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File metadata and controls

123 lines (74 loc) · 6.16 KB


freno serves requests via HTTP. Requests/responses are short enough that HTTP does not incur a substantial overhead. freno listens on configuration's "ListenPort".

Client/automated requests should use HEAD requests, and manual/human requests may use GET requests. Both variations return the same HTTP status codes.

'check' requests

The check request is the one important question freno must answer: "may this app write to this datastore?"

For example in /check/archive/mysql/main1 the archive app wishes to write to the main1 MySQL cluster.

freno answers by choosing an appropriate HTTP status code, as follows:

Status codes

  • 200 (OK): Application may write to data store
  • 404 (Not Found): Unknown metric name.
  • 417 (Expectation Failed): Requesting application is explicitly forbidden to write.
  • 429 (Too Many Requests): Do not write. A normal state indicating the store's state does not meet expected threshold.
  • 500 (Internal Server Error): Internal error. Do not write.


  • Clients should only proceed to write on status code 200.
  • 404 (Not Found) can be seen when metric name is incorrect, undefined, or if the server is not the leader or was just promoted and didn't get the chance to collect data yet.
  • 417 (Expectation Failed) results from a user/admin telling freno to reject requests from certain apps
  • 429 (Too Many Requests) is just a normal "do not write" response, and is a frequent response if the store is busy.
  • 500 (Internal Server Error) can happen if the node just started, or otherwise freno met an unexpected error. Try a GET (more informative) request or search the logs.


freno supports the following:

Client requests

  • /check/<app>/<store-type>/<store-name>: the most important request: may app write to a backend store?

    • <app> can be any name, does not need to be pre-defined
    • mysql is the only supported <store-type> at this time
    • <store-name> must be defined in the configuration file
    • Example: /check/archive/mysql/main1

Control requests

  • /throttle-app/<app-name>/ttl/<ttlMinutes>/ratio/<ratio>: refuse partial/complete access to an app for a limited amount of time. Examples:

    • /throttle-app/archive/ttl/30/ratio/1: completely refuse /check/archive/* requests for a duration of 30 minutes
    • /throttle-app/archive/ttl/30/ratio/0.9: mostly refuse /check/archive/* requests for a duration of 30 minutes. On average (random dice roll), 9 out of 10 requests (i.e. 90%) will be denied, and one approved.
    • /throttle-app/archive/ttl/30/ratio/0.5: refuse 50% of /check/archive/* requests for a duration of 30 minutes
  • /throttle-app/<app-name>/ttl/<ttlMinutes>:

    • If app is already throttled, modify TTL portion only, without changing the ratio.
    • If app is not already throttled, fully throttle for a duration of 1 hour (ratio is implicitly 1).
  • /throttle-app/<app-name>/ratio/<ratio>:

    • If app is already throttled, modify ratio portion only, without changing the TTL.
    • If app is not already throttled, throttle with given ratio, for a duration of 1 hour.
  • /throttle-app/<app-name>: refuse access to an app for 1 hour.

    Same as calling /throttle-app/<app-name>/ttl/60/ratio/1. Provided as convenience endpoint.

  • /unthrottle-app/<app-name>: remove any imposed throttling constraint from given app. Example:

    /unthrottle-app/archive will re-allow the archive app to get valid response from /check/archive/* requests.

    Throttling will of course still consider cluster status, which is never overridden.

  • /throttled-apps: list currently throttled apps.

  • /recent-apps/<lastMinutes>: list app/host that have /checked freno in the past given minutes. Example:

    • /recent-apps/30 show which apps from which hosts have issued check requests in the past 30 minutes
  • /recent-apps: no time limit; freno keeps up to 24h of check requests.

General requests

  • /lb-check: returns HTTP 200. Indicates the node is alive
  • /leader-check: returns HTTP 200 when the node is the raft leader, or 404 otherwise.
  • /hostname: node host name

Specialized requests

  • /check-read/<app>/<store-type>/<store-name>/<threshold>: a specialized check to see whether current value is lower than given threshold.

    As an example, consider /check-read/archive/mysql/main1/2.5. This checks whether the current mysql/main1 store's value is smaller than or equals to 2.5. The store's configured threshold value is ignored and not tested in this check.

    This read-check should not be used to approve writes. Writes should only be approved by using the /check request.

    However this check is known to be useful, at least in one common scenario: a monitoring of a MySQL cluster based on replication lag. In such case, we may have write requests followed by read requests. We may happen to know the elapsed time between write & read. As an example, say 2.5s have passed between the write and read. The check /check-read/archive/mysql/main1/2.5 confirms or denies that relevant replicas are up-to-date for the 2.5s elapsed time. We can therefore read from the replicas and safely expect to find the data we wrote 2.5s ago on the master.

Other requests

  • /help: show all supported request paths

  • /config/memcache: show the memcache configuration used, so freno clients can use it to implement more efficient read strategies.

GET method

GET and HEAD respond with same status codes. But GET requests compute and return additional data. Automated requests should not be interested in this data; the status code is what should guide the clients. However humans or manual requests may benefit from extra information supplied by the GET request.

For example:

A GET request for http://my.freno.service:9777/check/archive/mysql/main1 may yield with:

    "StatusCode": 200,
    "Message": "",
    "Value": 0.430933,
    "Threshold": 1

Extra info such as the threshold or actual replication lag value is irrelevant for automated requests, which should just know whether they're allowed to proceed or not. For humans this is beneficial input.