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drifting edited this page Apr 19, 2024 · 17 revisions

virus4spread virus distribution model-simulation

This project was holded, after I was pointed out to following:

None of those three imaginary states (Latency, Infectious, Immunity) describe in any manner any real physical/biological system.
Contagions doesn't work that way (like petri dishes reductionism).

For the most part viruses are already ubiquitous at very low prevalence.
All viruses are beneficial at different levels of expression/prevalence. Same as bacteria.
Only when the dynamical system loses its capacity for information transfer, pathogenic viruses proliferate causing harm.
They are important components of the ecosystem that have a necessary biological function, such as building networks for the transmission of information in this system.

An attempt to DR Clare Craig's hypothesis about airborne virus contagion -> Book Expired.

To investigate annually recurring waves from the momentum of a chaotic system, and study or play with it's dynamics.
Since the linear sientific SIR model used, seems to differ from reality.

So what is special about this simulation? Most other simulations already assume the droplet theory, this one does not.

For certain parameters, a damped oscillation results solely from the internal properties of this simple model.
Provided that the code is free of errors?
Whether the model can explain the recurring waves, would have to be investigated by real measurements or experiments.
As soon as I slow down the movement of the people, the big oscillations disappear.

It is possible to save and open the configuration as an xml file.
The diagrams can be saved as a bitmap with the right mouse button.
Or the plot data can be exported and saved to a CSV file.
For some parameters, such as colors, the application must be closed and reopened for the change to take effect.

Forked from virus3spread and implemented a very simple virus reproduction and immune system.
Better code readability, Nuget dependencies removed, source of Nuget packages included

Only two Nuget dependencies of Scotplot remaining:

  • System.Drawing.Common 4.7.2
  • System.Numerics.Vectors 4.5.0

Everything else is in the Source Code! Binarys much smaller about 2 MB.
Rendering changed from SkiaSharp Library to Fast Bitmap for less overhad.

Performance To Doos
When using a large 3000x3000 raster field or a large number of viruses/humans, the APP no longer responds.
Performance optimisation
Long initial loading time when initializing FastBitmap with a large grid field.