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From: Johannes Schindelin <>

We query `TIOCGWINSZ` in Git to determine the correct value for
`COLUMNS`, and then set that environment variable.

If `TIOCGWINSZ` is not available, we fall back to the hard-coded value
80 _and still_ set the environment variable.

On Windows this is a problem. The reason is that Git for
Windows uses a version of `less` that relies on the MSYS2 runtime to
interact with the pseudo terminal (typically inside a MinTTY window,
which is also aware of the MSYS2 runtime). Both MinTTY and `less.exe`
interact with that pseudo terminal via `ioctl()` calls (which the MSYS2
runtime emulates even if there is no such thing on Windows).
Since, `less` prefers
the `COLUMNS` variable over asking ncurses itself.

But `git.exe` itself is _not_ aware of the MSYS2 runtime, or for that
matter of that pseudo terminal, and has no way to call `ioctl()` or

Therefore, `git.exe` will fall back to hard-coding 80 columns, no matter
what the actual terminal size is.

But `less.exe` is totally able to interact with the MSYS2 runtime and
would not actually require Git's help (which actually makes things
worse here). So let's not override `COLUMNS` on Windows.

Let's just not set `COLUMNS` unless we managed to query the actual value
from the terminal.

This fixes

Co-authored-by: Junio C Hamano <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>

Assets 2