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gitagogaming edited this page Aug 24, 2021 · 1 revision

Stream Extras Plugin - Created for Touchportal

                      This plugin is able to retrieve the following info below from any channel, including your own.                
                                     These actions could prove useful in a variety of ways.
        - Welcome your viewers by sending them a custom welcome message when they chat in your stream.
        - Stream Shout-outs when a person raids you, display their avatar + username + most recent video for others to watch etc.. 
        - Let viewers know whom you are raiding and all their info.
        - Allow your viewers could also use these commands in order to retrieve certain info about theirselves or others.
        - Draw Random Viewers Name and then display their Avatar + Total Followers + Video Link and give them a random shoutout
        - etc

Plugin Settings / Options

  • Twitch ID  = Your Twitch Name
  • Youtube ID = Your Youtube ID
  • Wait    = Time in-between welcome message queue

You can find your Youtube ID by visiting Youtube Advanced Settings

Will add some more info here soon

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