistical models.

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The library is written in C, but since it uses the GObject framework, it is developed in a object oriented fashion. Additionally, it has automatic bindings for every language which supports GObject introspection (Perl, Python, etc. For a complete list see ).

The available observables objects are:

  • Type Ia Supernovae
  • Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
  • Cosmic Microwave Background
  • Cluster number counts
  • Cluster pseudo number counts
  • Hubble data H(z)

Currently it has the following statistical tools:

  • Monte Carlo (NcmFitMC) -- resampling and fitting.
  • Monte Carlo Bootstrap (NcmFitMCBS) -- resampling/bootstraping and fitting.
  • Markov Chain Monte Carlo -- MCMC with the Metropolis-Hastings sampler, it supports general samplers through transtion kernel object NcmMSetTransKern.
  • Ensemble Sampler MCMC -- Ensemble Markov Chain Monte Carlo consists in every point of the MCMC chain being a emsemble of points in the parameter space. It implements an affine invariant move method (stretch move).

All methods above generate a catalog using the NcmMSetCatalog which provide a unified way to analyze the results. Besides, the use of a catalog provides the support for restarting the algorithms from a previous crash or to extend the precision.


The Savannah project page can be found here. The NumCosmo homepage is here, it contains the documentation and some examples.

Building from repository:

To build from a release package, for which the configure script is ready, run:

  • ./configure (--help to see options)
  • make
  • make install (optional step)

To build from the git repository, run:

For a generic installation instructions, see INSTALL.

The requirements below can be found on most Linux distribution, see here for a list of packages names for some distributions.

A pre-compiled version of NumCosmo can be found here


Optional packages: